"Since you have seen so many problems in the county hospital, why don't you tell Dean Ma directly?"

Gao Xiaoguang lit a cigarette and took a deep breath before asking.

"Leader, the county hospital is at a critical period now. If I say too much, Comrade Ma will probably panic." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

"Now these deans have great responsibilities. They not only have to manage the hospital well and do their job of curing diseases and saving lives, but also have to learn how to do business."

"The county's finances can't provide so much support, so they have to find a way themselves. But they can't put up a sign, welcoming everyone to the hospital, we are so good here. Wouldn't that be a mess?"

"You kid, you are talking nonsense. If you see the problem, just tell me once and for all." Gao Xiaoguang was amused by him again.

Knowing that he was making excuses for Ma Guoming, it was indeed difficult for an old comrade like Ma Guoming to adapt to such a change.

"Leader, what I'm going to say next may be a little nonsense, just listen to it." After taking a sip of tea, Chen Tiezhu sat up straight and his face became serious.

Gao Xiaoguang was stunned for a moment.

"Leader, the development of the county hospital or the entire medical system of our county will face many problems in the future." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"Let's talk about the medical supplies. In the past, they were all allocated by the higher authorities. Just like the machinery factory in our county, there is no need to worry about orders."

"But now it's not possible. It will be gradually relaxed. It's unpredictable that some factory will cut corners to increase profits. The most feared thing is that we turn a blind eye to one side for personal interests during the procurement process..."


Before he finished speaking, Gao Xiaoguang slapped the table hard, "Do they have such courage? Dare to play with human lives?"

This sound was loud enough to scare Xiao Liu who was guarding outside.

After hesitating for a while, he still didn't dare to push the door in to see what was going on.

"Leader, if everyone is as hateful as you, this world would be pure and elegant, without so many dirty things." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

Gao Xiaoguang was silent. What Chen Tiezhu said was true.

Isn't Liu Daguo a lesson learned from the past? He has used his position to seek benefits for himself in recent years.

"So, I think there will be such things in the future." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"But this is all in the future, let's talk about the present. I also told Lao Ma that we must pay attention to the training of new doctors, so that our county hospital can have a strong backbone."

"Improving service quality and providing convenience for patients to seek medical treatment is the easiest to achieve. Add more eye-catching signs in the hospital and arrange a nurse to guide the patient, and this can be solved."

"As the old saying goes, the meat of the bun is not in the folds. I also know that you want to revitalize our county's medical system, but this requires time and money."

"And if you really want to improve the strength of the county hospital, you must further strengthen the classification of departments. And such strengthening means an increase in staffing and an increase in fiscal expenditure."

"So what I said before is not bad, and money is still needed. It may sound unpleasant, but it is an indisputable fact. If it were someone else, I wouldn't say it."

"You kid flatter the horse, aren't you afraid of hitting the horse's hoof?" Gao Xiaoguang asked with a smile.

"What are you afraid of? I've already said it. If it were someone else, I would definitely not say that." Chen Tiezhu shrugged his shoulders.

"Although you always want to plot against me, you are fair-minded after all. It's just that some things really can't be rushed. Even if we grow mushrooms, it will take nearly two months, right?"

Gao Xiaoguang was happy again, knowing that this kid was reminding him that some things can't be rushed.

But he was really a little anxious. He had been in Changlin County for several months, but now Changlin County not only has no improvement, but it has become worse.

"Here at the county hospital, you can help out more when you have time." Gao Xiaoguang lit another cigarette.

Chen Tiezhu frowned slightly.

"What's wrong? Are you annoyed by the smell of cigarettes?" Gao Xiaoguang asked casually.

Chen Tiezhu shook his head slightly, "It's not that I'm annoyed by the smell of cigarettes, but smoking is really bad for the body. In fact, the same is true for drinking. There is no such thing as a little drink to relax. Drinking will definitely harm the body."

"Then I see that you drink a lot." Gao Xiaoguang said unhappily.

"That's different. It only proves that my body has a strong ability to metabolize alcohol. It's different from smoking. The harm of smoking can only be permanent and cumulative." Chen Tiezhu shrugged his shoulders.

"TopicThis is a little off topic. In fact, after the county hospital has done a good job in talent training and medical convenience, the rest is a tough battle. "

"Old Lu from the provincial hospital has some of his own little calculations, but for us, it doesn't matter. So if there are any advanced medical equipment at that time, we can get it to our home."

"But I think the most important thing at present is to work hard to improve the medical level of our county hospital. We don't expect people to get sick to generate income for the hospital, but getting sick is inevitable."

"If the county hospital improves its medical level, this reputation will spread. At that time, it may attract patients from other counties, and this business will be done."

"The medical level is not just about the accuracy of diagnosis. More importantly, it is actually the follow-up treatment work."

"These are just to get the wool from the provincial hospital. If we can't do the surgery, we can invite people who can do it from the provincial hospital. Can't we learn from them? "

Listening to his words, Gao Xiaoguang's eyes sparkled, and he put out the remaining half of his cigarette butt. "You are right, we have to take advantage of it."

"Chatting with you today has inspired me a lot. In some things, we can turn passivity into initiative. We will start the reform of the medical system from the county hospital."

"Maybe it will be difficult in the early stage, but as long as we get through it, the entire medical system in our county will be greatly changed. I don't have to worry about things here."

"What do you think? Do you want to work in the county? You have a very active mind and can see many things that others can't see, so my work can be easier."

Chen Tiezhu grinned, "What are you doing? You are looking at the meat, just taste a piece, and you are still thinking about taking the pot. I don't want such constraints, I just want to grow mushrooms and farm in peace."

"But looking at your situation, I feel that the things in the county hospital are all small things. On the contrary, there are many other things that are overwhelming you? "

Gao Xiaoguang was stunned, stood up directly, walked around the desk and grabbed his arm, "Come with me, I'll take you to a place, and we'll go to your house for drinks and meals at noon, and I'll take a day off in the afternoon. "

Chen Tiezhu was dumbfounded, what the hell is this? The more he talks, the more he gets angry?

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