"Tell me, kid, why did you give up such a good opportunity?"

In Dean Lu's office, Leader Li took a sip of tea and asked.

"I haven't finished growing mushrooms yet, why would I go there?" Chen Tiezhu said indifferently.

"Although our domestic development lags far behind theirs, I think there is still a great chance to catch up with them. The key is actually to focus on technology."

"I also said when I was chatting with Dean Lu that even if you sell everything you have, you have to raise some funds to arrange for CT."

Leader Li nodded, "Dean Lu did tell me about this. Is this CT so important? Didn't we have to treat diseases and save lives before we had this machine?"

"Leader, this is a bit long." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Then you can't make it short? And how did you find out that they can speak Chinese?" Leader Li asked in confusion.

"In fact, some of their older scholars and politicians know a little bit." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Of course, I heard this from someone else. So I just lied casually, but I didn't expect that I would be able to deceive them."

"It feels to me that they are here to exchange ideas in name, but in fact they are here to learn and find out the truth. They are learning Chinese medicine and finding out our medical standards."

"Let's talk about CT again. You just said that we can treat diseases without this machine. However, this is only limited to people with superb medical skills."

"As for the development of Western medicine, it is impossible to leave these high-end equipment as an aid. It is equivalent to what, originally there were 30 tons of goods, and we could transport them by horse-drawn or human-carried."

"But now we have trucks, and you haven't finished loading them here, and the trucks have taken them away. So if we have the opportunity, we should get any new technologies and new equipment that are popular in the world now."

"The next competition is not on the territory, but on the technology. We are studying mushroom cultivation. Mushroom, isn't it also promoting technology? "

"The same reason, with the right auxiliary equipment, we can broaden our horizons and learn more about areas we have never set foot in before."

"Otherwise, we can only be left behind by others. If we want to learn, we have to spend a lot of money to send people to study abroad. It is still unknown whether the people sent out to study can come back in the future."

"This is a very interesting question. Because if you want to engage in technology, you need talents. The talents we can't cultivate ourselves have to be sent to other people's territory for cultivation."

"But who can guarantee that the cultivated talents will come back to work for us? Didn't our county hospital also sign a contract for commissioned training with the provincial hospital?"

"I told our Dean Ma to keep a hand, and there must be additional clauses when sending people here in the future, so that the provincial hospital or other hospitals will not seduce people away."

He said it jokingly, but these words fell into the ears of Leader Li and Dean Lu, and it was a different taste.

This situation may happen in the small medical community in China, so how many students sent abroad can hold their ground and not be corrupted by Western culture?

When Professor Heiwei made the invitation today, they also noticed the expressions of some comrades in the provincial hospital. For these people, they don’t have that opportunity. What if they have it?

If they do, will they be making things easier for others?

"Tiezhu, you are ringing the alarm bell for us. You are a good bell ringer."

After a moment of silence, Leader Li spoke.

"Leader, don't praise me so much. I am a little narrow-minded and often think about things from a malicious perspective." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"It would be best if it didn't happen. If it really happened, I would have a corresponding plan to deal with it because I have considered it in advance."

I was still very relieved in my heart. These words were not said in vain. He really wanted to be a bell ringer because he knew the horror of talent loss.

It seems that people's stance should be more firm these days, but with the rise of the enthusiasm for going abroad, under the impact of Western values ​​and material conditions, this stance has become a mere formality.

There are many examples of college students from the third year who abandoned their wives and children after entering college, not to mention after going abroad.

In such a difficult situation, it is better to spend so much money to train a group of ungrateful people and keep the money to buy meat.

"Leader, Comrade Tiezhu always looks at problems from such a unique perspective." Dean Lu sighed.

"So this littleThere are still many skills in the child. How much can be dug out depends on your ability. "Leader Li said with a smile.

"After I go back, I will raise funds and contact foreign countries through the channels of the Foreign Trade Bureau to see if I can buy this CT machine."

"You should also pay attention to some new technologies in the foreign medical community. Although the current policy is to only provide policies but not funds, the funds that should be given should also be given."

"Thank you, leader."

Dean Lu was very happy.

"Don't be too happy too early. You also have very important responsibilities." Leader Li stood up.

"The provincial funds are so limited. It's almost the same to say that we are tightening our belts now. If you really get it, you have to understand it and understand it thoroughly, instead of becoming a decoration."

"Leader, don't worry. We will also contact our brother units next, and send the comrades in the imaging department to study in the brother units first. "President Lu assured.

"And our provincial hospital will also carry out further reforms, not only to improve our medical level and service awareness, but also to reduce unnecessary expenses."

"Tiezhu's words also gave me a lot of inspiration. Although our medical units should not be profit-oriented, the number of patients visiting the hospital in the past two years has increased a lot compared with the previous two years."

"Before, because of poverty, people did not dare and were reluctant to come to the hospital for treatment, which also caused many regrets. Now that reform and opening up have been implemented, people's lives are becoming more and more affluent, and there is also a medical treatment item in the living expenses."

Leader Li smiled and nodded, "This is to do a good job. As long as each of our comrades does their own job well, the prosperity of the country will not be far away."

"But Comrade Chen Tiezhu, you made so much money this time. Don't you have any other ideas in your mind? Don't you want to take more responsibilities that you should take?"

Looking at Leader Li's smiling expression, Chen Tiezhu was dumbfounded.

Who's mouth is so fast?

How did it reach the ears of the leader?

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