"Get lost, it's working time now." Han Xiuying glared at him, and then looked around with a guilty conscience.

She felt relieved when she found that everyone's attention was now on the mushroom house.

Chen Tiezhu was a little proud.

Didn't he get away with it?

What if he was the mayor? He could easily take him down with a combo.

"Yingzi, I'm going to prepare lunch. Today is a big day. It's not to celebrate your return, but don't think too much. I'm just happy that we're starting to grow mushrooms."

Chen Tiezhu shouted loudly, and then walked home with his hands behind his back, so cool.

Han Xiuying was so angry, what are you yelling for?

Didn't you see how everyone was looking at her?

Now she has a little regret that she should have told this guy earlier, and now it's his revenge.

But she didn't know that this was the beginning of her suffering.

"Yingzi, do you want to have sorghum rice or rice for lunch?"

"Yingzi, should we cut the sauerkraut wider or thinner?"

"Yingzi, should we stew it in a big pot or a hot pot?"

"Yingzi, should we use sticks or corn to make the fire?"



Chen Tiezhu is always quiet, and he will come out to ask a question at any time.

Han Xiuying really can't help it, "Hold it."

After stuffing Doudou directly into Li Yinglin's arms, he walked into the outer room with a heroic and proud look, and closed the back door.

After about ten minutes, the back door opened, and Han Xiuying walked out refreshed.

This guy deserves to be punished, and he will be angry if he is not punished.

"Tiezhu is the same. He always plays with the girl when he has nothing to do."

"Sister-in-law, you don't understand this, do you? It's different now than it was back then."

"It's true. Back then, we would blush if we looked at each other for a second."

"How great, they are a perfect match. Tiezhu is also quite handsome, and he is still capable now."


The scattered words drifted into Han Xiuying's ears with the wind, making her very worried.

She wanted to turn around and teach Chen Tiezhu a lesson.

How could everyone think like this?

"By the way, Xiuying, what do your family think about your transfer this time?" Li Yinglin asked.

"What else can they think? I guess they are looking forward to it. They finally got me out of the police station." Han Xiuying pouted.

"I think it's good. At least you have more time now." Li Yinglin said.

"But the situation in the town is also very complicated. Our mayor Ma is actually a good person, but he has a bad temper. This is the main reason why he has not been promoted in these years."

Han Xiuying nodded, "I did some homework after receiving the news yesterday, but I didn't expect the local situation to be so complicated. No matter what, I just do my job well."

"Don't worry, if there is anything you don't understand, just ask Tiezhu. This kid, don't look at him talking about this and that all the time, he has a lot of work in his head." Li Yinglin said.

"I get annoyed just looking at him. If it weren't for him, would I be like this?" Han Xiuying said angrily.

"In the past, I could at least go to the gun room to clean my guns, but what can I do now? I have to work hard, and if I work hard, I will have a lot of things to do."

"Now is a transitional period. It seems that I will be assigned other work after the New Year. It will mainly be related to the agricultural sector. Mayor Ma did not explain it in detail."

"It's nothing. Just keep an eye on Tiezhu. I think it's good. It's much closer to home. I can come here for lunch and then go to work." Li Yinglin said casually.

After saying that, he also noticed Han Xiuying's eyes looking at him.

He grinned guiltily, put Doudou on the ground, and followed him into the mushroom house.

Han Xiuying was a little worried. She couldn't make sense with Chen Tiezhu. It's not just about herself. The key is what everyone thinks.

Let's put these aside for the time being. The focus today is to do a good job of mushroom inoculation.

It should be said that although Chen Tiezhu is growing mushrooms, the villagers who come to visit are happier than Chen Tiezhu.

Chen Tiezhu's mind was not on mushrooms at all, but on Han Xiuying.

The villagers who came here, whether they would plant mushrooms in the future or not, listened to Professor Xu's explanation very patiently.

This made Han Xiuying very curious, and she didn't know why it turned out like this.

Because it wasn't that everyone was flattering Chen Tiezhu, but that everyone was happy from the bottom of their hearts.

"Come here."

Seeing Chen Tiezhu running over again, Han Xiuying waved.

Chen Tiezhu ran over happily,"Ka" they stood at attention, "What instructions do you have, leader?"

"Come on, you look like a puppet army." Han Xiuying glared at him.

"Tell me, why are they so happy? You are the one growing mushrooms, they shouldn't be like this even if they are just watching the fun, right?"

Chen Tiezhu was happy, nodded with satisfaction, "Comrade Xiao Han got into the state quickly, very good."

"Seriously, wear your hat properly, what has happened to you?" Han Xiuying slapped him in anger.

"It was originally worn properly, but you beat me up, and the hat was even crooked." Chen Tiezhu muttered.

"It's nothing, actually. Even though we are the ones growing mushrooms, we have planted hope in everyone's heart. We are poor, and we are all very poor. We are all tired of living in poverty."

"When I was chatting with Lao Li, I also said that many cases nowadays are related to money. Some people want to get something for nothing, and some are just because they are poor."

"Although everyone doesn't know whether my mushrooms can make money in the future, it is a hope. People in the south are not idle in winter, what can we do in the north when winter comes?"

"Some people say that we northerners are lazy and hibernate when it gets cold. What else can we do if we don't hibernate? There is no place to work. Mushrooms are insignificant, let alone making a lot of money. If we can make ten or eight yuan from one operation, everyone will be very happy."

"So we have to work hard and grow mushrooms well. This is like our children. If we grow them well... oh... don't pinch, don't pinch, it hurts, it really hurts..."

Before he finished speaking, Han Xiuying took action directly.

Don't worry about whether there are outsiders or not, just clean up what needs to be done.

Is this guy crazy? Nothing happened, but he dared to do it?

"Haha, Tiezhu must be idle again."

"It's really good to be young."

"I don't know when they will do it, you have to come to help when the time comes."


The villagers looked very happy and in a good mood.

Just like Chen Tiezhu said, this time the inoculation is not only the bacteria, but also hope.

At least this time, growing mushrooms has opened a door for everyone. Even if the world behind the door is still a little hazy, everyone's spirits have risen.

Han Zhenwen, who came back with a bunch of things, took a look and grinned. He estimated that his future brother-in-law would soon become a regular employee.

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