"Tiezhu, Li Suo's idea can't be so right?" He Jianguo asked with some concern.

"No, I have to go and take a look. I heard gunshots. And there were three bursts. Maybe it was a Type 56 semi-automatic." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Uncle Jianguo, please take care of Doudou for me. I have to go and take a look. Tell the people in our village not to go over there. Damn it, they really came to our side."

After saying that, Chen Tiezhu didn't have time to care about the iron pot to be beaten, and ran straight home.

"Jianguo, this is too dangerous, right? There is no gunshot yet. Will Li Suo have any accidents?" Qiao Shulin asked nervously.

"How should I know? I hope Li Suo will be lucky." He Jianguo said with a wry smile.

Chen Tiezhu, who ran home, was so anxious that he grabbed some bullets at random, put his bow and gun on his back, and ran to the northwest.

He was so anxious that the gunshot really gave him a very bad premonition. And his feeling has always been very accurate.

"Bang, bang"

"Da da da"

While running, there was another gunshot. He was not worried but happy, there was no gunshot from a pistol. At least it proved that if it was really Li Yinglin, he was still fighting.

After running for a while, Chen Tiezhu's heart "clicked" again. Li Yinglin's motorcycle flipped on the side of the road.

And on this dirt road, there was also a Jiefang 140 truck, the windshield glass was broken.

What caught his attention was that there were three spots of blood on the door of the co-pilot of the truck. He didn't know whether it was left by Li Yinglin or the three crazy robbers.

After a closer look, the direction of these footprints was running into the woods, so he chased in directly.

He was also very emotional, this era is really crazy.

Accustomed to the safe and stable living environment in the future, how many life and death have you experienced in such a short time here?

I took Doudou to hunt at night, and I was almost stabbed to death by an arrow. Hunting these people at night is also full of danger.

I just dealt with the few people who came up the mountain, and now there is such a group of tyrannical and ruthless robbers.

These days, it is really too chaotic.


"Friend, give me a way out. 20,000 yuan, let me buy a way out."

Just chasing, after a gunshot, there was a faint shouting voice.

Chen Tiezhu slowed down, the distance was not far.

"Just for a few wages, is it worth throwing this life here? How many bullets do you have?"

"There are three of us, three guns, hundreds of bullets, how long can you last?"

"The three of us robbed more than 130,000 in total, I'll give you 40,000, and we'll pretend we never met."


Listening to the voice coming over, Chen Tiezhu's heart was seriously relieved.

Fortunately, he didn't come too late, as they were still thinking about bribing Li Yinglin.

But after a brief inspection, his heart tightened again.

Although the figures of the three people were not very clear, they were not waiting in place to bribe them, but were spreading out to search.

No wonder the person who was listening to the conversation was always one person.


He was thinking in his heart, and he was also a little distracted. His foot stepped on a dead branch and made a sound.

Just when he wanted to be more careful, he felt his forehead tighten and turned his head quickly.


After the gunshot, he felt a small breeze blowing against his nose.

With a force on his right foot, his body jumped back suddenly.

"Da Da Da"

The gunshots of the third company rang out, and the bark that broke off the bark hit his face.

"Hu..., Hu..., Hu..."

Chen Tiezhu, who was leaning against the tree trunk and holding the gun, was now only breathing heavily.

This is a master, a real master.

"Friend, which road are you from?" The voice just now came again.

"Old Li, be careful, they are playing outflanking." Chen Tiezhu shouted.

"Hahaha, I knew you had to come to save me." Li Yinglin's voice came from the front.

"Friend, do you have to interfere?" The robber's voice came again.

"It's not that I have to interfere, you are chasing my big brother, can I ignore it?" Chen Tiezhu said.

"You are a serious expert, and your burst shooting is so accurate, why do you want to get into this business? You retreat from the side, and we will definitely not chase you. How about it?"

"You won't give us a way to live, right? Then let's fight to the death today." The robber said fiercely.

"That's really not negotiable. Although you have three guns, it is the Type 56 in your hand that poses some threat to us." Chen Tiezhu said.

"The five-round burst with the sawed-off barrel has a larger shooting areaSome, but the range and accuracy are much worse. In the woods, it can't play much role at all. "

"I know you are aiming at me. If it were in the open, I really wouldn't dare to fight you. Now, it's not that there is no chance."

Although he said it very easily, he was also very panicked.

This is the first time he has encountered such a strong opponent. Compared with this guy's shooting skills, the people in front are really nothing.

The key is that it is still daytime, even in the woods, the light is very good, and you can't play some tricks.

"One gun is enough to suppress you." The robber's tone was also very calm.

"He should have three bullets left. You two should be careful. If it doesn't work, use grenades. Get out, and the three of us will have delicious food and spicy drinks."

"Xiaobai, don't worry. You saved our lives. It doesn't matter if we are thrown here today."

"Watch the one behind, and leave the one in front to us. "

The two people in front also responded, and Chen Tiezhu was even more nervous.

Because the ease in their tone was not intentional, but really relaxed.

They either didn't take him and Li Yinglin seriously, or they had already taken life and death lightly.

Even if they used their toes to think, they couldn't be so arrogant.

And in the process of fighting, if you meet someone who disregards life and death, what will be the result?

He really dares to fight you to the death.

Not to mention, they may really have grenades.

He was really a little scared, He didn't even have enough courage to stick his head out to take a look.



Two more dull gunshots came, and Chen Tiezhu clenched his teeth.

He jerked his head to the left, and then quickly rolled to the right.



The gunshots rang out one after another, the bullets of the Type 56 hit the left side of the tree trunk, and the bullets of the Type 56 hit the right side of the tree trunk, almost killing him.


He also shot back.

However, his usual shooting skills were in vain, and he hit the tree trunk.

"Not bad, it's interesting. It's worth it to die in your hands." The robber said.

Chen Tiezhu sighed in his heart, this time he was really in trouble, why did he encounter such three fierce bandits.

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