The choice given by Chen Tiezhu really became a burden in Liu Dayou's heart.

When he rushed back to eat at noon, He Jianguo was shocked after seeing it.

What happened this morning? Why did Director Liu look so haggard?

"Don't think too much, let's drink and eat first." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Let's slowly study how to negotiate with the forest farm about contracting land. I think they should still be very happy."

"Why? Why are you so confident?" Han Xiuying asked.

"Because it is also to generate income for them." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Not only can they receive some contract money, but also a certain amount of retention. This is a lot, how can they not do it?"

"Although I don't know what's going on, the retention on their side is different from the task in our village." He Jianguo said.

"Eat and chat, eat and chat, Lao Xu, is there any improvement in our mushrooms?" Chen Tiezhu asked casually.

"Sometimes I feel like these mushrooms are grown for me." Professor Xu said with a wry smile.

"Maybe we have a good control of temperature and humidity. Some mycelium has sprouted. It looks pretty good. When will your new culture medium ferment?"

"Let's wait a little longer and see if the town has any other arrangements." Chen Tiezhu said.

"And I have to set up a company. With the name of the company, it will be easier to do anything. Especially when we sell mushrooms, people will be encouraged when they hear that they are sold from a certain company."

"Brother Chen, what do you plan to call your company?" Han Zhenwen said casually, and he picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You said that the Golden Bean Company is like this? My eldest daughter is my treasure, and Golden Bean is even more precious. Don't just eat, talk." Chen Tiezhu said helplessly as he looked at Han Zhenwen who kept putting food into his mouth.

"No time to talk, let's eat first. This tendon is very fragrant, very chewy, and not greasy at all. It seems to have no taste, but it's quite enjoyable to chew." Han Zhenwen said.

"Just a foodie. Lao Liu..., forget it, let's eat first. My daughter, you still have to eat the meat on the eye socket."

Chen Tiezhu also gave up and picked up some meat for his daughter. After picking it up, he also picked up a piece of eye socket meat for Han Xiuying.

It's not a good thing to cook too delicious food. If you want to talk about something at the dinner table, you can only put it in the second half.

Now even Liu Dayou has put down the burden in his heart, eating non-stop, and not treating himself as an outsider.

It should be said that special parts like tendon, if cooked properly, are really good for drinking and eating.

Today Chen Tiezhu stewed it for a long time, and it was really soft and tasty. It's not hard to chew, and it's full of fragrance.

"Dad, this stuff is delicious."

Doudou said after eating a lot.

"You can't feed Goushengzi and Xiaomihudan too much. They can't eat so much oil and salt now. If you miss them, there are still some, you can cook some for them then." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Dad, what should we feed the pigs?" Doudou asked.

Chen Tiezhu slapped his forehead, "It's over, I forgot to feed the pigs. Forget it, I'll prepare a good meal for them after dinner."

Han Xiuying rolled her eyes, "If you raise them like this, I really don't know what they will look like."

"Hehe, I'm very good at raising them, I will definitely take good care of them." Chen Tiezhu said.

"I have nothing to do this afternoon, so I can just cover the pig pen with the remaining plastic sheet. Then I can also cover the chickens, ducks and geese with plastic sheet so that they can have a warm nest."

"We must feed them well later, so that our family can also kill the New Year pig. Have a good and fat New Year, invite more people when we kill the pig, and have a good meal."

Han Xiuying didn't know what to say. No matter what the topic is, when it comes to Chen Tiezhu, it will eventually fall into eating.

Eating is the eternal theme.

"In Jianguo's words, I celebrate the New Year every day. I even drank Maotai today. I never dared to think of such a life before." Erye said with a smile.

"After a lifetime of suffering, the rest is to enjoy happiness. Anyway, you let me be the young leader, and the old leader has to obey. Doudou, right?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Yeah, that's right." Doudou nodded his head.

"Hahaha, my daughter is so good. Eat some pig ears. They are so crispy." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"There is one more thing. Second Master, Yingzi is back. Can I go up the mountain and take a walk? Can I not go deep into the mountain?"The Second Master frowned, "I don't allow you to hunt, so as not to kill and wear down your anger. But you were careful when fighting with the Zhang family, so it shouldn't be a big deal."

"Okay, I'll study it these two days. I haven't eaten rabbit meat for several days, and I'm really a little greedy." Chen Tiezhu said hurriedly.

On the contrary, Han Xiuying frowned, "Second Master, is that anger evil?"

"Not evil or not evil." Second Master said.

"Looking at Tiezhu's appearance, it should be suppressed. But, it depends on what it is. As long as it doesn't poke his lung tube, it's okay."

Second Master's words were a bit vague, and Han Xiuying also heard half of it.

Han Zhenwen felt that if he had time, he would have to popularize her sister's position in Brother Chen's heart.

Now there is really no time. Today's food is also delicious. He feels that every day is almost like the New Year.

"Brother Tiezhu, whatever, you asked me today." After eating and drinking for a while, Liu Dayou spoke.

"Personally, it's really hard to decide. Your invitation is too sudden. But I can talk to Wei Dabao first and feel out his attitude."

"Okay, but as I said, don't mention Yingzi if you can. This time, I have to make the decision. She can only be a family member." Chen Tiezhu reminded.

Han Xiuying rolled her eyes and was too lazy to correct him.

"Okay, I know my limits." Liu Dayou smiled and nodded.

"Tiezhu, how much land do you plan to contract in the forest farm?" He Jianguo asked casually.

"Let's plan for a hundred acres." Chen Tiezhu said.


He Jianguo dropped the pork head he had just picked up on the table and looked at him in disbelief.

"It's just a one-time effort, so let's go for it. We'll try to keep pace with my mushroom industry. Next autumn, we'll have to study greenhouse cultivation." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

He Jianguo nodded woodenly, picked up the pork head on the table, and put it into his mouth without tasting anything.

He was really scared. He thought Chen Tiezhu only contracted a few acres of land. Who would have thought it was so much?

"Tiezhu, Tiezhu, are you at home? Director Fang from the county called you and said he was looking for you."

At this time, Accountant Feng from the village ran over.

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