After everything was packed up, Chen Tiezhu also brought a bucket of mountain spring water disguised as space water, and came to Qiao Shulin's house.

To be honest, he really couldn't wait.

He was not a proper cook, but he did one thing right, just like making delicious meals for Doudou and Han Xiuying.

Especially when he saw them eating happily, he felt almost like he was rescuing a patient on the operating table.

"Uncle Shulin, you guys eat first, I'll light the stove." Chen Tiezhu greeted.

"Okay, you do it yourself."

Qiao Shulin shouted through the window.

He didn't treat Chen Tiezhu as an outsider.

The blacksmith's bellows couldn't be moved, and the stove couldn't be tinkered with by outsiders.

"Dad, do you think we can grill meat here?"

After the fire started, Doudou asked curiously.

"Look, you've led Doudou astray, thinking only of eating." Han Xiuying said unhappily.

"Doudou, the fire is too strong, the meat will be burnt. If you want to eat something, you still have to use charcoal fire to roast it, it will taste better."

"Isn't that all fire?" Doudou frowned.

"Should I say it, my eldest daughter's suggestion is very constructive. When there's a chance, Dad will weld a grill, and then we can roast some meat properly." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Yeah, roast meat." Doudou nodded happily.

In fact, she didn't care what kind of fire it was, as long as there was roast meat.

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Chen Tiezhu put the knives to be quenched, including the kitchen knife that Qiao Shulin took from his house, on it.

"Ah..., I feel like I'm not doing my job properly every day." Han Xiuying sighed.

"Other comrades are working in the unit, and I am here to eat, drink and have fun. I have to hurry to the provincial capital, and I have to go back to the unit to help after I am done."

"That won't do. How can I grow mushrooms without you?" Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"Why do you always look at me?" Han Xiuying glared at him.

"How can I not look at you? Is it rabbit stewed with radish or chicken stewed with mushrooms today?" Chen Tiezhu asked casually.

"Rabbit stewed with radish, radish is better than rabbit meat..., why are you so annoying." Han Xiuying, who made the choice casually, was very worried.

Am I really lazy? What should I do?

Chen Tiezhu was left with only happiness, that's right.

"Dad, are you still going to make sparks today?" Doudou asked again.

"Not today, today's process is called quenching and tempering, and the rest is to sharpen the blade." Chen Tiezhu said.

"When there's a chance, Dad will also make a furnace and a small iron bull. Then maybe he can make some knives and sell them for money to buy meat for Doudou."

"Yeah, that's fine."

The little girl nodded her head seriously.

"Good boy, you're still not picky." Chen Tiezhu happily kissed her little face, which had already had some flesh.

Doudou shook her little body, but did not hide. Instead, she rubbed her little cheeks on his beard.

The father and daughter played and quarreled, but it did not delay the iron burning.

With Chen Tiezhu's strong support, it didn't take long for the blade to burn red.

"This bellows is as good as a hair dryer." Qiao Shulin, who came out, sighed.

"By the way, Uncle Shulin, why don't you make a hair dryer? That would save a lot of trouble." Chen Tiezhu said.

"There's not much work, why waste that money? Let's start quenching now. Too high a temperature won't work." Qiao Shulin said with a smile.

"Uncle Shulin, what temperature should it be?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Uh..., I can't say for sure. Anyway, no one told me what temperature it was when I was learning, I just looked at it myself. Like the cherry red color now, it's the right temperature." Qiao Shulin said after a pause.

"That's experience, I don't have that level." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

This thing really doesn't work.

He has no problem forging iron, because he has strength in his hands and accurate eyes. But what about quenching and tempering? This requires the accumulation of experience.

It's very easy for Qiao Shulin to do it.

Clamp the knife with the fire tongs and put the blade into the sink. Steam rises, which is about ten seconds, and then it is clamped out to carefully observe the quenched blade.

"It's amazing. I've been forging iron for so many years, but this is the first time I've seen such a good quenching." Qiao Shulin said in surprise.

"Haha, mountain spring water is still powerful." Chen Tiezhu said nonsense.

"Well... maybe." Qiao Shulin said hesitantly.

"It may also be because you hammered fast enough and didn't heat it so many times, so the quenching quality is so good now. Look, outsideIt's so smooth, as if it has been tempered and polished. "

To be honest, he has been a blacksmith for most of his life, and he has never encountered such a situation.

In the past, when quenching, there would be some residues on the outer layer caused by rapid cooling, but this time there was no trace of it.

"I guess your quenching skills are still good." Chen Tiezhu praised.

He knew what was going on. With such a magical effect, it must be the space water that made a miracle.

Anyway, he just looked at the feeling of the blade. It only needs simple polishing to become a very reliable bone chopping knife.

Qiao Shulin put the bone chopping knife on the edge of the stove and clamped the dagger.

The dagger is heated throughout, so it was put into the sink.

This time, the mist was even bigger. After picking it up, Qiao Shulin couldn't wait to check it out.

"Good, good knife."

Qiao Shulin said with emotion after looking carefully.

"Uncle Shulin, I don't see what's good about it. "Han Xiuying took a look and said curiously.

"Look at the lines on the blade and the blade, they are integrated. I have been a blacksmith for so many years, but I have never made such a good knife." Qiao Shulin said with emotion.

"That's because Uncle Shulin is willing to use good materials for me." Chen Tiezhu hurriedly covered up.

He also reminded himself in his heart that when there are outsiders in the future, the space water really can't be used indiscriminately. This thing is too overbearing.

Even when he looked at this unfinished dagger, he felt a chill.

Since his rebirth, his senses have been very sensitive. This dagger is obviously very unusual.

Qiao Shulin continued to quench and then sighed.

Chen Tiezhu was also very worried.

Fortunately, there are not many things to forge, otherwise he doesn't know how to cover up.

"The tempering can't be too hot, one or two hours is enough. This is the handle left for you, and the hole in the middle has been scalded. You can get some fish glue to dissolve, pour it in, and insert it into the handle. "

Qiao Shulin took out a few slightly rough handles.

"Uncle Qiao, you have great craftsmanship. Is this made of peach wood?" Chen Tiezhu took it and said with great interest.

"Yes, there are a few pieces, just in time for you to use them." Qiao Shulin said with a smile.

"By the way, although you love hunting, it's best not to go to Erdaoling. Just play on Toudaoling, Erdaoling is too dangerous."

"Yes, I know, there are many big animals on it." Chen Tiezhu said casually, still looking at the handle.

"That's not the case. Erdaoling is evil." Qiao Shulin said after a slight hesitation, and looked at Han Xiuying cautiously.

Chen Tiezhu looked at him in surprise, "Anything else?"

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