"Hahaha, it doesn't hurt at all."

What Chen Tiezhu and He Jianguo didn't expect was that Erye actually laughed heartily.

"Doudou has a cut on his hand, and it hurts even when soaked in water. How did you deal with it?" Doudou asked curiously.

"I met a blind bear, and it almost took my life." Erye said.

"Doudou and his father also met a blind bear. Dad couldn't beat it, so he took Doudou and ran away." The little guy nodded his head in understanding.

"Tiezhu, did you also meet a blind bear?" He Jianguo asked in surprise.

"In fact, I just saw it from a distance. But I'm quite puzzled. They should have hibernated, so why are they still running around in the mountains?" Chen Tiezhu said.

"Things are a bit troublesome." Erye frowned, put down the iron gall, picked up the pipe and started to fill the pipe with tobacco.

Seeing that the tobacco was compacted, He Jianguo hurried over to light it and filled a pipe himself.

"I did hear the sound of earth cannons these days. I thought it was just ordinary people taking firearms to the mountains to hunt. It seems that these people have big plans."

"That's right. If we go hunting together normally, we must get together." Chen Tiezhu said.

"But they clearly know that there are many wild animals in Erdaoling, why do they still split up? If they have the ability to dare to break into Erdaoling, why do they still hang around in Toudaoling?"

Listening to his words, Erye took a deep breath and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

Obviously he was thinking seriously, and Chen Tiezhu didn't dare to interrupt.

"You can come out alive because they deliberately left you alive. It's just to tell people outside not to mess up their good deeds." Erye glanced at him and said.

"Second uncle, these people are so evil?" He Jianguo was a little anxious.

Chen Tiezhu's heart was also a little nervous, after all, he really "almost" died in the forest.

"Although I haven't seen them, they should have walked away from the mountain." Erye said.

"Second Master, are the mountain walkers the same as mountain travelers?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

Second Master shook his head, "Mountain travelers are guests, and mountain walkers are thieves. They want to take everything in the mountains. They want rare animals, exotic herbs and magical medicines. If they encounter a lone mountain traveler, it is common to kill and rob."

"They are a branch of the thieves. To put it bluntly, mountain walkers are actually mountain bandits. It's just that now it's the world of our common people, and they have restrained themselves a lot."

"Who dares to be a gangster? Some people don't want to live a down-to-earth life, and always want to do business without capital. This time they came here to target the wild animals on our Erdao Ridge."

"Split into two groups, in fact, they are driving the wild animals out of the Erdao Ridge, driving them into the traps they made, and then hunting them in one fell swoop."

"Damn, they dare to play like this?" Chen Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"What's there to be afraid of? Didn't you encounter it?" Second Master glanced at him.

"I didn't expect that they were going to catch all the wild animals here. If they succeed, our Erdaoling will be dead in the future." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

Coming from the future, he naturally knew what kind of impact would be caused to the mountain if the ecological balance on the mountain was destroyed.

Many famous mountains and rivers in the future have lost their spiritual energy because of human invasion.

The mountain is still the same mountain, but when you walk in it, you can see traces of human invasion. The so-called landscape is just people's wishful thinking.

Listening to his words, the second master looked at him in surprise, "You are right, so we also have hunting rules when we hunt."

"We have to pay respect to the mountain every year, because we go up the mountain to hunt, relying on the rewards of the mountain. After choosing the hunting ground, we also have to cut the bark of the tree, which is to remind others to avoid disputes in the future, and to avoid accidentally hurting people."

"Don't hunt females in spring and males in autumn. If you hunt females, their cubs will starve to death. If you hunt males, how can females give birth? In recent years, our village has hunted more in the mountains in spring and autumn."

"Fortunately, they are all wild rabbits and pheasants. There are many of these things, so even if we hunt some, it's nothing. But everything has a limit. Who knows what will happen in the future."

"Don't get involved in the affairs of these people in the mountains. It's dangerous. Anyway, it will take them half a month or twenty days to drive up the mountain. I'll prepare and go into the mountain to meet them."

"Second master, you can't do it." Chen Tiezhu said hurriedly.

"They are very dangerous people. It's too dangerous for you to go in alone. I have other things to do these two days. I will go with you after I finish my work."

Even though he knew that the second master had his own abilities, facing these people, the risk here is already too great to be described as great. It's almost like committing suicide.

"Yes, second uncle, this is too dangerous. Even if you have to go up the mountain,, we need to organize more people." He Jianguo also interjected.

"Bringing others with us will only cause more trouble. I just hope that my old face can still be worth some money." Erye shook his head.

Chen Tiezhu and He Jianguo didn't know what to say, and Erye was right.

If ordinary people followed into the mountains, Erye would have to take care of them. If he met that group of people, where would he have so much energy?

"Erye, although I am a little arrogant to say this, I still have to say it." After a little consideration, Chen Tiezhu spoke.

"This matter is also caused by me. If you are in danger because of this matter, I will never be able to get over this hurdle in my life."

"Although I am not as good as you in hunting, at least I still have some strength. You can prepare first, and then we can go up the mountain together. Uncle Jianguo, you have to keep an eye on Erye and don't let him sneak in by himself. "

He Jianguo looked at him with a smile. Can he take care of his second uncle?

"I still have some responsibility, but taking you with me is also a burden. I have lived for so long, what kind of storms have I not seen? These are all trivial matters." Erye said with a smile.

Although he said disdainful words, his eyes were full of appreciation.

It is said that Erluzi has changed, and now it seems that he has indeed changed a little.

"Even if it is a burden, I have to follow. Anyway, if you don't agree, I will live with Doudou at your house." Chen Tiezhu muttered.

"What do you want to do?" Erye was a little bit embarrassed.

"It's not a tantrum, but a belief in my own strength." Chen Tiezhu said confidently.

"Now I can also take Doudou to the mountains to hunt, and I don't set traps and traps, but use stones to hit. I met that group of people last time and made enemies with them."

"I have to avenge this hatred. Even if you drive them all away, who can I seek revenge on? Anyway, I have a stubborn temper. Whether you agree or not, I will go anyway. "

Er Ye frowned, "You said you have a lot of strength, so I will test you. Do you see the bow on my wall? Try to pull it. If you can pull it open, I will take you with me."

I didn't expect this Er Donkey to be so difficult to deal with. I'll just give him a blow first to make him give up.

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