"Leader, it would be a lie to say that I have never thought about the machinery factory." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"But let's be serious. My understanding of machinery is only at the stage of ironmaking. But this does not prevent me from looking at it from an outsider's perspective."

"I discussed with you earlier that there are two ways for the machinery factory to regain its former glory. Either have technology or have money. If you have technology, you can naturally bring competitiveness to the product. If you have money, you can develop technology."

"Then you have come back to the same place again, haven't you?" Gao Xiaoguang asked with a wry smile.

"Yes, this is the essence of the problem. If you want to solve the problem of the machinery factory, you have to start from this essence." Chen Tiezhu said.

"It's like a nail stuck in a person's body. If you want to take it out, you must expand the wound surface to reduce the damage."

"In the process of healing, there will definitely be some inflammation and infection, which requires corresponding drug treatment. We can only treat this injury ourselves unless we have medicine and someone who dares to do it."

"If we don't have this, we can only spend money to go to the hospital. There are technology and medicine there, everything we need, we just need to pay the corresponding fees."

"You kid is beating around the bush, is there something related to the hospital for the future of the machinery factory?" Gao Xiaoguang asked hesitantly, holding up the wine glass.

"Yeah, I do have this idea. But it's just an idea. Big girl, another chicken wing, eating chicken wings will make your head burn." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Dad, Doudou can also burn his head now." Doudou said seriously.

But he still honestly picked up the chicken wing and took a big bite.

The meat on the chicken wings is sticky and tender, and tastes better than chicken legs.

"In fact, this idea came up when I was studying small incision appendectomy surgery with Director Fang of the county hospital." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"With the development of medical technology, many special medical devices will definitely be developed in the future. For example, this operating table was also transformed with their efforts."

"Then I thought, if I have money in the future, and I am still interested in medicine, can I also set up a company dedicated to the production and development of medical devices?"

"Of course, this is just a thought. Because I don’t have that much money now, researching this thing requires corresponding technology and talents, and I have nothing, so I can only spend money to buy it."

"You asked about the machinery factory, and this is all I can think of. Then, can I eat my elbows with peace of mind next time?"

Han Xiuying, who was also listening carefully, rolled her eyes. This guy was thinking about eating.

Gao Xiaoguang was happy instead. "Although there are still many issues to be discussed on this matter, the opinions you gave are indeed very valuable for reference."

"You are really not simple, and you are calculating one thing after another. In fact, you have been thinking about this for a long time, and you want to take over the machinery factory."

Han Xiuying was shocked when she heard this, and her hand that was picking up meat for Doudou paused for a moment.

Because she had never heard Chen Tiezhu talk about this matter before. Today really became a Hongmen Feast, why did it bring up this?

"Leader, I won't hide it from you. But I didn't put my mind on the machinery factory, because if we reform our old machinery factory, it would be much more laborious than if I had money to build a new factory in the future." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"There are so many workers and equipment in our county's machinery factory, and you don't like it, right?" Gao Xiaoguang stretched out his voice.

Han Xiuying didn't know what to say. Chen Tiezhu, who always said what he wanted to say, kept poking at Gao Xiaoguang's lungs today.

She felt that she should give up thinking. Now it was just a fight between the two of them. With her current knowledge, she couldn't get involved.

When we go home, send Doudou away, put Chen Tiezhu in a small dark room, and interrogate him.

"Leader, you know it better than anyone else, otherwise you wouldn't be so worried." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"The machinery factory is like other units. The most basic situation is that there are too many people but not enough work. There are so many employees, and only half of them can really do their job well, right?"

"Even some positions are no longer just one carrot per hole, but there are several carrots in one hole."

"Let's take a step back and say that I have money in the future and can take over the machinery factory. Just like pulling out a nail, do I have to make an incision and cut it off?Some necrotic tissues?"

"Can the county afford such an operation? By then, your office will probably be blocked by people, and then you will blame me."

Gao Xiaoguang was helpless and slowly drank the wine in the glass.

In fact, Chen Tiezhu had said something similar earlier, but he didn't take it to heart.

Last time, when it came to the use of Liu Dayou, Chen Tiezhu said that his employment standards were fundamentally different from those of the county.

If Chen Tiezhu really took over the county machinery factory, he would make drastic cuts and cut necrotic tissues, and at least one-third of the people would be cleared out by him.

This may be a conservative estimate.

Because Chen Tiezhu's employment principle is absolutely not to keep idle people. And the machinery factory As a former star unit in the county, it has been filled with too many idle people.

This is also a common problem of these enterprises and units in the county. People with some connections will always choose a good job.

Even if he has made no contribution in this enterprise, he has now become a burden to the county, and it is still a burden that cannot be thrown away.

At that time, these problems will directly become the county's problems.

Can the county afford it?

For him at present, this question is negative.

"If there is really a chance for you to do this, how much money will you prepare?" Gao Xiaoguang asked after a moment of silence.

"Well..., if I do it myself, maybe 50,000 yuan will be enough. I can build a good medical enterprise and production enterprise, and I can also buy some usable equipment." Chen Tiezhu said.

"If I take over the county's machinery factory, this number may have to double. But it won't be a loss, after all, the county machinery factory covers a large area. "

"If it involves the development of the county in the future, the value of these lands must also be considered, which is equivalent to a long-term investment."

"But the extra 50,000 yuan can allow me to do a lot of things. When doing these things, I can create more value for me."

Gao Xiaoguang fell silent again.

This is the answer given by Chen Tiezhu. If you want to save the county machinery factory, you need at least 50,000 yuan of funds, and you have to carry out drastic reforms.

50,000 yuan is not a lot of money in the future, but in this day and age, it is really a burden.

For the county's finances, it is also very difficult.

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