"Brother, what do you mean? Are you using us for fun? We have to get more for our hard work." The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Let's put it in perspective. Just tell me whether I gave this brother a fair price for the roe deer he shot with fifty yuan." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and nodded.

"Tiezhu, let's get in the car. I remembered that there is still some wine at Old Wang's house. Let's go get it first." At this time, Liu Dayou opened the car window and stuck his head out.

He didn't have the courage to come down to help, so this was all he could think of.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll learn the skills from these brothers." Chen Tiezhu replied happily.

"Okay, young man, take the money. This is the money you earned with your own ability. Don't feel psychologically burdened. Should I say it or not, I still took advantage of you a little."

The young man hesitated for a moment, and put the money in his pocket with a smile on his face.

After all, after killing a roe deer, you have to share the meat with everyone. Now this money is earned by yourself, fifty yuan.

"Next, it's time to talk about our business." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"If you want to rob, you should do it quickly. If you don't want to rob, just stay aside. It's really not easy to make money in such a cold weather, but you don't have to be a road bully."

"From the looks of you, you are not really ruthless. Otherwise, how can I say so much. I have to say something unpleasant, you have the heart of a thief but not the courage of a thief."

"Then don't do this business, think about other businesses. This business is also very risky. If you encounter a ruthless person, you can't just beat him up and be done with it."

"After all, you don't know who you stopped. No one has engraved "I am awesome" on his forehead. What will you do if you rob the wrong person?"

"Don't talk about these unnecessary things. Do you also think you are awesome? Then just leave." The middle-aged man said.

"Hey..., based on the principle that meeting is fate, I'm going to give you a lesson in ideology, but you don't like to study." Chen Tiezhu shook his head.

He put the money in his pocket and walked to the side of the tree.

He hugged the trunk with both hands, and without seeing how much effort he put in, he lifted the tree.

He walked to the side very easily and put it down along the road.

The gang was dumbfounded. How much effort it took.

They took a lot of effort to move the tree, and they even took a break in the middle. But this person was easily sent to the side.

"Thank the roe deer, otherwise I would have liked to have some fun with you." Chen Tiezhu looked at them and said.

"Go home and do what you need to do. This money is not earned by you. Otherwise, you have to be cruel and dare to do life-threatening work. You will suffer the consequences when you make such a half-cooked meal."

After saying that, he opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat. He started the car, honked the horn, and drove away.

The rest of the people had mixed feelings.

They all knew that they had met a real expert today.

If they really attacked this gentleman, there was no telling what the result would be today.

"Tiezhu, I was really scared today. I haven't heard that there are still people doing this business here."

Liu Dayou said with emotion, and looked at Chen Tiezhu with a guilty look.

He knew that Chen Tiezhu was strong, but he didn't expect him to be so arrogant.

"This is normal. We are not on a main road. They are just making small fights." Chen Tiezhu said casually.

"It's a pity. I thought I could stretch my muscles. But according to what you said, there are many such road robbers now?" Liu Da nodded. "Our county and Huashu County are not so good. The road to the provincial capital is even more dangerous. There are really those who eat raw rice and often stab people." "And those who go to other places for long-distance travel now have to carry weapons in the car. It's not safe either. There was a man in Wangjiabao who cared for a truck by himself. It was during the August Festival. He left and never came back. "

"Eighty percent of them are dead and their cars are torn down. Anyway, there is no one alive and no body found. These people like to attack buses and trucks the most, because they have money."

"There are many people on the bus, and they charge three or five yuan per person. How much money does it cost in a day after several trips? Trucks often carry payment for goods, and they can get a lot of money in a day."

"In that case, we have to be more careful when selling mushrooms in the future. After all, if we want to sell mushrooms well, we have to send them to the provincial capital." Chen Tiezhu frowned and said.

If he hadn't encountered this incident today, he would have really ignored it.

It is not the most popular era for car bandits, butThere are some clues.

The current transportation situation is not very good, and the transportation of mushrooms is also very time-sensitive. When it is hot, if you delay for one more hour, there is a risk of rotting and deterioration.

"Brother Tiezhu, you really have to plan this matter in advance. If it really doesn't work..., just give a heads-up in advance." Liu Dayou said after a little thought.

"I heard it, just heard it. It is said that the long-distance buses in our county bus station have to visit people in advance, so that someone will guarantee the way."

"Okay, I will think about this matter carefully. Do you have anything else to do when you arrive in the county? If you don't have anything to do, come with me to my house to eat roe deer meat." Chen Tiezhu said casually.

"It really can't be done today. I can't always be outside." Liu Dayou said.

"Don't worry about selling the jujube trees. I'll select them carefully and spread the word. We have to sell them at a price that won't hurt us."

"Okay, it'll be some time before I actually need the money anyway." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Even if Old Wei has made the decision, I can still give you some deposits. Take a few ginseng when you get off the bus, and go home to make wine or stew chicken. It's all right."

"Okay, I won't be polite to you." Liu Dayou nodded with a smile.

He was also very emotional. The longer he was in contact with Chen Tiezhu, the more he found that Brother Tiezhu was really generous and powerful.

Have you ever seen a scene where a road bully robbed the road bully and robbed him?

Don't even mention seeing it. He had never heard of it before.

He saw it today, and those people were stunned by his words.

At this moment, his heart really began to waver.

Originally, he really cared about his iron rice bowl. Even if Chen Tiezhu invited him, he was only a little bit tempted.

After seeing Chen Tiezhu's work style, how could he not be shaken?

Will he be able to help him make money in the future?

Why is he still suffering in the farm?

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