The next morning, when Chen Tiezhu got up, he saw his precious daughter sleeping soundly.

The heating in the room was very warm, and the little girl was so hot that she raised her hands in surrender.

But why are there still little feet kicking on her belly?

Chen Tiezhu was amused when he lifted the quilt and took a look.

Doudou's upper body was lying properly. But her little butt was twisted, and her two little feet were placed precisely on her belly.

Sure enough, you can only lift the quilt to see the child's real sleeping position.

At this time, Doudou also woke up, raised her hand to rub her eyes, and yawned cutely.

The little body arched and arched, and directly arched into his arms.

"Little greedy cat, are you awake?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"I'm awake. Dad, what do you want to eat?" Doudou asked dazedly.

"What to eat? That's the question. We can eat whatever Doudou wants to eat." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Can we eat the unicorn baby?" Doudou asked.

"Good fellow, you don't order easily, and it's a feast." Chen Tiezhu was happy.

"It depends on whether there is a chance. If not, Dad will go home and catch a flying dragon and stew it for you. It is also one of the eight delicacies."

"Yes, catch a flying dragon, stew it and drink the soup." The little guy nodded seriously.

Chen Tiezhu was helpless. Did he really lead his daughter astray on the road of greed?

Just after taking Doudou to clean up, Han Xiuying also rushed over.

But Chen Tiezhu felt that Han Xiuying was a little different today than usual.

"What are you staring at."

The girl was a little embarrassed by his staring.

"Why do I feel that you seem to be more beautiful than usual?" Chen Tiezhu asked in confusion.

"Oh, can't you take Doudou to eat quickly? Then we can go directly to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences." Han Xiuying said unhappily.

"This is also a serious matter. Why did you become more beautiful after not seeing each other for a night?" Chen Tiezhu was very inquisitive and looked closely.

"What are you looking at? She just put on a little makeup." Han Xiuying quickly pushed him aside.

"Hey, I'm talking about it. Yingzi today is a little different from Yingzi before." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Doudou, let's go to the cafeteria to eat."

Han Xiuying ignored him and picked up Doudou directly.

"Sister Yingzi, why do you smell so good?" Doudou asked curiously, and put his little nose close to her and sniffed it several times.

"Let me smell it too. I thought it was an illusion just now."

Chen Tiezhu also put his nose close to her without any hesitation.

Han Xiuying hurriedly ran out with Doudou in her arms, determined not to give this guy a chance to take advantage.

She knew very well that this guy's shameless spirit could really stick his nose to her face.

It should be said that the guesthouse Han Xiuying found was indeed very high-end. Breakfast not only had steamed buns, steamed buns and noodles, but also salted duck eggs and poached eggs.

In the future, this is not a precious thing. But in this era, it is also a high-end configuration.

Especially for Doudou, it was the first time to eat salted duck eggs, and he ate two duck egg yolks in one breath. By the way, he also gave an order to Chen Tiezhu to make this fragrant egg that was still oily when he poked it when he got home.

"Yingzi, how was the spicy dish?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"It's not bad." Han Xiuying said casually.

The real situation is that this spicy dish is well received. But you can't tell this guy, otherwise he will really be proud.

"Didn't our mother say when she would see me?" Chen Tiezhu added.

"Go away, eat quickly."

Han Xiuying decided not to treat this guy well anymore.

But she also knew that Chen Tiezhu's thick skin was useless.

After a hearty breakfast, Chen Tiezhu was hit by a few more punches and finished thirteen fried eggs.

If it weren't for Han Xiuying's sharp eyes, he would have to make up to fifteen.

"Huh? Xiao Huang, what are you doing here?"

As soon as I came outside, I saw Huang Wenxuan standing next to the big Crown.

"Xiuying, I just went home. Auntie said you came here, and I pushed all the work away today." Huang Wenxuan ignored him and said to Han Xiuying.

"What does it have to do with us if you don't work hard? Yingzi still has to take me to play happily today." Chen Tiezhu spoke again.

Huang Wenxuan looked at him with amusement, "It is important for people to know themselves. It is better not to have some unrealistic ideas."

The subtext is obvious, you country toad want to eat swan meat?

"Yes, how come you don't have any self-awareness? No one likes you, why are you still getting close to them? " Chen Tiezhu said righteously.

"Xiuying, you haven't been home for a long time. My mother invites you to have dinner at home today." Huang Wenxuan looked at Han Xiuying and released his killer move.

After he said that, Han Xiuying really hesitated.

After all, the two families are related for three generations. It is really hard to refuse Huang Wenxuan's mother's solemn invitation.

"Yingzi, you are not at home, Doudou can't eat."

Just when she was still struggling, Chen Tiezhu grabbed her arm and started shaking it.

This action made Huang Wenxuan's eyes widen and his mouth open.

How can a person be so shameless?

"Let go." Han Xiuying glared at him.

"No, you have to accompany Doudou for dinner, otherwise Doudou won't eat. "Chen Tiezhu continued to shake.

Doudou frowned. When did he say he didn't want to eat dinner? He had to eat even if there was no meat. How could he not eat?

"Oh, let's talk about it later. Let's go to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences first." Han Xiuying was really at her wit's end.

Chen Tiezhu looked at Huang Wenxuan triumphantly. In the second match, he had gained a crushing advantage again.

"Huang Wenxuan, tell your aunt. I'm a little tight on time to come back this time. I have a task on hand. It's really hard to stagger the time." Han Xiuying said.

"It doesn't matter. We can prepare first. You can go there when you have time." Huang Wenxuan said.

"You have such a bad idea. Now that you've said that, Yingzi has to go there no matter how late she's busy. How can you be so sinister. "Chen Tiezhu directly exposed Huang Wenxuan's thoughts.

Huang Wenxuan was really about to go crazy. Xu You are so shameless, can't you let me use some tricks?

"Yingzi, in fact, I won't prepare anything extra. My mother knows that you like to eat dumplings, so I plan to make some tonight." Huang Wenxuan calmed down and continued.

Chen Tiezhu frowned slightly. There was something wrong with Huang Wenxuan. He was being so shameless here now, and it seemed that he was not just trying to get Yingzi to go with him to eat?

"Huang Wenxuan, I really can't say it today. It's too troublesome for Auntie to prepare for nothing. "Han Xiuying said tactfully.

She really didn't want to go. No matter how much she loved dumplings, she wouldn't miss that meal.

"Beep beep..., creak..."

Just then, a 212 jeep drove over with a honking sound, and stopped beside them with a creak.

Chen Tiezhu subconsciously blocked Han Xiuying behind him.

The car door opened, and a big man in military uniform walked out of the car.

The big man who could completely fit Chen Tiezhu in a military coat was two meters tall.

The look in his eyes when he looked at Chen Tiezhu was a little unfriendly.

And Chen Tiezhu also noticed the faint smile at the corner of Huang Cangying's mouth.

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