The lunch was delicious, although it was salty. After the meal, it was also very nice to drink some tea.

After drinking the tea, everyone came to the factory.

It was similar to the day when the equipment was delivered. Many villagers waited here spontaneously, all of them came to watch the fun.

"Second Master, there are so many people waiting, it would be great if you could ask someone to call me." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

"Everyone knows that you are very busy these days, so everyone is just chatting here and waiting." Second Master said indifferently.

"Okay, Director Cui, you have to take care of it." Chen Tiezhu hurriedly said.

"Haha, it's nothing. Who is the boiler operator in your unit? I have to tell him." Director Cui said with a smile.

"Li Tongda, you go first." Chen Tiezhu waved his hand.


Li Tongda responded happily and ran to the small boiler.

He was so happy that his tonsils could be seen from his grinning mouth.

These two days, he only watched the bricklayers and carpenters have a good time. Today is his chance to show his face.

"This kid is so beautiful." Li Chengxiang said with disdain.

"Old Li, your kid is really promising."

"That's right. I heard that Tiezhu is very good at making this equipment."

"This kid stepped on dog shit and was chosen by Tiezhu."


The villagers around also said envious words.

Li Chengxiang was so beautiful. His son was really promising.

"Comrade, this job is actually not very difficult. We have pressure gauges here. When you add coal to the boiler, just keep an eye on the pressure gauge." Director Cui said.

"This is the water inlet pipe, this is the steam pressure gauge, and this is the temperature gauge. If the steam pressure is too high, there is a pressure relief wrench here, put it down. If the temperature is too high, you can also reduce the amount of steam sprayed out."

"And here, this is the air damper of the boiler. When the fire is not too strong, close the air damper to save coal."

"There is nothing else. As long as these do not exceed the red line on the table, they are all safe. Don't spray people with the steam on the pressure relief pipe. That guy will spray a bunch of big bubbles."

"Don't worry, I can remember it." Li Tongda nodded seriously.

"During the installation these two days, I also watched with the masters. Don't worry, I will definitely do the work taught by the masters."

"Okay, then burn the furnace first. Let's take a look at the molding machine on the other side, try production, and then we can sterilize directly." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Leaving Li Tongda here to burn the boiler, Chen Tiezhu led everyone to the molding machine again.

"Tiezhu, although we haven't decided who will take charge yet, can I do the first round first?" Huang Jianxin asked with a smile.

"Why not? Just treat it as a game." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

Listening to his words, everyone also laughed.

Huang Jianxin was not idle either, and hurriedly used a shovel to load the feed trough.

"There is nothing to say about this molding machine, just pay attention to production safety." Director Cui said with a smile.

"After filling the material, before supplying power, you must pay attention and do a good inspection. If the material receiving port is tied well, there will be no problem."

"The two valves on the side are used to adjust the molding pressure. After all, we made this equipment by ourselves, and it is not so precise, so there will be attenuation in the extrusion force."

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "This is okay, as long as we can produce it. We will slowly study it in the future and strive for full automation."

At this time, Huang Jianxin also installed the feeding bag and pressed the green start button.

The villagers who were watching the excitement around also widened their eyes. This is a new thing.

At this time, the feeding hopper has risen to the top and began to tilt, and the culture medium in the hopper is sent to the molding machine.

"It's out, it's out, this guy is really amazing."

"How did you make it? It's so round, and it looks hard."

"This is really amazing, iron pillars are just like this."


Looking at the cylindrical culture medium rolling out of the iron roller, people are really curious.

No wonder everyone is so surprised. For people of this era, or more precisely, for the villagers of Erdaoling Village, the flour milling machine is already very advanced.

At this time, Professor Xu walked up, pinched the culture medium with his hands, felt some hardness, and then made a record.

Five were produced according to the current standard, and then the pressure was adjusted and production continued.

A total ofTwenty culture media made under different pressures are also used for planting tests. See at what density mushrooms grow better.

"Li Tongda, has the steam pressure on your side come up?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"It has come up." Li Tongda responded.

Chen Tiezhu opened the door of the disinfection room and pushed the culture media directly in.

After coming out, he closed the door again and nodded at Li Tongda.

Li Tongda was quite excited. When he turned the door, people heard the sound of "eating, eating".

The only regret is that this high-temperature sterilization room has no windows. If the cost of making that kind of high-temperature resistant glass is too high, it doesn't matter.

With the influx of steam, the temperature gauge in the sterilization room also began to rise slowly. After nearly a quarter of an hour, the temperature finally rose to 100 degrees.

This is the key point. After all, it needs to be adjusted manually, unlike in later generations, it can be completely controlled automatically by electrical components.

Li Tongda is very nervous now. After all, it is his first time to operate and he is afraid of making mistakes.

Fortunately, this does not require a very strict operating procedure. It only needs to be flushed with steam at high temperature for a period of time.

Although the wind is cold, it can't stop the enthusiasm of the villagers of Erdaoling to watch the excitement.

When the temperature in the sterilization room drops, Chen Tiezhu puts on cotton gloves and walks in.

"Hehe, I feel warm to the touch. Professor Xu, the rest is up to you." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Don't worry, I will definitely measure all these data accurately." Professor Xu nodded seriously.

"Anyway, I'm free, so I'll make another batch and keep it for Professor Xu and others to use for experiments." Chen Tiezhu waved his hand.

Science is not a joke, it requires strict numbers to check.

Now these culture media look good, but because of different densities, the heating conditions are also different.

Without a large amount of experimental materials, the data obtained may not be accurate enough.

Everyone was very excited, and this thing looked quite interesting. As long as it was fixed, everyone could use this thick stick to grow mushrooms.

"Tiezhu, what are you doing?"

At this time, Li Yinglin came over on a motorcycle.

"This guy, is his injury healed?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"It's almost healed, it wasn't serious. Um, let me inform you that a public trial will be held at the entrance of the county theater the day after tomorrow. Those who are interested can go and have a look." Li Yinglin said.

This was a big deal, and the villagers were shocked.

After all, activities like "public trial" have not been experienced for many years.

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