Even though the little girl was full of confidence, she was a little tired after rolling the eighth spring pancake.

But the little girl was not someone who would give up easily, and she still stubbornly brought the ninth pancake over.

"Doudou, shouldn't you let daddy play for a while? It can't always be Doudou who plays." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Well..., that's fine, daddy will roll the pancake well."

The little girl said seriously, but her little hands pushed the rolling pin and pancake over very nimbly.

Chen Tiezhu tapped her little nose, then picked up the pancake and rolled it "click".

Doudou's little brows frowned again.

She was a little confused. Why did daddy roll it so fast and so round, but she couldn't?

Didn't daddy say that he had to roll it slowly? Why did he do it so fast?

Thinking of this, Doudou felt a little unhappy again.

But even if Chen Tiezhu noticed it, he didn't have time to coax him for the time being. I have to prepare lunch and send spring pancakes to Yingzi.

And Doudou is sometimes easy to fool. When she is busy with other things, she will not think about these things.

The pancakes are all rolled out, and the remaining work is to make pancakes.

Chen Tezhu does not need to take care of it. The little guy drags the stool and picks up the big spatula.

The work of making pancakes is now familiar to the little guy and it is easy to do.

With the joint efforts of the father and daughter, the spring pancakes are baked and the bean sprouts are fried, and today's lunch is all ready.

"Ah..., life is really good now. Spring pancakes that can only be eaten during festivals are now on the table." Erye sighed.

"Dad, what is festival food?" The invisible "foodie antenna" on Doudou's head searched for keywords.

"There are many festivals. For example, eating zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival, eating mooncakes on August Festival, drinking Laba porridge on Laba Festival, and eating pig head meat on February 2nd. These are all foods and drinks during festivals." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"The day after tomorrow is Laba Festival, and Dad will also cook Laba porridge for Doudou. We are eating this spring pancake today, which should have been eaten during the Spring Festival."

"But it's still a long time before the Spring Festival, so it's because we have a good life that we can eat spring pancakes now."

"Dad, why is that? Don't you eat it when you are greedy?" Doudou frowned.

"Hahahaha, that's because no matter how greedy you are, you can't eat it in the past." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"That's right. At that time, only during festivals could you get two pounds of white flour and some meat. Only during the Chinese New Year could you make dumplings to eat." Erye said with emotion.

"And even if there are more laborers in the family, more work points are earned, and more money is distributed next year, you can't eat what you want. The store in the supply and marketing cooperative only has so many things, and you need a ticket to buy anything."

"It's not like now. When Doudou wants meat, Tiezhu can go buy it for him. There is always meat in the family every day, and you can eat whatever you want. But your money is almost gone, right?"

Chen Tiezhu smiled and nodded, "Recent expenses are indeed a bit high, but it must be said that the current prices are still acceptable. Otherwise, according to the current food and drink standards of my family, there really won't be much left."

"But it doesn't matter. The mushrooms will be sold soon. Although my mushroom house is not very big, it can also support it. At least we can have a good New Year."

"Tiezhu, the mushrooms have grown so fast in the few days I was away?" Liu Dayou asked in surprise.

Chen Tiezhu smiled and nodded, "This thing grows faster in the later stage, but it is also a bit hard to keep. We will taste and give away the first batch, and sell the second batch at the farmers' market."

"The output is still limited after all, and it is really not worth it to go to the province. Let everyone try this thing and see how it tastes. If everyone thinks it is good, it can be promoted."

"Tiezhu is so generous in doing things." Erye sighed.

"Erye, there are no outsiders here, so I will tell the truth." Chen Tiezhu said.

"The point of making money from growing mushrooms is not how many mushrooms I grow, but how many mushrooms everyone can grow in the future, and our company will make hard-earned money."

"It is also because people's lives are better now that we can study these cash crops. If it were in the past, even if we could grow mushrooms, wouldn't we have to ensure food production first?"

"Reform and opening up, those cities and regions in the south have eaten the first bite of meat. At the same time, it has also increased the various materials in our country."

"Just like what Erye said just now, in the past, even if you had money, you couldn't buy things., those were all limited supplies. Now, there is more or less activity, the supply of various materials has increased, and people have also seen the prospect of a better life. "

Grandpa Han smiled and nodded, "Not to mention that your vision is not only limited to the domestic market, but also to the international market."

"I can't wait, this thing can really be made by you. We northerners have several months of idleness in winter. If we can really make use of this time, the significance is infinite."

"It's better to make money than to do nothing, right? Life is indeed better than before, but it is still far from the good days everyone expects."

"Old man, what you said is right. At this time, we need someone like Tiezhu." Erye took over the conversation with a smile.

"You said earlier that even if you make money by helping everyone sell mushrooms in the future, everyone will be willing. Why? If you toss it yourself, you may not make a penny, and you may even lose money. "

"Second Grandpa, Doudou can do it too, Doudou can also make money." Doudou said happily after eating a spring pancake.

"That's not great, my eldest daughter can do it. Take a break first, after dinner, Dad will deliver spring pancakes to sister Yingzi, and then take you to play ice cream and ice skates."

"Yeah, play ice cream and ice skates."

Doudou shouted happily, and then ran outside happily.

"Where did Doudou go?" Liu Dayou asked curiously.

"He must have missed playing, so he went to find ice cream first. "Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

Sure enough, when Doudou came back, he was carrying a small whip on his shoulder and holding an ice ball in his hand.

This serious look made everyone laugh.

Seeing the small whip, the silly roe deer also came over curiously.

This made Doudou's face, which was originally a little happy, suddenly bitter.

But what can you do?

Even if you dislike the silly roe deer, it will still stick to you and be curious about everything.

Then when the little guy saw the ice ball in his hand, he smiled again.

Today I can finally play with this thing. I have never played with it before.

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