"It's done so soon? Have you almost finished the materials?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"All the orders have been placed. I've also bought other small items, such as nails and leaflets, from the hardware store." Liu Dayou said hurriedly.

"They will find a car to deliver the remaining materials to us tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If they can't find a big truck, they will even find a four-wheeler to deliver it to us."

"Especially the fertilizer factory, they can't give us a discount on the price. They just give us one more ton of cement, and their life is not very good."

"Ah..., this is the situation we will face in the future. Unless our county engages in large-scale engineering construction, how much business can they have." Chen Tiezhu sighed.

"Then let's go home if there's nothing else to do. We can't let Brother Zhenwu watch us stewing meat all the time. We have to prepare some other dishes. Today has been quite hard."

"Okay, I'll go home with you for a meal." Han Zhenwen said excitedly.

"Why are you following me? You have to study medicine carefully?" Chen Tiezhu asked seriously.

Han Zhenwen rolled his eyes, "I've taken all my leave, and I'm just waiting to show off to grandpa. Doudou, if you have something fun, don't you have to show it off to others?"

"Yeah, I have to show it off."

Doudou nodded his head seriously, and his eyes were shining when he looked at Han Zhenwen.

My uncle is a good comrade, and this really touched my heart.

"Let's go, you're just wasting your time, and you don't even think about learning well." Chen Tiezhu shook his head.

"Hehe, follow your brother-in-law, you can eat meat and learn medical skills." Han Zhenwen said with a smile.

"Take the lunch box, and bring some braised meat to Lao Fang when you come back. Lao Fang has lost a lot of weight recently, and he is not as heartless as you." Chen Tiezhu muttered.

Han Zhenwen didn't care. He picked up the lunch box and hugged Doudou, and he became the pioneer.

"Old Liu, I have to continue to talk to you."

After getting in the car, Han Zhenwen opened up again.

"Let me put it this way. I was really nervous at that time. When the needle was inserted, if it was slightly off-center and hit a large blood vessel, or it was inserted somewhere else, it could kill the person directly."

"Then my brother-in-law smiled slightly without frowning. He told me how to insert the needle, what kind of force and speed to use, and he saved the person in an instant."

"Did you really insert the needle into the heart?" Liu Dayou was sweating on his forehead.

"That's not good. Pericardial effusion, if you don't insert the needle into the heart, you will definitely not be able to draw it out. If you can't draw it out, your heart won't jump, and you'll be finished." Han Zhenwen said.

Chen Tiezhu, who was driving, was helpless. Zhenwen's personality was a bit erratic. But it also conforms to the habits of young people, being young is good.

Of course, he thought that Han Zhenwen's "showing off" would also be from time to time, but he really underestimated it.

After returning home, he first called Grandpa Han and Han Zhenwu together. Even if Han Zhenwu had witnessed it personally, he had to listen to it again.

"Tiezhu, you have to take good care of him. With such a temper, how can he be a good doctor." Han Zhenwu said distressedly.

"I have heard it for the second time. It was more lively in the car." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

"But you have a good idea of ​​the heat of the stewed meat. Judging from the current fragrance and maturity, it must be that no open flames were used, and the bottom is not burnt."

"I didn't do anything, just this thing. How is the monkey?" Han Zhenwu asked.

"It's pretty good. It has recovered well. There is no problem with proper recovery training." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"By the way, I heard from Director Hu that there will be a public trial next. It will be very lively then, and I have to go and see it."

"I guess your county will also catch some typical cases." Han Zhenwu nodded.

"By the way, can the old man stay at my house for a few more days? I think he is quite happy with the second master." Chen Tiezhu asked.

"No problem." Han Zhenwu said with a smile.

"But the responsibility of taking care of grandpa's health will fall on your shoulders and Yingzi. Although grandpa looks very strong, he is actually a little weak."

"Don't worry, I will go to the mountains to dig clubs. Then I will make ginseng tea for the old man to drink, and he will be strong even if he is weak."

Han Zhenwen opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

You said Chen Tiezhu was bragging, but he is very good at digging clubs.

"Hey? Xiuying, why are you back so early? Tiezhu said he would pick you up later."

At this time, Han Xiuying came back on her bicycle.Come here, Han Zhenwu greeted.

"I was thinking about the situation at home, so I bought a pig heart and a pig liver." Han Xiuying said with a smile.

"Sister, sister, come in quickly, I have something to tell you."

At this time, Han Zhenwen ran out excitedly again.

Instinctively, Chen Tiezhu and Han Zhenwu hid aside, not wanting their ears to be poisoned by Han Zhenwen's boasting again.

Only Doudou, now looking at Han Zhenwen's eyes, it is really shining.

I still have to work hard and learn from my uncle, who is much better at showing off than me.

"You are also a consultant of the county hospital? And you can do the operation quickly?"

Chen Tiezhu was cleaning up in the outer room, and Han Xiuying came out happily.

"Did you hear Zhenwen say that? I just followed to join in the fun." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"It's really amazing." Han Xiuying praised.

Chen Tiezhu shuddered. Something was wrong with this smile.

"Yingzi, well, I have to go to the back to see some of the installation. I'll come back and stew the food. A big pot is easier to stew." Chen Tiezhu said.

After that, he put down the kitchen knife and wanted to run away.

"Oh, I heard about it too. The equipment has been delivered. I'll go with you to see it." Han Xiuying was still smiling.

Chen Tiezhu grinned. How did he offend this lady? The current situation was obviously wrong.

"Zhenwen, don't just show off. Help Lao Li change the medicine." Chen Tiezhu shouted.

Regardless of whether it was because of the consultant, at least Han Zhenwen couldn't be relaxed.

"Yingzi, we will start building the factory tomorrow. Do you want to dig two shovels of soil with me and participate in the whole groundbreaking ceremony?" Chen Tiezhu began to interrupt.

"Why do you need me? You are so capable." Han Xiuying still smiled.

"Yingzi, just give me a quick death. I have been so good today, really good." Chen Tiezhu said pitifully.

Han Xiuying's smile suddenly disappeared, and her delicate hand also grabbed his ear accurately, "How can I be so patient with you? You even dare to plot against the leader?"

"Why are Lao Gao and Lao Hu like this? They are not tattletales." Chen Tiezhu said depressedly.

"Tiezhu, Yingzi, come in, what's going on?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of Mr. Han came out.

Chen Tiezhu was dumbfounded, forgetting that Mr. Han was still there.

Wouldn't his little tricks make the old man unhappy?

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