"Slander, pure slander."

Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

It would have been better if he hadn't said this. Once he said it, not to mention Xiao Liu, even Erye didn't believe him.

"This kid, just now he was pointing a finger at me. I can't do everything myself, I have to arrange the work well." Gao Xiaoguang said with a smile.

"Actually, I think so too. But how can I assign work when I can't fully understand the work ability of these comrades under my command?"

"This question is a bit big. If you ask me, I don't know what to do." Chen Tiezhu shrugged.

"There are so many departments in the county, and so many people in each department. With so many cadres, can you really grasp every comrade?"

"Let's put it this way, apart from the main bureaus. If you can focus on your deputy, then you will be successful."

"To be honest, I can understand your feelings. But I personally don't agree with the idea of ​​doing a major surgery."

"The risk is really too great. I don't want to meet such a good leader and end up tormenting myself after just a few days."

He told the truth today, not just from a fair standpoint, but with some "selfishness". However, this selfishness is his concern for Gao Xiaoguang.

Even though there is the attention of Li in the province, Gao Xiaoguang is too busy. If there is no good effect, then he can't do it.

Gao Xiaoguang didn't say anything, but just patted him on the shoulder.

He also knew that Chen Tiezhu was speaking from the heart, otherwise he wouldn't have to say it so sharply.

"What are you thinking? Now that we have dealt with Lao Ma, when are you going to start?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Actually, I am a little hesitant now. I don't know how to grasp this scale." Gao Xiaoguang said with a wry smile.

"According to my original intention, a large rotation should be carried out in the entire county. Including the main leaders of local townships, they must also be adjusted."

"Many people have worked in a unit for a long time and have lost their ambition. This is still a good way to say it. If you ask me, they are just sitting there doing nothing."

"But Director Hu has talked to me several times and also advised me to be cautious. Maybe some comrades have not changed their minds yet, and it is not appropriate to make too big adjustments."

"Changed to a new job position and have to adapt again, which is not conducive to the development of work. But I am still unwilling to give up. I must kill a few to set an example."

Chen Tiezhu scratched his scalp and grasped some of the threads. No wonder it is so quiet now.

This is the calm before the storm. There will be a thunderclap at any time, and then it will rain heavily.

"For example, the comrades in charge of technology at the Agricultural Science Institute all have the same work attitude. If I don't adjust him, who should I adjust?" Gao Xiaoguang continued.

"That's a must. His problem is not lazy governance, but making trouble." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"Anyway, you have this idea, so I can be more relieved. The construction of the leadership team must be grasped, and the county's economy must also be grasped."

"Take your time. Time seems to be tight, but there are still a lot of things. The key is to take steady steps. You don't need to ask me, which factory do you want me to take over?"

Listening to his question, Xiao Liu really admired him in his heart.

This is the main purpose of Gao Xiaoguang's coming here this time, and it still has to fall on the two factories.

"I won't force you on this matter. Which factory do you prefer?" Gao Xiaoguang asked back.

"To be honest, I'm willing to work in any factory. I talked to you about this last time. Don't worry about me. Just cooperate with your plan." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Even if I suffer a little loss during the cooperation, it doesn't matter. But I will definitely stick to the two bottom lines I mentioned."

"Don't even think about you cooperating with me if you can't leave hidden dangers in the future. Even if it's Leader Li from the province, I still say the same thing."

"If I let you take over the machinery factory first, how long will it take you to take over the breeding farm?" Gao Xiaoguang asked.

"This is a question I can't answer you because I don't know the specific time myself." Chen Tiezhu said frankly.

"The reform of the machinery factory requires time. Including equipment innovation, personnel deployment, product trial production, etc., these alone may take more than half a year."

"We will definitely focus on the production of simple medical devices at the beginning, and we have to repay some debts of the machinery factory. The answer I can give you is to do these as quickly as possible.things."

"After all, mushroom cultivation is the main channel for me to provide funds. In the early stage, I also need to advance funds for development so that I can build up the scale."

"Think about it, all of these require money. Just the machinery factory alone, the initial investment is tens of thousands of yuan. Without money, equipment and technology cannot be bought."

"And the production of medical equipment still has a certain demand for materials. No one will sell this stuff to us on credit, after all, the market operation has changed now."

"If I really give a clear time node, it is completely fooling you. I can't do such a thing. "

Gao Xiaoguang nodded, knowing that what Chen Tiezhu said was the truth.

And this is what bothers him now.

He knew that if Chen Tiezhu took over the farm, it would be better for the future development of the county. But the situation of the machinery factory is imminent.

These days, he also asked someone to discuss whether the machinery factory should switch to the production of medical equipment, but it really doesn't work.

There are already many production units of basic medical equipment, both in the province and other provinces.

And the middle and high-level medical equipment is not something that the current machinery factory can play with.

So in the end, it still has to fall on Chen Tiezhu.

"You are worried about these things, right?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"How can I not worry? A penny can make a hero fall, not to mention that there are so many workers and their families in the machinery factory." Gao Xiaoguang nodded.

"If the time is more relaxed, it would be easier. It just happened to coincide with my mushroom cultivation promotion. Does it have to be during the Chinese New Year? "Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Director Cui came to see me again yesterday. I approved some money so that the workers in the factory could have a peaceful New Year." Gao Xiaoguang said.

"Why are you so annoying? You keep crying poor to me. One year, after taking over the machinery factory, at most one year, I can figure out the farm business." Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Really?" Gao Xiaoguang asked happily.

"I've said it whether it's true or not, believe it or not." Chen Tiezhu said unhappily.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Liu, hurry up and get the wine in the car. "Gao Xiaoguang shouted happily.

This made the three people who eavesdropped in the outer room dumbfounded. They thought this was a trap prepared by Leader Gao, and Chen Tiezhu jumped into it when he knew it was a trap?

According to Chen Tiezhu's personality, this is unscientific?

"Something is wrong, why did you agree so readily?"

After being happy, Gao Xiaoguang also felt that something was wrong.

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