"Wow, Tiezhu, you made this noodle really interesting."

He Jianguo, who was also invited to taste it, sighed.

"What's that? I'll study it carefully and make dragon beard noodles in the future." Chen Tiezhu said with a little pride.

"That thing is what the emperor eats, right? Can we ordinary people eat it?" He Jianguo laughed.

"What can't be eaten? Let me put it this way, the emperors in the past may not have lived better than us." Chen Tiezhu was even more proud.

"Wait until we build a greenhouse, and then we can bite cucumbers in winter. Did the emperor eat this thing? Professor Xu, don't just lower your head to eat, also express your opinion."

"Yeah, this noodle is delicious." Professor Xu took the time to say.

The obvious answer was irrelevant, but it made everyone laugh.

"What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

Professor Xu quickly took off his glasses and wiped the fog on them.

"That's right. Whether the vegetables in our greenhouse are delicious or not depends on you." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Then you should also discuss and see when to go home for the New Year, so that I can help you arrange the tickets in advance."

"Let's not sit in hard seats with them, let's get sleeper berths. With my current reputation, no matter how tight the sleeper berth tickets are, I can definitely get one."

"I won't go back this year, let them go back." Professor Xu said.

"The records of these culture media must be kept well, and time is so tight. It's just that you can go home less for the New Year, which is actually nothing."

"Well, Professor Xu has made so many contributions, I won't say much politely, but I have to give him more meat."

Chen Tiezhu said as he picked up the plate and kept putting meat into his bowl.

"Enough, enough, this guy, who can eat so much, he has to be full." Looking at the meat in the bowl, Professor Xu said with a wry smile.

"Professor Xu, don't worry. Even though you won't go home, I will arrange for someone to send New Year's goods to your home later." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Ah? You still need to send New Year's goods?"

Professor Xu was stunned.

"You still need to send New Year's goods?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"In the hearts of our people, the Spring Festival has an irreplaceable position. You have left your family and career to help me with my research, so I have to express my gratitude?"

"Let's put it this way. My respect for you is not because you can help me study how to grow mushrooms and how much money I can make. It's because I admire your attitude towards knowledge."

"You said that the one who doesn't do anything, doesn't his family have some connections? A decent family of scholars, but what about him? He really doesn't do anything."

"You are a pure scholar. There are some now and in the future, but there will be fewer and fewer. Because many people will slowly be corrupted by money and become spokespersons for interests."

"Tiezhu, you are a little scary, aren't you?"

The second master who just finished eating asked.

"Second master, I'm not scaring you." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Because many researches will be open to the private sector in the future. Take Professor Xu's work now, isn't it the same?"

"Let's say I'm a bit more ruthless. The laboratory yield of my mushroom is not that high. I asked Professor Xu to falsify the experimental data and then help me blow it up in the newspaper. What are the consequences?"

"If you falsify like this, won't everyone know it?" Han Xiuying asked unconvinced.

"The yield of your plant is not as high as I announced, that's because your planting conditions are not good enough, it has nothing to do with me. No one can guarantee how many lambs an old sow can give birth to in the future." Chen Tiezhu shrugged.

"You..., you..., this is a lie." Han Xiuying was a little angry.

"I won't lie against my conscience, but it doesn't mean that others won't lie." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Especially for some scholars and experts with a certain academic status, who can guarantee that they will not be corrupted by money and become the spokespersons of interest groups?"

"Everyone wants to live a good life and make their pockets fatter. It's just that everyone's ideas are a little different, and everyone's courage is different."

"Reform and opening up is a big change, and all kinds of things will happen in this process. Some things are sensational to us now, but they will be commonplace in the future."

"That's why I said that I respect Professor Xu's attitude towards learning. Only such people can really focus on studying."

"But I can't let such people suffer. What I can give is to improve some welfare benefits. Let Professor Xu clear everything.Don't worry about the future, just concentrate on research. "

"You two are also learning from Professor Xu now. In the future, there will always be a time when you can stand on your own. When that time comes, you must stick to your original intention and never make mistakes. "

"Brother Tiezhu, don't worry."

Wang Qiang said hurriedly.

"In fact, if there is a chance in the future, I also want to continue to work under Brother Tiezhu." Guo Tianye also said.

"Hahahaha, then I welcome it very much." Chen Tiezhu was happy.

"But you can't hang on my tree. Even if I develop here, I am actually in the countryside. If you like life in a big city, you can go to a research institute in the future."

"In fact, I have said so much, and it is all inspired. In the next period of time, knowledge can not only change destiny, but also be converted into money."

"But what kind of conversion method is there, there are many differences. Let's strive to make progress together and live a good life in the future. ”

“Dad, can knowledge be turned into meat?” Doudou, who was playing Galaha on the kang, asked.

“Of course. When we have knowledge in the future, we can make pigs and chickens fatter and bigger, so there will be more meat.” Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

“Yes, it can be turned into meat. Doudou, go feed the pigs.” Doudou nodded and said seriously.

“See, my eldest daughter has such ambitions.” Chen Tiezhu sighed.

It made everyone laugh.

Doudou is so direct. I won’t play nonsense with you. If you like meat, I’ll feed the pigs.

“Ding ding ding…”

At this time, the sound of a horn came from outside the gate.

“Who’s coming here at this time?” Chen Tiezhu muttered and walked out.

“Brother Tiezhu, come and take it quickly. "

Zhou Fengxia's voice came over.

"What are you holding? I should install a door light in my house later." Chen Tiezhu said while waving the flashlight.

"Hey, this is a good thing. I got it with great difficulty." Zhou Fengxia said happily.

When he got closer, he saw clearly that what Zhou Fengxia had just taken out of the car was actually a TV. It looked like a big box.

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