"You've finally got it, this car is really new."

The next morning, Li Yinglin, who came to the county with him, looked at the 212 Jeep and said with emotion.

"I looked at the file, it's only been five months since I bought it." Jiang Chaoyang also said sourly.

"Why are you jealous? I bought it with my blood." Chen Tiezhu said hurriedly.

"Chen San is so unlucky. He usually takes good care of this car." Jiang Chaoyang said.

"I was just going to teach you a lesson this time, but who would have thought that a car accident would happen and make you angry. It's really a loss of both the wife and the army. Are you really not going to care about Zhang Guangming?"

"Why should I worry about him? Let Chen San teach him a lesson first, and then I will teach him." Chen Tiezhu said indifferently.

"Master, please check it again. I can't repair the car, but I can drive it. And that, add what needs to be added and replace what needs to be replaced, just fix it as it is."

"Don't worry, this car is the same as a new one." The repairman said with a smile.

"But you have to learn to repair the car. The cars we make ourselves are still inferior to foreign cars. Sometimes they are bumpy and sometimes they break down."

"Tiezhu, I can repair the car. When you don't drive it often..."

"Go away, this car is the fifth most important in my family." Chen Tiezhu interrupted Li Yinglin.

"Why is it the fifth?" Han Zhenwen asked curiously.

"The first two must be Doudou and Xiuying, the third and fourth should be Goushengzi and Mihudan, and this car is the fifth." Jiang Chaoyang said with a smile.

"No, my future brother-in-law can't even be ranked fifth?" Han Zhenwen said a little depressed.

"You too, you're a grown man, why are you fussing over a car?" Chen Tiezhu rolled his eyes at him.

"Well, call Yingzi later. You can go back home often. What's the point of staying in the provincial capital? Come back early."

"Oh..., I can't even compare to the car, how can I be so capable." Han Zhenwen stretched out his voice.

"You're so petty, you'll be fifth and it'll be sixth in the future, are you satisfied?" Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Hehe, that's about right." Han Zhenwen laughed.

Jiang Chaoyang and Li Yinglin shook their heads helplessly. It's hard to say what Han Zhenwen will become in the future if he follows Chen Tiezhu.

After all the renovations were completed, he went to the vehicle management office to take a photo and get a driver's license under the leadership of Jiang Chaoyang, and that was considered a job.

Is it easy to get things done with someone in the court? After all, there was no driving school in the county at that time.

Normally, enterprises and institutions will issue a letter of introduction and train you at the vehicle management office. After completing the series of theoretical training, car repairs, and driving, you can get a driver's license only after you pass them.

For many people, it takes at least one year, and at most two or three years. That is common.

Otherwise, why are drivers so valuable now? It is true that a single step on the accelerator is worth a fortune.

"Tiezhu, joking aside, we have to make a deal. Don't cause trouble in the village again." On the way home, Li Yinglin said seriously.

"Don't worry, although I have an unsolvable knot with the Zhang family, I will not take the initiative to bully them." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Take Zhang Guangming's case this time, it all depends on his family's attitude. I can't be bullied for nothing, right? No matter what he thought at the beginning, we have to see the consequences, right?"

"If his family is reasonable and willing to lower their heads, I will just let them go. If they insist on sticking their necks out to me, do you think I can avoid tormenting them?"

"That makes sense, but you also have to pay attention to the methods and ways." Li Yinglin said.

"After all, you still have to focus on growing mushrooms. If you grow them well, you will not only be rich, but also your fellow villagers in Erdaoling."

"This is a great deed. Our fellow villagers are really having a hard time now. Just like the old Zhang family you want to help, if they had one more way to make a living, they wouldn't have ended up like that."

"And I think this is definitely not an isolated case. Other families must have had it, but we just don't know about it. With money in your pocket, you won't be worried."

"It doesn't matter if you have some extra money in your pocket, you can live a smoother life. Isn't that the truth?"

"Comrade Lao Li, what are you going to do? Are you thinking about the position of deputy mayor?" Chen Tiezhu asked in confusion.

"Nonsense. I'm too lazy to even go back to the county, how can I think about this?" Li Yinglin rolled his eyes at him.

"I've been to many villages in the town and seen more things than you. In fact, many cases,In the final analysis, it's all because of poverty."

"It was the second day after you went to the provincial capital, right? The wife of a family in Zaotuozi chopped off the head of her husband with an axe while he was drunk and asleep."

"Back then, because the family was poor, they gave two bags of corn and married the wife home. The husband was not a decent person, and he often beat her and had an affair outside."

"You said that life was better, would you send your daughter to such a family for two bags of corn? Wouldn't this kind of tragedy have happened?"

"That makes sense." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

The hardship of rural life nowadays is not just superficial, it is really hard.

We talked and chatted along the way and returned to the village.

"Brother Baoshan, what are you doing? Let me know if you need a car in the future. We have a car now. ”

When he met his fellow villagers, Chen Tiezhu greeted them warmly.

“Wow, Tiezhu, where did you get this? A brand new jeep. It must have cost a lot of money, right?” Brother Baoshan asked curiously.

“A friend gave it to me. I’m going home first.” Chen Tiezhu said happily, and then drove slowly.

He didn’t even roll back the glass of the car window, just to make it easier to greet people.

He was showing off, he was a real car owner.

If it was in the past, the villagers in the village would hardly pay attention to him. But now it’s different, they all sincerely share this joy with him.

“Brother Li, is Brother Chen such a person?” Han Zhenwen asked with a wry smile.

“You’ll know after a long time, he’s just so out of tune. How about we take Doudou home first? I always think walking is faster than taking a car.” Li Yinglin said helplessly.

“What are you talking about? We’re sharing joy. Do you still want to eat the stewed rabbit?" Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

Both of them curled their lips.

Can't we just stop talking? The stewed rabbit must be eaten.

It must be said that Chen Tiezhu has a new jeep, which has indeed caused a sensation in Erdaoling Village.

A jeep is not just a motor vehicle, but also because of the value of motor vehicles in this era.

The Zhang family is so powerful, but it is nothing more than a four-wheeled vehicle and a motorcycle.

Compared with Tiezhu's jeep, it is really far behind.

And this is actually the real intention of Chen Tiezhu to show off.

Although he will not go to the Zhang family to bully them, he still needs a little stimulation.

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