"Mayor Ma, I'll be down right away."

Han Xiuying responded to Chen Tiezhu's hesitant look, and glared at Chen Tiezhu before entering the mushroom shed.

"Old Li, am I right or not? How did our Yingzi become Mayor Han?" Chen Tiezhu asked pitifully, holding Li Yinglin's hand.

"I thought you knew it a long time ago, and I just found out today." Li Yinglin said.

"Brother, I can only bless you silently here. Just say that our Yingzi is a leader? How much of a general? It's not an exaggeration to say that she is powerful and decisive."

When he said this, he couldn't help it, and laughed so hard that he fell backwards, making others laugh.

Chen Tiezhu looked at him with resentment, and turned his head to look at Han Zhenwen.

"Don't look at me, I've been staying at your house all the time." Han Zhenwen said hurriedly.

The fact that his sister became Mayor Han was a big shock to him.

The villagers of Erdaoling Village were as confused as Chen Tiezhu.

Everyone was familiar with Yingzi, who was wearing big flowered cotton pants and a little red cotton jacket, but Mayor Han was really unfamiliar.

"Tiezhu, this..."

"Uncle Jianguo, don't ask me, I'm confused too." Before He Jianguo finished speaking, Chen Tiezhu grinned.

Such a change of identity was indeed a bit big for him.

"Tiezhu, come here, we're going to inoculate the bacteria soon, I'll explain it to you." At this time, Professor Xu climbed up the ladder and called out.

"Hey, I'm here." Chen Tiezhu hurriedly responded and ran over.

Although there were light bulbs in the mushroom house, the light inside was not that bright.

But even so, when he wanted to continue to get close to Han Xiuying, she glared back at him.

"Tiezhu, let me tell you about our inoculation method." Professor Xu said.

"Because we use bacterial liquid for inoculation, there are two main methods. One is spraying and the other is injection."

"The advantage of the spraying method is that it is sprayed more evenly. But the disadvantage is also obvious. The bacterial liquid is often blocked by the upper material of the culture medium and cannot take root smoothly."

"The advantage of the injection method is that it can avoid this risk and save the time of bacterial fermentation. But the disadvantage is also obvious, and the requirements for the culture medium are very high."

"Because if it is inside, there is not enough oxygen, the bacterial ball cannot ferment, and naturally it cannot grow smoothly. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, just use this syringe?" Chen Tiezhu nodded hurriedly.

In fact, I was a little distracted just now, and my eyes kept glancing at Han Xiuying.

"This is what I am going to talk about next, and it is also very important." Professor Xu said seriously.

"When we inoculate, we usually require it to be done in a sterile environment, but this is very difficult. So we have to settle for the second best, and we can only work hard on the equipment."

"Whether it is spray inoculation or injection inoculation, the equipment must be sterile. Otherwise, if there is contamination, these strains are likely to be useless."

"Professor Xu, after these mushrooms are successfully inoculated, how long will it take before we can pick mushrooms for sale? We can also master it in advance." Han Xiuying asked.

"Normally, it takes about seven days of dark cultivation, which means that the light in the mushroom house should not be too strong. After the mycelium germinates during this time, when it reaches about four centimeters, it can be cultivated in the next step." Professor Xu said with a smile.

"The entire growth cycle is basically 50 to 60 days after inoculation, and then it can be put on the market for sale. Although Tiezhu's mushroom house is not very large, the space is well utilized."

"And there is space on both sides of each row of shelves, which will be very convenient for daily care and future picking. It's really good, beyond my expectations."

"Hehe, in fact, I didn't think it would be so good at the time. Mayor Han gave us a lot of valuable suggestions when he was supervising." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile, and looked at Han Xiuying legitimately.

"It's really good, the little mushrooms may become our golden eggs." Ma Zhanhua said with emotion.

"Comrade Chen Tiezhu, the funds in the town are indeed tight, and I'm afraid I can't give you more support here, but this is not a reason for me to make excuses."

"If you encounter any difficulties here, we will do our best to help solve them. Mayor Han just came, and he also handled the mushroom planting matter with you in the early stage, so Mayor Han's main job in the future will be this matter."

"Mayor Han, I know this burden is heavy. Because we have alwaysI have never done this before, but I still have to let you take charge. I am afraid that others will mess it up and ruin it again."

"Leader, don't worry." Han Xiuying nodded seriously.

"Leader, don't worry. I respect both the former Director Han and the current Mayor Han. As long as Mayor Han says something, I will resolutely implement it." Chen Tiezhu also straightened his chest and smuggled some private goods.

"Okay, okay. Professor Xu, let's start the vaccination. It's called vaccination, right? If the province hadn't set Comrade Chen Tiezhu's project as a pilot, I wouldn't have known about it." Ma Zhanhua said with a smile.

"Leader, since you are here, let's do this floor below. Let's see what Professor Xu has done, and try it on one bed." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"That won't work. How can I do this? If it's ruined again, what can I do if mushrooms don't grow. "Ma Zhanhua said hurriedly.

"Leader, I'm right to pick on you when you say that. We're all doing it for the first time, what are you afraid of? You can't be afraid that I'll get caught up in your joy, you have to do it." Chen Tiezhu said.

Han Xiuying on the side rolled her eyes obscurely, this guy is the best at flattering.

"Although I know you're complimenting me on purpose, I really like to hear this." Ma Zhanhua was also happy.

"Anyway, I'll give it a try. In fact, I'm really curious, this thing looks quite interesting. Professor Xu, you give us a sample first."


Professor Xu smiled and nodded, then took a syringe and sucked a tube of the prepared bacterial solution, and then injected it on the culture medium.

In fact, this job is very easy to do, just pay attention to the depth.

There's no need to worry about the needle being contaminated, just change the needle after injecting one tube.

"Leader, do you think you can keep Mayor Han for today? Professor Xu, there are still some equipment that needs to be coordinated. "

After the injection of this bed, Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

Professor Xu was stunned. Is this true? Then can't we just wait for the arrangement? Do we still need to coordinate?

"Of course we have to stay, but Mayor Han has to trouble us. This is a pilot project that the province is paying attention to. We must keep detailed records." Ma Zhanhua said seriously and blinked at Chen Tiezhu.

Others don't know what's going on, but he has a rough guess in his heart.

Especially after coming here in person today, he is almost certain.

"Thank you for your concern for us."

Chen Tiezhu hurriedly followed up with a smile.

This is the leader, with excellent observation skills.

On the contrary, Han Xiuying felt a little aggrieved, as if she had been sold out again.

She glared at Chen Tiezhu and said she would settle the score with him later.

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