It's no wonder that Chen Tiezhu was furious, because he saw someone familiar.

It was the young man who had fought with him before and knew Mantis Fist. The rest of the people were not seen.

Along with the young man named Dahai, there were four young men he didn't know, three of whom were holding spears.

People often say that greed is the root of evil. After experiencing the big tiger, he still dared to think about this jujube tree. Wasn't it greed in his heart?

In fact, if it were just these, he wouldn't be so angry.

The root cause was the little leopard in the hand of one of the young men.

Although he couldn't see it clearly, he firmly believed that it was the one he had encountered before.

Northeast leopards are rare, so who else could it be?

It's just that I don't know if Ms. Leopard has died under their guns. This is not the first battlefield.

The gunshot just now was that they shot and killed a wild boar.

"Huazi, what can we do with this wild boar? We can't get down the mountain." A young man who was bandaging his arm asked.

"It's okay. We can chop off its legs later. It's our prey after all." The young man who was playing with the little leopard said with a smile.

"No wonder they say there are so many wild animals on Erdaoling. We almost fell into their trap today. This little leopard can be sold for some money, right?"

"Brother Huazi, why don't we retreat first? I'm worried that we will meet the tiger mother again. What if the leopard just now is not dead and is found again?" Dahai said with some worry.

"What's so scary? We all have guns in our hands. Didn't we kill the wild boars?" Huazi said indifferently.


At this time, the little leopard opened its mouth and screamed, and also bit Huazi's hand fiercely.

"Damn, the little cub is quite fierce. It bit me and bled." Huazi cursed, shook his hands, and slapped the little leopard on the forehead.

Then he opened the bag and stuffed the little leopard in.

"Brothers, how about leaving a way for the wild animals in the mountains to survive? Take the wild boar away."

Chen Tiezhu came out from behind the tree with a gun in hand.

"Who are you?" Huazi drew the pistol from his waist and pointed it at him.

"I am the young leader of Erdaoling Village. I met Dahai yesterday." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"The Northeast Leopard is already very rare. You injured the big one and don't know whether it is dead or alive. If you take the small one away, it will be extinct in our Erdaoling."

"I will have a banquet after we go down the mountain..."

"Oh my god, I am so scared. Young leader, is he a fireman?" Huazi interrupted Chen Tiezhu's words with a joke.

The other three young men who had never seen him also laughed, but Hu Dahai's heart "stomped" for a moment, because he knew that Chen Tiezhu was not easy to mess with.

"Whether it's burning fire or doing something else, give me some face? It's not good to make such a big noise on the mountain." Chen Tiezhu still said calmly.

"Brother Huazi..."

"Shut up."

Hu Dahai was interrupted by Huazi as soon as he opened his mouth, "You have one gun each, and I have three guns for five people. If you are tired of living, just make a sound, my bullets don't have eyes."

After he finished speaking, the other two people with long guns also raised their guns.

At this time, Chen Tiezhu felt the familiar tingling sensation and hurriedly hid behind the tree.

"Hahahahahaha..., I thought I was such a great person. You are useless, you pissing pants." Huazi's rampant laughter came again.


Chen Tiezhu exhaled a breath of anger in his heart, ejected the bullet, and took out the bow and arrow again.

"Good words can't persuade the damned ghost, today I'll let you see the leader's ability." Chen Tiezhu said slowly.

"Oh my god, it's over, it's over, I was scared to death. Why are there so many cows flying in the sky in this land? You..."




"Ah..., kill him for me."

Before Huazi finished speaking, Chen Tiezhu kicked the ground with his right foot, dodged and flew out while shooting an arrow.

It was not very far away, less than 20 meters away. The arrow was fast and accurate, directly piercing Huazi's right shoulder, and the tip of the arrow came out from the back.

When his companions reacted and shot again, Chen Tiezhu was nowhere to be seen.

"I'll give you one last chance, throw down your guns and leave obediently, and I won't hold you accountable." Chen Tiezhu shot another arrow.

"You're not going to hold me accountable for what happened. Kill him. I'll hold him up even if the sky falls." Hua Zi shouted in hatred.

"Brother Hua Zi..."

"Shut up, if you keep pestering me, I'llI'll kill you first." Hu Dahai spoke again, but was interrupted by Hua Zi's angry roar. Chen Tiezhu took a deep breath, bent down, and ran towards the tree where he had crouched for the first time. "Pah" "Pah" "Pah" These people were only looking at the direction to their right, and three shots missed. "Swoosh" "Ah..." Chen Tiezhu's arrow shot directly through the thigh of a young man holding a spear. "Pah, pah, pah..." Listening to the gunshots behind him, Chen Tiezhu smiled disdainfully. I thought he was such a powerful and ruthless character, but his shooting skills were so bad? He was not even accurate. "Get out of here, don't hide if you have the ability." Hua Zi shouted angrily. "I gave you a chance, but you can't use it. You're almost out of bullets, right? You're so rude, I'll shoot your left shoulder with the next arrow. "Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Hearing his voice, the three men turned their guns around.

Huazi also winked at the other two uninjured people, indicating that they should go around from the left and right sides.

"You went up the mountain to hunt, but broke the rules of hunting. Think about it, people only have one life." Chen Tiezhu continued.

After that, this time he did not run left or right, but ran around the mountain, and immediately opened up the distance.

There was another burst of gunfire behind him. He stepped hard on the tree trunk in front of him, turned around and flew diagonally, and shot the third arrow.

Although the distance increased, the speed of his arrow was not slow at all, and it pierced the shoulder of the young man who wanted to surround him from his right side.

The young man staggered in pain and rolled down the hillside.

At this At that time, Huazi was really a little scared.

If it was on flat ground, this distance would not be a big deal, and it was within their effective range. But this was in the mountains, with so many trees.

Even if they saw Chen Tiezhu, they would have moved to another place by the time they shot.

But where was Chen Tiezhu's arrow? It was elusive. When you saw him draw the bow, someone was shot.

Who wouldn't be scared?

They were scared, but Chen Tiezhu's interest had just started, and he had to accompany them to have some fun today.

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