"Okay, there is no bleeding now. Remind me after fifteen minutes. We need to restore blood flow. Next, prepare to suture the liver."

After carefully observing the wound on the liver, Han Zhenwen also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What the hell? It takes fifteen minutes to sew just a few stitches? Aren't shallow interrupted sutures and deep mattress sutures done? It's just a matter of a few stitches."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Tiezhu spoke again.

He was merciless and directly pointed out the essence of the problem.

Many people felt that Chen Tiezhu was too harsh on Han Zhenwen. This was not like suturing the skin. Suturing the liver requires extreme care.

Now he always finds faults. What if Han Zhenwen gets nervous and sews it wrong?

Instead, Fang Zhiyong turned his head and smiled at him, knowing that this was his secret reminder.

As for Han Zhenwen, his words just now had no effect at all.

The suture was very stable and the knot was tied very well. Only now can the operation be considered to be in the right state.

"Release the bandage and restore blood circulation."

After the suture was completed, Han Zhenwen said nervously.

Then everyone stared at the suture.

Two minutes later, Han Zhenwen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no sign of bleeding after the blood circulation was restored.

"Prepare for the abdominal closure operation. Flush the abdominal cavity and put in a drainage tube. Dandan, do you want to try?" Han Zhenwen said with a smile.

"No, the big devil is still watching." Lu Dan said hurriedly.

Many people couldn't help but laugh out loud. Consultant Chen was promoted to the big devil, which was really appropriate.

Anyway, they felt that if Chen Tiezhu was there to interfere, they would not be able to perform the operation to the same level as Han Zhenwen.

Although Han Zhenwen was doing such an operation for the first time, his operation so far was very good.

"The big devil is the big devil, and eating meat is still delicious." Chen Tiezhu said indifferently.

"When closing the abdomen, you have to sew it up. Do you know how to do tension suturing? You can't just save trouble, you have to consider the patient's future life."

"Although people say that scars are a man's military medal, you have to ask his wife if she is willing. Sew it, why are you looking at me like that?"

After saying this, he was stunned, because everyone looked at him with a strange look.

Did he say something wrong?

"Brother-in-law, what is the tension suturing you just mentioned? Is it different from our usual suturing?" Han Zhenwen asked.

"Uh..., this, that, I figured it out by myself, and then shouted it randomly." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

It is indeed "disaster from the mouth". These days, ordinary suturing is all there, where is the tension suturing.

Being able to cure diseases and save lives is a success, who would consider whether it will leave centipede feet or something?

"Hey, brother-in-law, why do I feel something is wrong? You are asked to do the final closure of the abdomen, Dean Ma, is that right?" Han Zhenwen said with a smile.

"I fully support Comrade Han Zhenwen's opinion. No matter what you think, you have said it anyway, and it's all up to you." Ma Guoming said cheerfully.

"Everyone should watch carefully later, maybe it is a new suturing method in the history of surgery. When filming later, we should also try to film every step of his suturing as well as possible."

"Hey..., why should I talk too much. Leave it to me now," Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Haha, respect is worse than obedience." Han Zhenwen said cheerfully.

After exchanging positions, Chen Tiezhu moved his neck and shoulders. He struggled a little in his heart, but only for a moment.

What bothered him was that he let the cat out of the bag, but it was nothing to think about.

At least if this so-called "cosmetic suturing" was available earlier, it would also help many people reduce the distress of scars.

After the preparations were done, he closed the abdomen layer by layer.

This showed his skills.

He did not show off his skills or make the sutures dazzling. There was no need for that.

He just sutured slowly.

But you think he sutured very slowly, but the progress of his entire operation was not slow.

He seemed slow because every movement he made was so precise. The progress was not slow because his sutures were very smooth.

"In fact, the tension-reducing suture is based on my own idea." Chen Tiezhu said.

"During the suture process, especially on the skin side, there is often a lot of tension. Under the stimulation of such tension, scars are more likely to form after healing."

"For some patients with sensitive constitutions, the scars will bulge up very high, which looks a bit scary. Usually, we call it scar constitution."

"So I wondered, is there a suturing method that can reduce this situation a lot? Especially when suturing facial wounds. "

"So I wondered, when we suturing the skin, can we sew the fat layer and the dermis together? Can we bury the knot deep in the surface?"

"After such suturing, will it reduce the tension when suturing the epidermis in disguise? Without such tension, will the healing be smoother?"

"Okay, let's verify my idea next. In fact, I don't know if it will work, but it feels like it should be feasible. "

After saying that, he began to sew it up seriously.

This new suturing method was really the first time everyone had seen it, so they watched it very carefully.

This was originally a delicate job, so in order to let everyone see it more clearly, he slowed down the suturing speed again.

Even so, everyone felt dazzled.

How could you learn the new suturing method at a glance?

Even if you are a master, you have to practice for a while before you can really perform it on stage.

Lu Dan called Chen Tiezhu the Great Demon King, and this Great Demon King is really not simple.

Anyway, Lu Dan's eyes are shining now.

Grandpa is right, Master really has a lot of good things on him, and we must take them out, take them out...

Looking and thinking, Lu Dan is almost drooling.

In fact, everyone's ideas are similar to hers.

Is innovation in medicine so easy?

And how many innovations have been brought out since Chen Tiezhu appeared?

Now we have to see the scar condition after the wound of this patient heals. If there is any improvement, this is another innovation.

"Okay, that's it, wake it up."

After the suturing, Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"It's really amazing, amazing."

After Ma Guoming finished speaking, he began to lead the applause.

The rest of the people were not idle either, Chen Tiezhu deserved such preferential treatment.

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