"Manager Chen, how about this? I promise you, 1,300 yuan. I'll get you the steam boiler, sterilizing tank, and fermentation tank."

Seeing that Chen Tiezhu hadn't spoken yet, Director Cui added another sentence.

Han Xiuying, who was standing next to him, was also a little anxious and pushed Chen Tiezhu.

Even she could see Director Cui's urgency.

"Director Cui, you can't say that I think the price is expensive. After all, I don't know much about this industry." Chen Tiezhu spoke.

"It's because I didn't explain it clearly before, so you thought that what I want to build is quite big. In fact, it's really not necessary now. How about you design it first and then calculate the cost?"

"Because I feel that at the price you mentioned, it seems that you can't make much money after all these, right? Isn't this almost the same as Bai Luo Busy?"

"Hey..., even if it's Bai Luo Busy, it's better than letting the workers sit idle." Director Cui sighed.

"Last month, we didn't even have 15 working days. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. It's good enough to pay the basic salary in full."

"I'm afraid that everyone's mind will be scattered. If there is something to do, everyone will be busy and won't have any random thoughts. Last year, I was able to prepare some New Year's goods for everyone, but this year it's hard to prepare."

Han Xiuying frowned, "Director Cui, is the current performance so bad?"

Director Cui nodded, "I'm not afraid of you laughing at me. Since the second half of this year, a lot of orders have been cut. We usually process some parts for the city machinery factory and do a hot spot. "

"Originally, when we heard about the reform and opening up, everyone's life would be better. But now I don't understand why the more reforms we make, the less work we have in our factory."

"Hey..., let's not talk about this, Manager Chen, will your work be done? I'll talk to the technical department and ask them to come up with the best design plan."

"Director Cui, this job is handed over to you. Because you give me a good impression and can think for me." Chen Tiezhu nodded with a smile, then took out the money from his pocket and counted out five big unity notes.

"Keep this as a deposit. My family doesn't have a phone. When the time comes, you can call the phone in Erdaoling Village. I'll go back to the village to arrange the land. When the weather gets warmer, we will have to simply build the entire factory."

"Okay, I'll write you a note right away." Director Cui said excitedly.

For him, Chen Tiezhu's job was indeed not big. But it was also a hope. At least he got a job outside.

"Why are you silent?"

After going to the farmer's market to do some shopping, Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile on the way home.

"Tell me, did you know that the machinery factory was going to have a harder time than you thought?" Han Xiuying asked.

"No, how would I know?" Chen Tiezhu shook his head hurriedly.

"But I think whether they can get through the difficulties depends on themselves. Or it depends on whether there are capable people in the county to help them support them."

"In fact, under the overall environment, many state-owned units are facing such problems. Even units like the provincial academy are now only providing policies but not funds."

"Then do you think there is still hope for the machinery factory?" Han Xiuying asked curiously.

"I really don't know, so I said, we have to wait for capable people." Chen Tiezhu said.

"We just need to grow mushrooms and don't worry about other things. You've spent almost half of your three thousand yuan."

"Let's put it this way. In fact, it's hard for ordinary people to do anything. I have to keep going into the mountains. If I don't find some pests, our business won't be easy to develop."

Han Xiuying frowned. Indeed, she also felt that money was not enough, but she didn't want Chen Tiezhu to take risks in the mountains.

Back home, people close to him were all here.

After seeing them come back, Doudou, who stayed at home to watch over them, first checked the smoked chicken and braised pork elbows they bought, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Tiezhu, how was it today?" He Jianguo asked nervously.

"Then our leader must come forward, so it must be done properly." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Professor Xu, don't worry about our future mass production. Once we talk to the machinery factory, they will be able to provide all the equipment."

"When the time comes, we will also provide steam boilers, sterilization tanks, mixing tanks, extrusion molding equipment, and all of these will be delivered to us and installed properly."

"Really? That's great." Professor Xu was also very happy.

His biggest wish is to promote the mass cultivation and production of edible fungi in the north. Now Chen Tiezhu has really fulfilled his original promise, whichI'm afraid it hasn't blossomed and borne fruit yet, but now it's a solid step forward.

"There are no outsiders here, so today we'll just have these simple dishes, all ready-made. Let's have a sip of wine and chat." Chen Tiezhu said.

"You all know that the things I'm going to handle next are relatively big, so I'll have to recruit people next. In the future, I'll have a lot of work here, and I'll need a lot of people."

"Especially in the mushroom industry, even if there's not much work at the beginning, I'll definitely be too busy later. I plan to recruit five people first, and then decide based on the situation."

"As for agricultural production, there will be more than a hundred acres of land by then. My initial idea is that I'll have to have five people. Of course, these people will have to work in shifts in the future, and they'll go wherever they're in urgent need."

"Tiezhu, do you really have to recruit so many people?" Second Master frowned and asked.

Ten people at once, the cost won't be small.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "This is just my initial plan. Everyone's wages are set at 50 yuan a month."

"What? Tiezhu, 50 yuan a month?" Huang Jianxin asked in surprise.

"Tiezhu, this business hasn't even started yet, why are you doing so much all of a sudden?" He Jianguo also frowned.

"Tiezhu, although I also want to work with you, but the wages you offer are a bit scary." Qi Lianshan said with a wry smile.

Although others didn't say anything, they had similar ideas.

50 yuan per person, 500 yuan for 10 people, 6,000 yuan for 12 months a year.

This doesn't include other expenses, this alone is already scary.

"Hehe, actually I think this money is a bit too little. When we have a good mushroom harvest, there will be a bonus. When the crops have a good harvest in the future, there will be a bonus."

Chen Tiezhu was not afraid of chaos, and added with a smile.

Forget about He Jianguo and the others. Even Han Zhenwen, who was watching the fun, didn't know what to say.

How much money can you make from growing mushrooms and farming? How dare you pay such a high salary?

But looking at Brother Chen's expression, he is not joking.

How can he be so confident?

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