"Dad, what are you doing? Can't we just stew meat at home?"

On the way to the county, Doudou, who was sitting in Han Xiuying's arms, asked with his eyes closed.

"Today is a very important day. We have to go to the county to watch the public trial. There will be bad people sentenced to correct the social atmosphere." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Dad, is there meat to eat?" Doudou asked.

Li Yinglin was very happy.

In Doudou's heart, who had not slept enough, only the smell of meat came.

"Tiezhu, you also made a lot of sticks of the culture medium, isn't that a waste?" Li Yinglin asked.

"It's nothing, it's part of the trial production, and it's also to let everyone get familiar with the process." Chen Tiezhu said.

"These culture media, coal, and water are actually nothing. When we go back to continuous production, we should add coal to it. We can't afford to burn good coal."

"Then do you really want to build a pigpen over there?" Han Xiuying asked.

"We need to discuss this matter again." Chen Tiezhu grinned.

"At the beginning, I really planned to do so. Later, I thought that if the north wind blows, we might not be able to stand the smell and be annoyed."

"So, if we really raise pigs in the future, we have to move to another place. No matter which direction the wind blows, it won't be annoying."

"Let's take our time. This is our subsidiary project. We can do it after planting the land in spring. By the way, Dayou, have we finished turning over all the land?"

"We have turned over all the land with three tractors. Although they turned over slowly due to the weather, they have turned over all the land in the past few days." Liu Dayou said hurriedly.

"Think about it. Invite Wei Dabao to our house later." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"We must not forget your kindness in entertaining the three drivers for so many days. After you finish, you can go to the farm again and pull the decomposed manure directly to the field."

"You can also find a place to pile the undecomposed manure on the side, and then pull a small part of it to our mushroom planting area to see if it can have some effect if it is fermented in the fermentation tank."

"Okay, leave it to me. But I think if it is fermented this way, even if it can save some time, it doesn't seem to be much." Liu Dayou said.

"Let's try it first, and then study it slowly." Chen Tiezhu said casually.

In fact, he knew that there was an additive in the future that could speed up the decomposition of manure, but there is no such thing now.

Just as he said, he can only study it slowly.

They talked and chatted and came to the door of the county cinema. They came out relatively early. Now there are also crowds of people here, and there is only a passage left by the comrades of the public security to maintain order.

This is also a situation that has not happened for several years, and naturally it has attracted people's attention in the county.

In order to satisfy Doudou, Chen Tiezhu ran to a distance to buy a roasted sweet potato for the little girl, which made her face relax.

If there is no meat to eat, there are sweet and sticky roasted sweet potatoes, which is also good, we are not picky.

Time flows slowly, and at 8:30 in the morning, there is finally movement in the loudspeaker outside the cinema.

"Comrades, please pay attention, comrades, please pay attention, this public trial meeting has officially begun, and the criminals are escorted into the venue."

As this voice sounded, people turned their heads in unison and looked at the end of the road. There were so many people at the scene, and there was only the occasional cough.

"Here, here..."

"Wow, they really set up a machine gun."

"How many trucks are there?"


The noisy voices gradually sounded after seeing the cars on the road, and slowly merged into one.

On the big head truck, a machine gun was mounted above the cab. The bullet chain was shaking on the roof as the truck moved forward.

The morning sun hit the bullets, creating a yellow halo.

Chen Tiezhu was tall, so he could see more clearly. There were three trucks carrying prisoners behind him. Armed police officers with live ammunition stood by the doors.

Doudou, who was chewing on a roasted sweet potato, didn't care about your public trial or anything else. The little guy's attention was attracted by the machine gun on the roof, and he watched intently.

The car slowly stopped, and the prisoner was taken down from the car.

He was also an acquaintance of Chen Tiezhu, the so-called "Thirteen Taibao" he caught from the forest.

He was no longer as domineering as before, and now he hung his head.

"Dad, what are they hanging around their necks?" Doudou asked curiously.

"That's the crime they committed, and their names." Chen Tiezhu said softly.

The names of those peopleThe words were all crossed out with red crosses. Needless to say, they were to be shot.

After these people stood in a row, the host began to read out their names and the crimes they had committed.

It was also the first time that Chen Tiezhu knew that these people actually had nine lives on their shoulders. And none of them were innocent. If they wanted to join their gang, they had to surrender.

After the reading, these people were escorted onto a truck. A truck of armed police soldiers followed them and went directly to the Xishan execution ground.

"Good fellow, they are really vicious."

"People like this deserve to be killed. Didn't I say that the youngest person they killed was only thirteen years old?"

"Hey..., why don't you learn from your mistakes? If they are shot, how can the people at home live?"


Listening to the quiet discussions of the people around him, Chen Tiezhu's heart did not stir at all.

These people are extremely vicious and really deserve to be killed.

After this wave of people went down, four more people were pulled up, also robbers and murderers.

Because they were not as cruel as the Thirteen Guardians, they were ranked in the second wave.

But even so, the fate that awaited them was still being shot.

The later waves were all kinds of situations. The longest was naturally life imprisonment, and the shortest was more than five years.

Waves of people came on stage and were taken away again, and the time passed quickly.

And the last wave to be brought up was Liu Daguo and Zhang Guangyou.

There were quite a few of them, as many as nine people.

Judging from the criminal facts read out, there were also Liu Daguo's superiors in the city.

"It's what they deserve. Why is the price of fertilizer changing every day? It's all because of them."

"Is it easy for ordinary people to grow crops? They have to beg for fertilizer."

"I think the sentence is too light. Even if they don't get shot, they will get life imprisonment."


What surprised Chen Tiezhu was that the people around him reacted more strongly to their group.

No one felt sorry, but they all thought the sentence was too light.

This made him feel very emotional. No matter what, this public trial was successful and played a strong warning role.

"Manager Chen, do you have anything to do this afternoon? The leader said he would like to invite you to dinner."

Just when he was about to take everyone home, Secretary Liu came to his side.

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