"Yingzi, take care of Doudou, I'll go in."

After Chen Tiezhu finished speaking, he went straight into the house.

Now he didn't care about avoiding suspicion. Maybe today there would be two dead bodies.

"Teacher Chen, what should we do? Why don't we send him to the county hospital?" Fang Zhiyong said in a panic.

"How can it be too late? Two feet or one foot?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Let me see, two feet, two feet." Fang Zhiyong said.

"Doctor Fang, how about putting small shoes on the child's feet? Will he be able to walk out by himself?" said an aunt who was helping.

This is also a superstitious saying in rural areas when encountering difficult labor. Chen Tiezhu didn't blame her. After all, people nowadays know too little about medical knowledge.

"Save, save the child, don't worry about me." At this time, Li Tongda's wife said weakly.

Listening to her words, everyone fell silent.

This is a problem that is often encountered, and it is also a very difficult problem to make a decision.

In fact, giving birth in this year is really going through the gates of hell. Take Erdaoling Village for example, there are many things that happened during childbirth.

"Why are you worrying about this? You are still trying to save the child. Who told you that it has reached that stage? If you don't care, the child will die." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Director Fang, take a closer look to see if the umbilical cord is exposed. Is the cervix fully dilated? It's not a big deal. Find a flashlight so that you can see more clearly."

"I'll take another look."

Fang Zhiyong responded and hurried to check.

This look is not a big deal. I was really a little panicked just now. I didn't notice that the umbilical cord was really wrapped around the child's legs. Now it is only exposed a little.

"Chen, Teacher Chen, the umbilical cord is wrapped." After checking, Fang Zhiyong became even more panicked.

As a doctor, he certainly knows how dangerous it is now, not only for the child, but also for the adult.

If the umbilical cord is wrapped, if it is not compressed, the child will suffocate and die within a few minutes. If the child dies, what about the adult? It will also be very dangerous.

Chen Tiezhu gritted his teeth, "No gloves, right? Wash my hands thoroughly with disinfectant."

There was no other way, so he had to bite the bullet.

He was also a surgeon, but he had only performed cesarean sections in emergency situations, and had never dealt with a situation like this.

If Li Tongda's wife were to undergo a cesarean section now, under such conditions, she would have a very high chance of dying from postoperative complications.

"Aunt, don't think about anything else, I'm a doctor now." Chen Tiezhu looked at Li Tongda's mother and said.

"Tongda's wife, don't panic. When I tell you to push, you push. It's not a big deal, today is a happy day."

He could only comfort her like this now, after all, if the parturient gave up hope herself, it would bring greater obstacles to the birth.

"Tiezhu, no matter what you say, you have to save both of them." Li Tongda's mother said, wiping her tears.

"Auntie, don't worry, I'm very good at bone setting. Although it seems to have nothing to do with giving birth, it's actually the same. Old Fang, is that the truth?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Ah? Oh, that's the truth, that's the truth."

Fang Zhiyong, who was disinfecting his hands, reacted and lied along with him.

Now he really had no other choice but to put his hope on Chen Tiezhu.

After disinfecting his hands, Chen Tiezhu also sat on the stool.

The two little feet of the child exposed outside have now changed color.

This is dangerous, the umbilical cord must have been pressed.

"Tongda wife, don't think about anything now, just relax. Wait until I tell you to push hard, then you push hard." Chen Tiezhu said after grabbing the baby's feet.


Li Tongda's wife responded.

For her, there is not much strength left now.

Chen Tiezhu was now focused, carefully feeling the baby's physical condition, holding the baby's hand and gently turning it.

He didn't dare to use too much force, otherwise the baby's legs might be broken by him. The force must not be too small, otherwise it would not work.

After working hard for half a minute, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The baby's rapid heartbeat, which he felt, slowly returned to normal, and the symptoms of umbilical cord compression should be relieved.

"Teacher Chen..."

Seeing Chen Tiezhu stop, Fang Zhiyong called softly.

"The compression of the umbilical cord has been relieved. I have to think about how to turn it to get it out of the way." After Chen Tiezhu finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

One minute

Two minutes

Two minutes is not a long time, but it is a long time for both the people in the room and the people waiting outside.kind of torment.

"Tongda wife, I have already grasped the basic situation." Chen Tiezhu spoke.

"I will turn the baby in a while. There will be some pulling pain. You bear it for a while. When I say to push hard, you push hard."

"Well..., Tiezhu, thank you." Li Tongda's wife said weakly.

Chen Tiezhu did not delay any longer, grabbed the child's feet and turned gently.

The method he used now was the complete traction of the breech position. Even in the future, it was not often used, mostly in emergency situations like today.

After all, in the future, anyone with some conditions would do a good prenatal examination and be able to detect the fetal position early. Caesarean section can also be used to avoid these risks.

But now is not as good as in the future. After Li Tongda's wife got pregnant, she must have never had a prenatal examination.

Who in the countryside does this?

Turning carefully, carefully feeling the friction between the child's legs and the umbilical cord.

Even he began to sweat on his penis.

Fang Zhiyong, who was standing next to him, quickly picked up the gauze and wiped it on his penis.

"Push harder."

Chen Tiezhu shouted at this time.

When Li Tongda's wife exerted force, he also took advantage of the situation to pull it out.

Most of the baby's legs were exposed.

"Good, good, it's out."

Li Tongda's mother shouted happily.

The people who were listening outside were also very happy.

Chen Tiezhu knew that the next moment was the most critical moment.

Then he turned slowly and tried to adjust the baby's position.

"Push harder"

"Okay, okay, slow down. I'll call three, one, two, three..."

"Okay, just a little bit more, one, two, three..."

"The baby's bottom has come out, just one or two more and it'll be done. One, two, three..."

"It's born, it's a daughter. Lao Fang, take care of the umbilical cord."

"Tiezhu, why is the baby's body so blue?"

"There's no movement, Tiezhu, what should we do?"

Listening to the voices coming from the house, the hearts of the people outside also tightened.

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