"You are such a troublemaker, kid."

After arriving at the office, Director Hu said.

"This is not my fault. Who did I offend?" Chen Tiezhu said innocently.

"What are your rules for the future? The New Year is coming soon. You should at least give us some relief, right? We can't handle the work in the county."

"I discussed it with our village chief, Uncle Jianguo. From tomorrow, hunting will be banned in Erdaoling of our village." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Make the sign bigger. Anyone who wants to hunt can just go to Qiandaoling. In fact, according to my idea, there is no need to care. People are naturally afraid of being harmed by wolves, bears, and tigers."

"You are so pushy. When you do things in the future, pay more attention to the methods and don't make it too intense." Director Hu said.

"I just didn't expect you to be such an accurate shooter. Now that you're here, I'll call all the guys in the new branch over here. You can stretch them out."

"Leader, you're really forcing me to do this. I don't have the ability to do this." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

"Just take whatever you can get. Chaoyang, call those guys in." Director Hu said.

"Okay, I'll call them right away." Jiang Chaoyang said happily.

Chen Tiezhu's face suddenly became very resentful, "Brother Jiang, you've changed. You're also plotting against me. I don't want to be with you anymore. I was wondering why you were so happy to stay at my house for dinner. You're waiting for me here."

"You deserve it. It seems like you didn't plot against me enough." Jiang Chaoyang replied and ran out.

"Don't talk about unnecessary things. How is Xiuying's work in the town? Is it stressful?" Director Hu asked with concern.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "This girl is strong-willed. Although it was your secret operation that arranged her to the town, she also wants to make her own achievements."

"She is still doing well now. Although it has not been long, she has established a firm foothold in the town. Moreover, she is not afraid of hardship. She goes to various villages to conduct research. I can't send her, and I won't drive her."

Director Hu nodded with satisfaction, picked up the teacup and took a big sip, "That's right. If a cadre can't even bear such a little hardship, what else can he do?"

"Take care of her more in life. The girl has never suffered so much before. In fact, I originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of her meritorious service last time to transfer her back to the provincial capital, but in the end she chose to go to your town."

After that, Director Hu picked up the big teacup again and continued to pour tea.

"Hey, we have to grow mushrooms. Yingzi started it, so we have to do all the work. This is a good comrade who is serious and responsible. Poverty alleviation must be thorough." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Little rascal." Director Hu laughed and scolded.


At this time, there was a knock on the door. After the door opened, Jiang Chaoyang led five energetic guys in from outside.

"Director Hu."

After walking in, the five stood at attention in unison.

"Good guy. Director Hu, you are incredible. Are you about to fight to grab them?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Then you see, so I have to use them well." Director Hu said with a little pride.

"This guy is Chen Tiezhu. He killed all of Chen San's gang last time. He killed a few more today. I guess they are no worse than you."

Hearing what Director Hu said, the five looked at Chen Tiezhu with shining eyes.

"It's a bit exaggerated, but not too exaggerated. Those guys can't compare with the five of them." Chen Tiezhu shook his head.

"I have also met some martial artists. These guys are all very fierce. Even their original units are not ordinary units."

"But if you want them to play a role, you have to do further training. Otherwise, they can only play 30% of their role. At most, they will die."

Hearing his evaluation, the five brothers were still a little unconvinced.

On the contrary, Director Hu nodded with satisfaction, "That's the truth, but no matter whether I or Chaoyang tells them, they may not listen to it."

"That's right, it's the same as my Yingzi." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Their strength is that they are too good. You can't find any fault with them no matter how you look at them. But their weakness is also obvious, which is that they are too good."

These words confused the five people, and they couldn't figure it out in their heads.

"It's such a simple thing. If you were asked to charge into battle and arrest a suspect, it would be a piece of cake." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile."No matter how brutal they are, it's hard to take advantage of you. But if you're only asked to do this, it's really a waste of talent."

"You've been back for a while, right? You still look very serious now. If you're really asked to do tracking and ambush, it will be too conspicuous."

"Your next job is not to kill the enemy in one blow on the battlefield. Because you are behind us, if you don't polish your spirit, you will be very conspicuous wherever you are."

"Or what is it, they are very proud of their former identities and don't want to forget them. Although they are here, their hearts are still in their original units."

Listening to Chen Tiezhu's words, even Director Hu looked at the five people in surprise. He also noticed the slightly embarrassed expressions on their faces. What does this mean?

This means that Chen Tiezhu was right even if it was just the first time he saw them.

"Tiezhu, come to our unit. I'll approve the note and take charge of the interrogation work." Director Hu asked with envy.

"Leader, why are you making a fuss like Brother Jiang?" Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

"I guess our old pre-trial officers don't have as sharp eyes as you." Director Hu said with a wry smile.

"Hehe, I do things based on my intuition. Let's say that no matter you or Brother Jiang, if I give you a chance, will you go back to continue carrying guns?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Then what can I say, I must go." Director Hu said without thinking.

After saying this, he laughed himself, "You kid, you have a lot of tricks. Now you guys are convinced, right? Not only is his fighting skills very solid, but his shooting skills are also top-notch."

Hearing this, the eyes of the five people who had just dimmed sparkled again.

"Director Hu, aren't you looking for trouble? I'm not going to be with you anymore." Chen Tiezhu was even more helpless.

Director Hu was helpless. Why was he still acting like a child?

"No matter how much Director Hu can stir up trouble, he can't be as good as you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Xiaoguang pushed the door open and walked in.

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