"Actually, the five family immortals Hu, Huang, Bai, Liu and Hui were spread later. The first ones were the four immortals Hu, Huang, Chang and Mang." The second master continued.

"The Hu family refers to the third grandfather and third grandmother of the Hu family. This is widely circulated among the people. Huang is a weasel, Chang is a worm, and Mang is a python."

"Why use the Hu of the surname Hu? Isn't it to avoid the immortals. This is why you were surprised when you picked up such a big snake skin. Who said there are no pythons in our Northeast? There have been pythons for a long time."

Chen Tiezhu grinned and brought the little confused kid to his eyes and stared at him.

The little confused kid also scratched with his little claws, and he was disgusted with Chen Tiezhu's wretched eyes.

"How did it come out? There are many stories about this. But it is generally recognized that the Hu family is the leader of the immortals in our Northeast, and they are very capable." The second master continued.

"Even some of the spirits nowadays don't dare to ask the Hu family to possess them easily. As for foxes, there are all kinds of fur colors in the forest."

"But the one in your family is a little different. It was small before and not very bright. Now it has enough food and water, and it has grown up."

"Look at its fur, isn't it a little yellow? Look at its forehead, isn't it a little lighter than other places?"

"If the old man left it, no one would dare to touch such a fox. It might be Mr. Hu San or Mrs. Hu San, who has opened the third eye."

"But these are also folk legends. Anyway, you have it, so you should take good care of it. The little confused egg also exudes a sense of cleverness, and it seems to be really different from other foxes."

"Anyway, we In the past, when we were hunting, if we encountered a fox of similar color, we would go around it even if there were more prey ahead. ”

“In 1977 or 1978? A man in the town shot a white wolf. He was so happy. Life was hard at that time. Could he sell the white wolf skin for an extra 30 or 50 cents?”

“He wanted to go to the town to sell it, but it snowed heavily. The family waited for a whole day but didn’t return home. When people looked for him, he had frozen to death on the roadside.”

“He was unharmed and wore a cotton-padded jacket very tightly. The dry food he brought was also there, but the skin was missing. People said that it was Master Hu San who took action. It must be nonsense, but they couldn’t understand what was going on.”

“Second Master, you are not kidding me, are you?” Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

“Why am I kidding you? Many people know about this.” Second Master glanced at him.

"But this thing is true if you believe it, and false if you don't. It's just like the lightning-struck wood you picked up. If you put it in someone else's house, it will be used for firewood. If you sell it, you can sell it for a lot of money."

"You have a lot of opportunities, and you are actually quite evil. What's wrong with raising a third master Hu? Raising a black mother in the future is nothing."

"Uh..., what is a black mother?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a wry smile, and put the little confused kid on the kang.

The little confused kid looked at him with disdain, walked to the head of the kang, and fell asleep peacefully.

Otherwise, why would Doudou think of bribing the big tiger with a warm kang? It's so comfortable to sleep on the kang.

Seeing the little confused kid like this, Doudou also climbed onto the kang. He kicked his little shoes and climbed to the side of the little confused kid and rubbed him.

"There are many legends about Heima, but most of them say that she is a Taoist guardian. Here, it is said that Blind Bear has achieved success in cultivation." Erye said with a smile.

"In fact, it is because there are more people in Northeast China who believe in Shamanism. Shamanism does not have a main god. Whatever you believe in is the god. In the early years, the control was strict, and in recent years, the control has been relaxed, and slowly they all came out."


At this time, I don't know if it was because Doudou rubbed it comfortably, but the little confused kid burst into a weird laugh, which scared Chen Tiezhu and Erye.

The old and the young looked at the little confused kid who was playing happily with Doudou with his legs up in the air, and there was a sense of helplessness in their eyes.

After all, when talking about this matter, the little confused kid "laughed", who wouldn't be scared?

But I didn't care too much, the little confused kid's cry was also varied, and Chen Tiezhu almost mistook him for a baby at the beginning.

"Second Master, let's not talk about this anymore. It's scary. Do you think I should go to the town to ask around and see if anyone knows what our village was like before?" Chen Tiezhu decided to change the subject.

Second Master shook his head, "I guess it would be a waste of time even if you go to ask around. Who knows what crazy things might come out of you by then."

"How can outsiders know something that our villagers don't know? Just remember what the elders left behind.Now that I think about it, I'm afraid the reason why the elders said that hunting in the back mountain is not allowed is not just because there are too many wild animals on the mountain. "

"You should try not to go this year, and wait until the first day of the new year to worship the mountain. If you want to go again, go then."

"By the way, I just wanted to ask, what is the purpose of worshipping the mountain?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"We rely on the mountain for food, so we must ask the mountain god to protect us? These years have been bad, when we can't eat, which year should I not worship the mountain on the first day of the new year?"

"The policy should be relaxed now, right? There should be nothing wrong with worshipping. But you have to ask about it carefully, so as not to delay the girl's future."

"Well, I'll ask later. "

Chen Tiezhu scratched his head, feeling depressed.

I came to Erye to get my doubts solved, but I didn't solve any of the problems I wanted to solve. Now I have a confused mind, and the more I talk, the more weird it gets.

"You are a fool, you have no chance to survive. Why do you think so much? It only adds to your troubles." Erye said with a smile.

The tobacco in the pipe was finished, and he knocked it on the sole of his shoe.

"That's the reason. Come to my house for dinner today, hunt pheasants and rabbits, and continue to improve your life in the evening. "Chen Tiezhu nodded.

He really couldn't figure out these things, and he didn't plan to figure them out.

Take the history of the broken generations, who can you study with? It's impossible to find any written materials.

Besides, the little confused kid who is playing happily with Doudou now, you don't care whether it is Master Hu San, anyway, the family has raised it for such a long time.

Besides, even if it is Master Hu San, he should be scared when he saw the big tiger today.

It's nothing, except that the current cry is a little unserious, the rest is quite serious.

But the more he thinks about it, the more interested he is in the history of Erdaoling Mountain.

But now he is also very scared when he thinks of the look of the big tiger looking at him, so let's talk about it later.

Tonight, stew a pot of rabbit and drink some wine to calm himself down.

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