"Tiezhu, do you think I'll be hard to take out to meet people in the future?" Liu Dayou asked with a face full of resentment.

In fact, others also thought so.

I felt that Chen Tiezhu was a little redundant now, after all, Han Xiuying's treatment just now was already done. He still wanted to continue to beat, which felt a little bit unworthy.

Facing everyone's eyes, Chen Tiezhu smiled slightly, "Old Liu, let's play a question-and-answer game, I ask questions and you answer them."

Liu Dayou was dumbfounded, what happened to brother Tiezhu today?

"Dad, dad, Doudou is full, and wants to make friends with the little leopard." At this time, Doudou interrupted.

The little mouth is still bulging, and the last bite of mutton has not been eaten.

"Okay, let's go play." Chen Tiezhu coaxed, and then looked at Liu Dayou, "Do you usually feel dizzy and palpitating?"

"Uh..., yes." Liu Dayou nodded, and his heart was like fifteen toads, up and down.

"Do you sometimes love to sleep after eating and drinking enough, and often fall asleep unconsciously while sitting there." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"Yeah, yes, there have been a few times." Liu Dayou said nervously.

His fat face began to sweat again.

This was not because of the heat from eating hot pot and drinking, but because of being scared by Chen Tiezhu.

The others were even more curious, this must be a physical problem.

"The last question, if you stand for a little longer or walk for a little longer, will you feel particularly tired?" Chen Tiezhu asked after picking up a chopstick of mutton and stuffing it into his mouth happily.

"Yes, yes, you can't stand for a long time, you have to find a place to sit. Brother Tiezhu, do I have a terminal disease? How long can I live?"

Liu Dayou became even more anxious, because Chen Tiezhu was right.

Everyone's heart was lifted up, even if they were not very familiar with Liu Dayou, they looked down on his previous practices, but this was still a life after all.

"You, how long you want to live in the future depends on you." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"There is an old saying that says that illness comes from the mouth and disaster comes from the mouth. You are so fat now, it is completely caused by eating later. If you can still be so fat with the previous living standard, you can only say that you are gifted."

"Well, I used to be thin. Later I got married and my life became better. It was just in the past few years, I was so fat as if I was blown by the wind." Liu Dayou said eagerly.

"It's actually a very simple thing. Everyone understands it without any medical reasoning." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"The internal organs in our body develop slowly during our growth process. After they are fully developed, they adapt to the current situation of the body."

"It's like the diesel engine behind my house. It can carry a crusher. If you put it in a truck and let it pull five tons of goods, can it work? The engine is your heart."

"Your original body frame can support a weight of over 100, which is very easy. Now you must be at least 200, right? With so much extra weight, how can the frame be okay?"

"And you are fat mainly in the upper body, especially this belly. You can't even see your feet now, how can you control your center of gravity?"

"If this goes on, either the engine will be scrapped or the frame will fall apart. So even if you don't have any terminal illness, your future life span will definitely be affected."

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment. There is such a saying?

But it seems to make sense, right?

In fact, this matter is easy to understand in the future. Liu Dayou is a typical person with three highs. You don't need to see a doctor, ordinary people also know what's going on.

But it's different now. It's just a few days later? Normal thinking is still looking forward to being fatter.

When praising children, "Fat Tiger" is often used to describe them. You should say "Oh my God, this child has grown up well, like a skinny monkey."

Do you think they will fight or not?

"Brother Tiezhu, what should I do?" Liu Dayou asked with melancholy.

Everyone wants to live a few more years, and doesn't want to report to Comrade Lao Ma so early.

"It's very simple. You are completely eating. First of all, you have to control your mouth." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"While controlling your diet, you should also increase your exercise appropriately. Our village will soon harvest corn, and you can help harvest it."

"Get up at six o'clock every morning and run a kilometer. Even if you can't run at the beginning, you have to walk. Is it okay?"

Liu Dayou opened his mouth, "Brother Tiezhu, then..., Is it enough to run one kilometer?"

"Yeah." Chen Tiezhu nodded with a smile.

"After running one kilometer, we can add two kilometers. When there is nothing to do, you can jump rope. It doesn't matter how many times you jump, just jump until you can't jump anymore."

"Starting tomorrow, you can't eat spicy food, you have to eat light food. The staple food is sorghum rice, and there are vegetables at home, and there are enough radishes and cabbages."

Listening to his words, Liu Dayou's face became more and more ugly.

Just eat this thing?

Do you have to do such exercise?

His biggest hobby is to eat and drink like this.

According to Chen Tiezhu's plan, it is really the same as killing him.

"Tiezhu, then life will be better, but I can't enjoy it. What's the point of eating what you can't eat. "Liu Dayou asked bitterly.

Chen Tiezhu shrugged his shoulders, "So you can choose this yourself. Whether you want to indulge in food or live a few more years, it actually has nothing to do with me."

"This can be regarded as a transformation plan tailored for you. It is also to temper your character. If you can stick to it, there will definitely be very significant results when spring comes."

"After your character is tempered, you will have a certain degree of resistance when facing any temptation in the future. Just like me, my will is very strong just now."

"Of course, it's not the same when facing Yingzi. My heart beats faster when I see him. Whatever she says, I..."

"Oh, let's talk about serious things. What nonsense are you talking about."

Hearing this guy talking about these blushing words again, Han Xiuying said coquettishly and picked up a piece of cabbage for him.

"Haha, I think what Tiezhu said is quite reasonable. "Li Yinglin added with a pun.

"Yes, I'll risk my life and lose weight." Liu Dayou gritted his teeth and said resolutely.

But after saying that, he looked bitter again, "Brother Tiezhu, can I still eat mutton hotpot tonight? It's really delicious."

His appearance made everyone laugh, and he almost competed with Doudou.

"It's okay to eat some mutton. Even if you want to lose weight, you still have to eat meat, but you have to control the amount." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"After a few months of fighting, the weight will drop, and you can resume a normal diet appropriately. By then..., my dear, we can't feed you like this."

Listening to his words, everyone turned their heads to look at Doudou on the kang, and they all felt sorry for the little leopard.

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