"Uncle Jianguo, you should worry more about it. I still have to make some small things here." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Anyway, hunting is banned, so we don't have to worry about it. If anyone dares to disobey and keep coming up, don't blame us for being rude."

"That's right. I have asked Yadong to fix the board and it will be fixed in the afternoon. You are quite good at ironwork now, right?" He Jianguo said casually.

"That's not great. His current craftsmanship is better than mine." Qiao Shulin sighed.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just cook and have some small tasks on hand. In addition, I am very strong, so this job is not difficult to do." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Dad, when should I knock?"

Doudou, who was waiting on the side, asked impatiently.

"My dear daughter, let's take a break today and have fun with our friends. It's not my turn to do such a small job. There will be big jobs in the future." Chen Tiezhu said in a joking manner.

"Yes, Doudou has to do the big job." The little guy nodded seriously, not realizing that he was fooled.

"By the way, has the tiller come?" He Jianguo asked again.

"It has come. Dayou went to arrange it. It's all done as it should be." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile, and put the cold pot on the stove.

"In fact, I was thinking about whether I could help turn the land in our village, but this time it was arranged by the leader himself, so I couldn't ask for it."

"It's enough for you to have this intention. Our land is cultivated all year round, and there is no problem." He Jianguo said with a smile.

"When I went to your house just now, Professor Xu was still talking about it. Now, mushrooms just need to wait for them to grow slowly. Anyway, those little mushrooms are so popular."

"Grandpa Jianguo, are you as popular as Doudou?" Doudou asked curiously.

"Hahahaha, but not as popular as Doudou." He Jianguo laughed.

"Tiezhu, but it's no good. My arms can't swing anymore. I need to rest." At this time, Liu Dayou also came over.

"It's okay, you can do it yourself. You have to be tired, but not too tired. If you don't get tired, then there will be no effect at all." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Yeah, I know, this is for my own good. It's just that I haven't worked for a long time. I wasn't like this before." Liu Da nodded.

"Good days have been going on for a long time, and it will get better slowly. Uncle Jianguo, haven't the Zhang family made any trouble recently?" Chen Tiezhu encouraged casually and asked again.

"What are you still making a fuss about? I heard that they will be taken to court in a few days." He Jianguo said.

"Actually, if you think about it, you can feel a little sorry for their family. They had a good life, but it was ruined because of their bad thoughts. But think about what they have done, they are not worthy of pity."

"You and Doudou are lucky, otherwise what would you do if something bad really happened? This is the blisters on your feet, they are all caused by walking."

"When you have time later, go to the edge of our village and see which piece of land can be used to build a factory. Anyway, the leaders have agreed to it, so don't think too much about it."

"Our village is different from what happened a few days ago. But it's a little different. For example, last night, everyone gathered at the brigade headquarters to chat. It was so lively.

Qiao Shulin nodded, "It's really different. Usually, we stay at home and go to the store to chat."

"The relationship between people seems to be distant. After you left yesterday, we were still chatting for a long time, just chatting about trivial things."

"What are you talking about? What time have you been chatting? If I don't go over to call you, you won't take me home." Wang Yulan said with a smile.

"Usually, you are silent and don't say much at home. But this guy is good, just like he has drunk half a catty of white wine, talking nonstop."

"Actually, this is what it's like to stay at home." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Everyone should get together more often in the future, so that we can have endless things to talk about. Otherwise, why would I like to run around? I can't stay idle at home."

"Ah..., my thoughts are also in reverse gear." He Jianguo sighed.

"I was thinking about it last night, and I still miss the time when we were in the production team. At that time, we went to work and left work together, and it was quite lively."

"Yes, yes, that's what I did yesterday." Qiao Shulin said hurriedly.

"Otherwise, even if we are from the same village, sometimes we don't see each other for more than ten or twenty days. It's really not like before, when we could always get together."

"Hehe, I think what you think is not wrong at all. The key is to have the same intention."Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Now that the people in our village can work together, everything will be easier in the future. When my mushrooms are done, everyone can get together and communicate more. "

"With communication, growing mushrooms will not be that difficult. When everyone grows mushrooms well and makes money, life will be better."

"That makes sense, that's the thing." He Jianguo said with a smile.

"Take me for example, I'm always worried about something in your mushroom house now. After seeing it, I feel at ease. "

"If we meet someone else there, we will chat about it. Tiezhu, you must let Professor Xu teach us well when the time comes."

"What's the matter, you can ask anything now. "Chen Tiezhu said indifferently.

"To be honest, I hope everyone can grow better than me. Then I can be a middleman and earn a little money to buy meat for my daughter. ”

It should be said that after hearing the feedback from He Jianguo and Qiao Shulin, he was also very excited.

Erdaoling Village is really changing now. Although it cannot be described as significant, such a small change is also worth being happy about.

Some people say that it is better to share happiness with others than to enjoy it alone.

If you are rich, you are indeed very happy. But if you are alienated from the villagers and they talk about you behind your back, how long can you be happy in such a life?

Now you can not only make money, but also have a good relationship with people, so why not do it?

For him, money is really not important now.

You can say he is arrogant, but he just has this kind of superiority of "experienced people".

After chatting for a while, Chen Tiezhu continued to forge iron.

He also had to make a lot of delicious food for his daughter and Yingzi, but it would not work if the tools were not handy.

As I said, happiness is so simple, the key is to see what you value.

Just as he was about to continue forging iron, Li Yinglin rode over on a motorcycle.

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