"Collect blood samples from the two patients as soon as possible and test their blood types. At the same time, give the two patients fluids and monitor the driver's vital signs." Chen Tiezhu stood up.

"Director Qiu, check the driver's basic condition. I will take care of the patient with crush syndrome. I will perform an incision and decompression now. Interns, follow me. This is a rare learning opportunity."

His tone was full of unquestionable power. At this moment, no one in the provincial hospital had any doubts.

Even Director Qiu didn't think about it and ran out to check on the blind driver.

"Dean Lu, are the conditions of these two patients very urgent?" Leader Li asked in a low voice.

Dean Lu nodded, "The driver has internal bleeding, which is life-threatening. It depends on how serious the bleeding is. The one whose legs were crushed may be disabled."

"However, Comrade Chen Tiezhu has done similar incision and decompression surgery. At present..., he can handle it. We are only in the stage of discussion and learning, and we still focus on the upper limbs."

Leader Li frowned, but he didn't expect such a result.

The meaning of translation is that the driver's life or death is uncertain, and the patient who needs to deal with the compression of his legs is also uncertain.

The provincial hospital currently does not have the strength to deal with such a situation, and can only pin its hopes on Chen Tiezhu.

Although he did want to use Chen Tiezhu as a secret weapon today, he did not want the result to be like this.

"Crush syndrome is the most common symptom manifestation in trauma or bone injury." Chen Tiezhu, wearing gloves, came to the patient and touched his legs while speaking.

"It can even be said that in some catastrophic accidents, it often appears in batches. For example, earthquakes, engineering landslides, house collapses, traffic accidents, etc."

"With such symptoms, we have to do fasciotomy decompression. So how to judge? During the disinfection process, first check the distal pulse, and then look at the symptoms of the swelling."

The rest of the interns did not dare to delay and surrounded them.

"Brother, don't be nervous. Even though it's the legs that are swollen, if we don't treat it now, it may cause kidney failure and endanger life." Chen Tiezhu came to the patient's head and said softly.

"Next, it will be a little painful. Bear it, we can save our legs. Stay for ten days or half a month, and you can spend the New Year at home peacefully."

"How is Da, Da Shengzi?" The patient asked with difficulty.

"The driver of the blind climber? Director Qiu of our hospital is examining him now. Director Qiu is very powerful. Just receive treatment safely." Chen Tiezhu comforted.

"Teacher Chen, the examination is over. The pulse at the distal end of the legs is weak, the skin has indentations, hardening, and great tension." At this time, an intern reported.

"Okay, the operation will be performed immediately. You, you, you, and you, stand in front and hold the patient's legs with your hands. When I was operating, you all stared at me with wide eyes."

Chen Tiezhu nodded and pointed to the four interns standing behind.

Although they were wearing masks, their eyes showed that they were obviously panicking.

"What are you afraid of? As a surgeon, you are afraid of such a small scene. You might as well go home and farm." Chen Tiezhu teased.

"I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid that I can't hold it down." One of the young men said.

Chen Tiezhu looked at him with a smile, "What can't be held down? Go and hold the ankle. These two female comrades, hold the patient's thighs respectively, and you must seize the opportunity."

"Doctor Chen, scalpel. Which leg should be cut first?" At this time, Director Feng came over with a tray.

"Cut together."

Chen Tiezhu said, picking up both scalpels.

This scared the people around him, and even Dean Lu frowned.

In such an operation, even cutting one leg is very dangerous, so why does Xiao Chen plan to cut both legs at the same time?

"I have to hurry up. Director Qiu's patient seems to be in urgent need." Chen Tiezhu said casually.

"You are being irresponsible to the patient. You still need to do the necessary examinations."

At this time, Professor Heiwei spoke.

"My hands are the best examination instruments." Chen Tiezhu glanced at him.

"With your ability, you can see that because the delay is a bit long, the development of the disease has reached a critical moment, right?"

After Chen Tiezhu's sarcastic remark, Professor Heiwei's face looked a little ugly.

In fact, he didn't mean to find fault just now, but he wasThe equipment on their side is more numerous and more advanced.

But he couldn't refute Chen Tiezhu's words now.

Instead, the interns around him were very excited. This unknown teacher Chen seemed to be quite awesome.

"In fact, fascial compartment decompression is not that complicated." Chen Tiezhu spoke again.

"We must be fast and accurate when we make the cut. We must release the pressure in the compartment in a very short time and restore the normal blood circulation. At the same time, we must avoid damaging the patient's nerves."

"Especially the branches of the common peroneal nerve. The superficial peroneal nerve runs between the long and short peroneus muscles after it is emitted from the common peroneal nerve at the neck of the fibula, and the deep peroneal nerve runs between the long flexor digitorum and the tibia."

"Understand the direction of the nerves and the location of some blood vessels in the calf. When making the cut, don't think about shortening the incision. That's not good. The longer the incision, the better. Tell me, why is it like this."

"Because... only in this way can the pressure be released at one time." The female intern he was looking at answered nervously.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "Very good. Considering the length of the patient's calf, I think a 22-centimeter incision is a good idea."

"For the first incision, insert the knife in the midline between the fibula and tibial spine to release the pressure in the anterior and lateral compartments. Hold it down, if you are soft-hearted, my scalpel will cause unnecessary harm to the patient."

After that, the two scalpels were swung together, and they were very steady and fast across the patient's calf.

As the scalpels moved, streams of blood came out, and people's hearts were raised to their throats.

"The second incision, that is, the inner incision, is the same length as the outer incision just now and parallel to the long axis of the tibia. It's very simple."

After that, Chen Tiezhu's scalpel cut again.

If it was just one incision, people could only roughly estimate the length of the incision. But with the appearance of this second incision, even Professor Kuroo's face became much more solemn.

Chen Tiezhu did what he said, and he did it while operating the scalpel with both hands.

He thought seriously that he could not reach such a level.

Who is he?

Why does he have such precise control?

"Okay, send it to the operating room for follow-up treatment. Director Qiu, how is the situation?"

After putting the scalpel into the tray, Chen Tiezhu shouted.

"The situation is not optimistic. The preliminary examination shows that the spleen is ruptured and the internal bleeding is very serious. Although fluid is given, if the bleeding is not stopped in time..."

Director Qiu did not say the rest of the words, but everyone knew what it meant.

Chen Tiezhu frowned slightly, "Hurry up and do the spleen removal surgery on the spot."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard his words...

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