Although Chen Tiezhu is not a fisherman, he can show off such a big fish.

Especially the black fish stick with half of its tail dangling outside the water bucket. Just looking at this half, you can tell how thick and heavy it is.

"Dad, stew it."

Back home, Chen Tiezhu just took out the black fish stick, and Doudou pinched his waist and issued an order.

"Hahaha, it really makes you angry. Don't worry, Dad will make it unable to see the sun at noon." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"Why?" Doudou squeezed into his arms and asked curiously.

"Because by then it will have entered Doudou's little belly." Chen Tiezhu said, tapping Doudou's little belly.


Doudou, who was itchy all over, was so happy that he ran out again.

"Divide these fish and send them over." Han Xiuying said.

"It's OK to divide them, but I still have to clean them up. What should I do?" Chen Tiezhu said.

"Why are you so annoying? Can I go? I'm just lazy." Han Xiuying scolded him again, and then went to the house to get a small basin.

Chen Tiezhu really didn't curse the tempered version of Director Han.

But now his mind is not on this, he is more or less used to it. What he cares more about are the small fish and river shrimps under the water bucket.

Among these small fish, the only ones he can recognize are wheat ear fish.

The largest one is about the size of his little finger, and many of them are very slender. He was very careful when he fished from the water bucket, afraid of leaving a small fish behind.

"You just want to play, why don't you pretend to be a crucian carp." Han Xiuying came out and saw that he was only busy fiddling with small fish and shrimps, and she was furious.

Fang Zhiyong, who was tired of picking up soybeans and was about to come out to see the excitement, turned around quickly.

It's a minefield outside, and Director Han has become a nagging wife again.

These two are really something. Why are they still wasting time on getting married?

"Hey, it'll be done soon. In fact, you don't have to pretend for others. Just call them over to eat and take them home." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Doudou, go and call Grandpa Jianguo, Grandpa Shulin and Second Grandpa to come to the house for dinner. And tell Grandpa Jianguo to take some raw mustard greens."


Doudou responded happily and ran out with his short legs.

"You only know how to order Doudou around." Han Xiuying muttered.

"Yingzi, now that we have black fish sticks, do we still make crucian carp stewed with tofu?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Why are you asking me? I can't cook." Han Xiuying rolled her eyes at him.

"Just stew one fish, and fry the crucian carp after cleaning it. Then you have to fry some small fish paste. What about these small river shrimps? Do you want to fry them with paste?"

"No, I plan to coat these small river shrimps with paste and fry them dry, just right for drinking." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Isn't that perfect? ​​Four dishes, and then you can make a soup. Do you want to warm up the wine first?" Han Xiuying asked casually.

"Okay, let's do as you say. Do you think we should use rice or sorghum rice?" Chen Tiezhu asked again.

"Let's cook some rice. Although we eat sorghum rice porridge very smoothly, it's for entertaining guests after all." Han Xiuying thought for a while and said.

"I have to say that it's Director Han who solved the problem that I was worried about for a long time in an instant." Chen Tiezhu gave a thumbs up.

"Dexing, don't forget to add fire to the fermentation tank and turn the pile. If it's not completely fermented in one day, it's not considered a success." Han Xiuying instructed.

"And don't be so sloppy. This is the coat that Brother Li gave you. You can't wear it for everything, right? I'll take the torn one and put it on, and then wipe the sleeves for you."

"Well, I was so worried about the small fish that I forgot about this." Chen Tiezhu could only grin.

At this moment, he felt that he was surrounded by happiness.

"Director Fang, don't pick up the soybeans. Aren't you going to make a small incision or something? There are so many crucian carps here, you come and clean them up." Han Xiuying shouted as she walked into the house.

"Oh, right away."

Fang Zhiyong responded and ran out.

But he didn't dare to delay, Director Han's aura was too strong.

Han Xiuying didn't care, and came out with the torn military coat. Chen Tiezhu outside had already taken off the one on his body.

"Your hands still smell like fish. Stretch out your arms and I'll put it on for you." Han Xiuying took the coat and criticized Chen Tiezhu again.

This man is serious and responsible except when cooking. He is careless at other times.

"Oh my God, you, you..., what's wrong with you?"

Just givingChen Tiezhu was getting dressed when Li Yinglin's voice came from the gate.

"Hey? Old Li, why are you here? Where's the guduzi?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Wang Lifeng is investigating a case, so I decided to come and see the famous young leader of our Erdaoling Village. But what are you doing? Isn't it too fast?" Li Yinglin asked vigilantly.

It's no wonder that he is so vigilant, it's really because of Han Xiuying's current outfit.

The big flowered cotton pants and the little red jacket are so well matched, and now she is very considerate to put on the coat for Chen Tiezhu, how can he not think deeply about it?

Isn't this too fast?

How should he explain to the old leader?

"What are you thinking about? I can't keep wearing the clothes in the bureau. They will be dirty from the smoke and fire. I'll go wash the rice and cook."

Han Xiuying rolled her eyes at Li Yinglin, put on Chen Tiezhu's coat in a hurry, and slapped him on the back before walking back.

"Brother Li, I have to criticize you a little. Yingzi and I have a pure revolutionary friendship." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

Li Yinglin curled his lips, "Okay, you are pure, that's good. I'll suggest to Director Hu that I supervise instead."

"That won't work. Whoever should supervise should supervise. See? Small fish, small river shrimp, and big black fish sticks, this lunch is okay, right?" Chen Tiezhu hurriedly changed the subject.

"Hehe, I just felt that I had to come here today. Look, how can this luck be so good." Li Yinglin was also happy.

"You come here every day, and you're lucky every day. He doesn't study anything else, just food and drink." Han Xiuying in the room added.

"Director Han, it's not true. Teacher Chen also gave me new directions in appendicitis surgery techniques."

Fang Zhiyong, who came out, felt it necessary to say something for Chen Tiezhu.

"You, if he sells you, you have to count the money for him. Hurry up and clean up the crucian carp. It still needs to be marinated for a while." Han Xiuying said.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Fang Zhiyong nodded hurriedly, then sat down by the basin and started to clean up.

Li Yinglin was dumbfounded. Xiuying was definitely the head of the family.

What happened in the past two days?

"Why are you looking at me like that? What did you just say about the famous Shaobatou? What's wrong?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

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