"Yingzi, is it time to teach me how to shoot?"

After breakfast and feeding the pigs the next day, Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Even if you know how to shoot, you can't just go into the mountains. How many bullets are in the gun? If you really encounter a pack of wolves, will you have time to change the bullets?" Han Xiuying said seriously.

"Yeah, anyway, I will definitely listen to you." Chen Tiezhu nodded excitedly.

"Then let's go. Is there a slope? You can't just find a place to practice shooting, it's easy to hurt people." Han Xiuying said.

"Yeah, let's find a place where no one is and practice secretly." Chen Tiezhu said excitedly.

Han Xiuying frowned, always feeling that this guy was taking advantage of her again.

But what he said was not bad, it really had to find a place where no one was. The matter of practicing shooting can't be done blatantly, after all, this is a standard weapon.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Doudou next to him asked curiously.

"Doudou, Dad is going to learn how to shoot a gun. The gunshot is very loud. You can play with Goushengzi and Xiao Mihudan at home first. Dad and Sister Yingzi will be back soon." Chen Tiezhu said.

Doudou turned his head and looked at Sister Yingzi.

Han Xiuying was also a little worried, "Doudou, shooting a gun is indeed very loud. Well..., it won't take an hour for Dad and Sister Yingzi to be back."

She felt a little guilty when she said this. After all, this situation always felt like she was secretly going out to play with Chen Tiezhu behind Doudou's back.

Why is it so awkward?

On the contrary, Doudou nodded his little head, "Goushengzi, Xiao Mihudan, let's go find Dahuang to play."

After that, he led his two little followers and ran out.

"Doudou is so obedient. This is my eldest daughter." Chen Tiezhu sighed.

"Hurry up and get the gun and bullets." Han Xiuying glared at him.

He regretted it a little bit. He should have asked Li Yinglin to come and teach him how to practice shooting. He usually ran here when he had nothing to do. Why hasn't he been here these few days?

"Hey, the sun is so nice today. Right, Yingzi?"

When walking to the foot of the mountain, Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Don't talk. I don't want to bother with you." Han Xiuying glared at her.

He was even more puzzled. Why did he feel guilty again?

Chen Tiezhu was very happy. His daughter's little cotton-padded jacket was really good, but it was also a very large light bulb with a very high wattage.

"Okay, this side is right. You should be able to see it clearly from a distance of 30 meters." When he arrived at the end of the field, Han Xiuying looked around carefully and said.

"In fact, shooting is not that complicated. Hold the gun steady, and it's best to hold it against your shoulder. The distance between your index finger and the trigger should not be too large, nor should they be close together, otherwise it is easy to fire. What are you looking at? Be serious."

Has Han Xiuying found that his eyes were a little erratic again, and she warned him hurriedly.

"Then it's three points in a straight line, the target, the crosshairs, and the gap, keep them in a straight line. The target must be seen clearly, and the crosshairs must be level with the upper edge of the gap. This is aiming."

"Anyway, you know how to shoot arrows, and the principle is similar to that. Don't breathe when shooting, anyway, it's the same as shooting arrows. Also, the muzzle should be facing the sky or the ground at ordinary times, never facing people."

"Well, can we shoot?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Well..., you try to shoot first." Han Xiuying nodded.

"Then I'll aim at that tree first, isn't there a tree knot, I'll hit it here." Chen Tiezhu said, and began to aim the gun.


After the crisp gunshot, the tree was safe and sound. A puff of dust gradually rose from the side about two meters away.

"Why are you so stupid? You missed it so far. Aren't you good at archery?" Han Xiuying said helplessly.

"Then I don't know. I missed it when I fired. Otherwise, I'll aim. Can you help me take a look?" Chen Tiezhu said pitifully.

"You aim." Han Xiuying nodded.

Chen Tiezhu was very happy in his heart, but his face was full of bitterness and hatred.

He raised the gun again and kept this posture.

Han Xiuying didn't think much about it and leaned over.

"You should be able to aim like this. Maybe when you fired the gun, the gun god shook because of the movement of your fingers. You..."

She couldn't continue after she was halfway through the instruction. Chen Tiezhu breathed from his nose and blew hotly on her face.

I took a sneak peek to the side, and the guy wasn't looking at the crosshairs, but was looking at me greedily.

"What are you going to do? Look at the crosshairs." Han Xiuying slapped him.

"The crosshairs are not as good-looking as you." Chen Tiezhu said honestly.

"Do you still want to learn how to shoot?" Han Xiuying said.

"Learn, why don't you learn. Are you sure I'm aiming? But when I looked at it from this angle just now, why is it still a little crooked? "Chen Tiezhu said.

Han Xiuying frowned, "Crooked? I don't think so. Don't have any crooked thoughts, I'll take another look."

This guy must be warned, who knows what he is thinking.

"Well, how about you aim with the gun, and I'll take a look from behind?" Chen Tiezhu made a new suggestion.

Han Xiuying hesitated for a moment and nodded.

It's true or not, she is also an honest girl. Although she knew that Chen Tiezhu was going to have crooked thoughts, she didn't think too deeply.

After she stood up with the gun and aimed well, she felt her right shoulder sink, and Chen Tiezhu's big head came up.


"Don't talk, it's crooked, I'm learning, can you be more serious? "

Before she finished, Chen Tiezhu interrupted her.

Han Xiuying was so angry that she elbowed back and hit Chen Tiezhu's stomach.

This attack was a bit fierce, second only to the last attack on the vital part. However, it also made the girl regret it.

This guy took this opportunity to put his face directly on her and hugged her waist.

Is he bold?

Don't want to live?

How to deal with him?

Question marks popped up in the girl's head one after another, but she forgot to really deal with him.

"Yingzi, you are so good." Chen Tiezhu said softly.

"You..., let go..."

"If you don't let go, I can't hug you enough."

"I'll bite you..."

"I'll wait for you to bite. ”



In a hurry, Han Xiuying fired a shot.

Chen Tiezhu grinned, let go of his hand obediently, lowered his head, and looked like a primary school student who admitted his mistake.

“Go home.”

Han Xiuying said fiercely.

In fact, she was also holding on, and she felt that she was a little unstable.

I have never experienced such a thing before.

“Well…, I have to shoot again. I just learned for a long time, I can’t learn it in vain.” Chen Tiezhu said carefully.

“Shoot, shoot quickly.”

Han Xiuying said, and stuffed the gun into his arms in a bad mood.

“Hehe. "

Chen Tiezhu grinned and pulled the trigger directly after picking up the gun.

The bullet hit the scar of the tree steadily.

Han Xiuying was so angry.

She didn't care and beat Chen Tiezhu.

This guy just wanted to take advantage of her. Why was she so wronged?

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