There are many steps in an operation. For example, appendectomy is not just about taking out the appendix. The following operation is also very important.

What shocked these people was that Chen Tiezhu's operation was so fast and perfect.

Dealing with the mesentery, purse-string suture, ligating the appendix, cutting off the appendix, dealing with and burying the stump, covering the mesentery, these steps were done in one go, without any sense of dragging.

It was so easy and freehand, so fast, and so smooth. Just like..., everyone's daily breathing is so simple.

This is the instinct of people to survive, how difficult can it be?

Watching Chen Tiezhu perform surgery now, it feels like this.

Especially when doing purse-string suture, every stitch is so accurate and so fast, but you can still see it clearly.

Those who are far away have been shocked by Chen Tiezhu's skills.

And what about those who are close?

Take Han Zhenwen, Ma Guoming and Fang Zhiyong for example, their hearts are already filled with horror.

As assistants, they found that they could not keep up with the speed. Chen Tiezhu had not yet fully opened his firepower, and was operating at their speed.

Especially when he just ligated and cut off the appendix mesosome and appendix artery, he handled it to the extreme.

Because this patient actually had an appendix accessory artery, even some veterans could easily fall here.

Chen Tiezhu not only took it into consideration, but also handled it perfectly.

Now, the only thing left was to close the abdomen.

Originally, this should have been done by the assistant. Chen Tiezhu was really satisfied today and did this job as well.

And for this job, he increased the speed a little.

But even with such performance, the entire operating room became quiet, with only the sound of the instrument.

Fast, really too fast.

Whether it was suturing or knotting, many people could not keep up with the eyes. They only saw him busy, and then the incision was sutured.

"Okay, the job is done."

Chen Tiezhu said with a smile after cutting the suture thread.

People subconsciously looked at the time clock hanging in the operating room. Eleven minutes was so dazzling.

I'm afraid this is a new record in the whole country, right?

"Doctor, you are not fooling me, right? Didn't you do it for me?"

The patient lying on the bed asked in confusion.

"It's not a complicated job. Take a good look at your appendix and see it for the last time." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

The nurse beside him hurriedly brought the tray to the patient, and her face was also full of excitement.

"Is it really done now?" The patient was still a little confused.

"It's done. They will tell you what to pay attention to later. Move the bed. It's done." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa..."

At this moment, people reacted and warm applause rang out in the entire operating room.

Even though this record was not created by them, as a witness, they were also very excited.

"Teacher Chen, today is an eye-opener." Fang Zhiyong said with emotion.

"Yes, it's because I was a little slow, otherwise the operation could have been shorter." Ma Guoming said with some self-blame.

"President Ma, why do you think about that? This record is really useless." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"It still depends on the actual situation of the patient. Not every patient can have such perfect conditions. So, these are all empty."

"We need to make every patient who comes to see a doctor leave with satisfaction. But even if we try harder, there will still be regrets."

"Director Fang, you and Dr. Han send the patient back, I will talk to Tie..., Consultant Chen for a few more words." Ma Guoming said, and the title was adjusted directly.

"Okay, you and Teacher Chen will be busy first, and leave the rest to us." Fang Zhiyong said.

"President Ma, didn't you say that the county hospital should also make corresponding reforms? I don't see why it hasn't taken action yet?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"It is still in the discussion stage, and we have also collected opinions from various departments. It is not only convenient for patients to come for treatment, but also makes our work smoother." Ma Guoming said.

"And the people from the provincial hospital will be sent here in the next few days, and we have to make corresponding modifications to the operating room according to their plan."

"It is really thanks to you, otherwise there would be no such good thing. Tell me the truth, how much of your strength did you use today?"

Chen Tiezhu looked at him helplessly, "80%? About the same. In fact, my hands are faster, and there is nothing wrong with it."It started."

Ma Guoming didn't know what to say, even though this was the answer he had expected in his heart.

At the same time, a big question mark was also marked in his heart.

How strong is Chen Tiezhu's surgical ability?

There are really geniuses in the world, and Chen Tiezhu is a living example.

That's because Chen Tiezhu didn't know what he was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely complain to him.

Talent is indeed important, but it also requires a long period of practice. He suffered a lot and suffered a lot at the beginning.

"Consultant Chen, do you think we should choose a new surgery as an improvement plan to promote next?" Ma Guoming asked after changing his clothes.

"President Ma, this matter still needs your own decision." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"The most important reason why I did this operation so smoothly is that I have focused on it. It's also to avoid showing weakness in front of Zhenwen, and I have suffered a lot. "

Listening to his words, Ma Guoming was obviously disappointed.

He has tasted the sweetness. With the promotion of small incision appendectomy, the number of patients suffering from this disease who come to the county hospital for treatment has increased significantly.

After all, people have an instinctive fear of surgery. The emergence of small incision appendectomy can reduce this fear.

If the county hospital has a second surgery that can be worthy of the appearance, it will definitely be of great benefit to the operation of the hospital.

In fact, this is what Chen Tiezhu said deliberately. He can guess Ma Guoming's thoughts, but he can't just ignore it. He rushed forward without caring about anything.

He has many skills, but today he went too far and made a big mess.

He needs to pay more attention to this aspect in the future. Without enough preparation, he will not dare to come so late in the future.

If you walk by the river often, you will get your feet wet.

It is not always possible to use Mr. He's books and notes to get away with it.

After chatting with Ma Guoming for a few more words, he brought Doudou and a thermos to the ward of the injured comrades.

It should be said that it is still very lively here.

What surprised him was that not only Director Hu was here, but even Gao Xiaoguang was there.

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