Chen Tiezhu didn't know that He Jianguo, who went home happily, had encountered such a bad thing. After he finished cooking and eating lunch, he took Doudou to prepare the stewed meat.

Of course, when they arrived at Chen Tiezhu's house, they had to change to a big pot.

There were many people eating at home, and people's appetites were generally large now. This was because there was not much fat in their stomachs, so they naturally had to win by quantity.

For example, when eating rice, even with Chen Tiezhu's current appetite, one or two bowls would be enough. What if it was changed to sorghum rice? You would definitely be hungry if you didn't eat three or two bowls.

"Dad, why put the meat in the pot? To pickle pickles?" Doudou asked curiously while standing by.

"The stewed meat that Dad is going to make today will make your tongue fall off. One bite is enough." Chen Tiezhu said proudly.

"Brother Chen, if you want to stew the meat, just stew it. Why do you want me to cut it?" Han Zhenwen, who was trying to cut the meat, said helplessly.

If he didn't know that his unreliable future brother-in-law was a man with many skills, he would have gone on strike no matter what he said.

It's okay if you said you wanted to sew the large intestine, but it did expose his shortcomings. But cutting meat is not a doctor's job.

"Stupid, stupid."

Chen Tiezhu said with a look of grief.

Han Zhenwen's face turned black, and he had to complain when his sister came back.

"In fact, in our daily life, if you pay more attention, you can also exercise." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Do you think cutting meat is a simple thing? Then let me ask you, is it cut according to the same size? Why are these two pieces of meat one heavy and one light?"

After saying that, he picked out two pieces of meat from the basin.

Han Zhenwen raised his eyebrows and weighed it in his hand in disbelief. It seemed that there was no difference.

"Are you kidding me?" Han Zhenwen asked in confusion.

"Is it necessary? I'll pick more for you." Chen Tiezhu said.

Then he picked and chose in the basin and divided the meat into two piles.

"Put them in bowls and feel them carefully." Chen Tiezhu said.

Han Zhenwen was not vague either. He went directly to the house to get two bowls, put the meat in them, and weighed them carefully.

Facts speak louder than words. After there was more meat, the difference was felt.

"I wonder, how did you feel it?" Han Zhenwen said distressedly.

"Silly boy, there is knowledge everywhere in life." Chen Tiezhu said.

"I've told you that many skills are similar in the end. Skills rely on eyesight and hand strength."

"How do you practice this? It's accumulated slowly in daily life. For example, if you are doing a small incision appendectomy, you have to use your fingers to find the appendix, right?"

Han Zhenwen nodded. This is true.

When the surgical field is limited, the fingers are the doctor's eyes.

"Then you just poke straight up? What if the person's appendix is ​​on the verge of festering and rupturing? You poked it with one finger, what's the point?"

"Besides, you just press hard without caring about bone correction? You pressed the good tissue and bruised it, and you broke the good blood vessels."

"What do you mean by exerting force? How much force is needed? Does it have to be reflected through your fingers? Does cutting meat exercise your eyesight and hand strength?"

"Well, I'd better cut the meat obediently." Han Zhenwen nodded with a wry smile.

What the future brother-in-law said makes sense, I have to work hard.

"Doudou, do you think your uncle is teachable?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Dad, isn't the mattress used for sleeping? How can a mattress make you sleepy? Can a mattress make you sleepy?" Doudou had a question mark on his forehead.

Han Zhenwen smiled, Doudou could avenge himself.

"What are you so happy about? Cut the meat carefully." Chen Tiezhu said unhappily.

"Doudou, help daddy put the meat into the jar, and put it in a tight place, so that the meat will be fragrant." Chen Tiezhu said.


Doudou nodded obediently, and then began to help, not caring whether the mattress was thirsty or not.

"Look, my eldest daughter works very hard, not as impetuous as you." Chen Tiezhu said proudly.

After being praised by him, Doudou worked even harder.

"Brother Chen, when you were correcting the leader's bones, you flicked your fingers, did you also use the force you just mentioned?" Han Zhenwen asked.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "It's about the same. It's not as complicated as you think, but you need a clearer feeling."

"After all, even if it is a broken bone, it will be wrapped by other tissues, so when we correct the bones, we all need to feel it.You have to follow the force. "

"As I just said, we should try to avoid secondary damage to the patient's muscle tissue. Why? You know it without me telling you. So you have to use a clever force, and you can't just go fast."

"As long as it doesn't affect blood circulation, you can take your time. First, you need to be stable. On the basis of stability, you can increase the speed, and it still depends on the feel of the hand."

Han Zhenwen nodded, and he understood a little, but he really couldn't be anxious.

"You have strength in your hands, but it's a bit too strong, and it lacks some cleverness." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"So you have to pay special attention to this aspect. It is still very helpful to eat with small chopsticks. The feedback from Lao Fang is very good."

"You still need to master too much, even the most basic suture is a little bit off. So, don't worry about anything else, just lay a good foundation first."

"Well, I'll practice well. "Han Zhenwen nodded.

What Chen Tiezhu said seemed to be not polite at all, basically denying the skills he had mastered over the years, but he was not angry at all.

Because Chen Tiezhu had the capital to say this, he had the skills.

Seeing Doudou working seriously, Chen Tiezhu went to the side to wash his hands, and then picked up a book that Lao He had mailed.

As soon as he opened it, he frowned.

Lao He was really thoughtful.

The book is not a simple book, there are his notes written in pencil on the side, which are more detailed than the introduction in the book, and there are some of his views.

Although Although it looks a bit messy, it is a treasure for medical students, and it can be said to be Lao He's experience of reading this book.

There are not only books on surgery and orthopedics, but also many records of internal medicine case diagnosis.

He was fascinated by it unconsciously, because if he looked at some problems from Lao He's perspective, he would have new feelings.

Lao He has not experienced the benefits brought by the impact of medical development, nor has he seen so many medical equipment in the future, but he has accumulated a lot of experience, even now he has to admit it.

He read and read, and he was fascinated...

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