"I have to state in advance that I didn't have this idea a long time ago, but today the leader came over and forced me to do it, so I came up with it." Chen Tiezhu said.

"What is my idea? Taking over the machinery factory will involve complicated procedures and a difficult process. When we take over the breeding farm in the future, we will have to go through the same process again."

"This will take up a lot of time. My idea is that if you drive one sheep, you can also let two sheep go. It will be done in a short time."

"There is a big gap in funds, so if you want to achieve this, you also need the help of the county. Let's see if you can say hello to the banks in the county and approve some loans for me."

"If this can be done, I can solve the problems of the machinery factory and the breeding farm. Of course, it can also be delayed."

"First fix the machinery factory, then fix the breeding farm. However, the valuation of the breeding farm will gradually decrease over time, just like the current machinery factory."

"How to decide on this matter depends on the leader's opinion. It is not so easy to set up a project, and it is not so easy to approve it after the project is set up."

"From what you said, the bank will definitely be able to give you a loan?" Gao Xiaoguang frowned and asked.

"It's hard to say, there are a lot of variables involved." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Didn't I say that this procedure is very cumbersome. By then, my mushroom cultivation will definitely have a round of income, and the bank will also be able to see the development prospects."

"However, I am just giving a reasonable suggestion now. As for whether it can succeed, there are many variables involved."

"Let's eat today. When the leader makes a decision, just call me and let me know. Let's eat meat, pick up the chopsticks."

Listening to his words, Gao Xiaoguang was very helpless.

Because the two companies solved it together, this was his original idea. However, Chen Tiezhu also raised many difficulties, so this matter was temporarily put aside.

Who would have thought that he would throw out such a big problem now, and it made him very excited.

Because he had done a deep understanding of both mechanical vehicles and breeding farms. Even if the breeding farm looks very good, the inside and outside are very different.

If both companies can be taken over by Chen Tiezhu and can keep pace with each other, then many difficulties in the county will not be difficult.

At least the employees of these two companies can have a stable working environment.

"Did you really just think of this? Who do you plan to let manage these two companies?" Gao Xiaoguang asked after picking up a piece of pork belly.

"The machinery factory will naturally be managed by Director Cui. He is familiar with this industry. As long as I give him goals and technology, he can manage the factory well." Chen Tiezhu said.

"For the breeding farm, it will naturally be Liu Dayou. This is his old business, and he is familiar with it. But he will be busier in the future. I also need his help in mushroom cultivation."

"Don't regret it. We are in different environments and have different ways of using people. You are in the system, and we are outside the system."

"Even if it is a cooperative enterprise in the future, it will still be an enterprise outside the system. Otherwise, it will take a few years to go down the old path."

"Don't worry, this will definitely not change." Gao Xiaoguang smiled and nodded.

"Since you have spoken up today and given me such a big problem. Then I will definitely work hard to promote it next. As for whether it can succeed, no one can say for sure."

"Today's gains are still not small. Let's take the first step first. If this step is taken well, the development of our county will definitely be another situation in the future."

It should be said that Chen Tiezhu's current proposal really moved him.

I dare not say that it will have a permanent effect, but for the current environment in the county, it will have a very big promoting effect.

These enterprise reforms in the county are really a problem that has troubled him for a long time.

The next time is very simple, that is, eating and drinking properly.

Without such great pressure and burden, Gao Xiaoguang's appetite is not bad.

He also drank a lot of wine, at least when he left, he was a little tipsy.

"Brother Chen, are you going to play a big game?"

When washing the dishes, Zhou Fengxia asked curiously.

"I guess so, but I'm not saying this randomly. This is really good for me and the county." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"And if the problems of these two companies are solved, Lao Gao won't have to worry about me all the time. Add to that my mushroom cultivation, and the three horses will go hand in hand, which can also solve the employment problems of many people."

"It's just that the wind here isThe risk is still quite big. If there is a gap in funds in the future, I will also go to your place to continue to mine stones. "

"Then I will welcome you with both hands. I will eat what I can eat. What I can't eat can also be sold at a good price. Then our small business can be managed this year, right?"

"That depends on how your procedures are handled. If you can get the procedures done, I don't have anything else to do here, so I can go out for a walk." Chen Tiezhu said indifferently.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I will work hard." Zhou Fengxia said happily.

"Comrade Xiao Zhou, do you have so much confidence in the master?" Lu Dan asked in some confusion.

"After you have seen him cut stones, you will also have confidence." Zhou Fengxia said.

"Just take today's matter as an example. If Brother Chen didn't have confidence, would he dare to play such a big game? For many people, I'm afraid they don't even dare to think about it, right? "

His words were also recognized by the two girls.

Although Chen Tiezhu is indeed a little out of tune, he really doesn't make people worry when he does things.

But even if they don't understand business, they know that just like Gao Xiaoguang said, this time it's really a big deal.

Is it so easy for him to solve the problem that even the county can't solve?

And not one, but two at the same time.

Playing around is playing around, but when it's time to worry, you will worry about this guy.

"In fact, it's not a big deal. As long as you get through the difficult period at the beginning, things will be easy to handle later." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"And there are benefits to having shares in the county. At least in the future, when purchasing special steel and introducing species, there will be some convenient conditions. "

"Take a good rest today, and tomorrow we have to sell mushrooms seriously. You have to make some money for me to buy New Year's goods? Otherwise, you will eat and drink here, and the landlord has no surplus food. "

Hearing his words, the three of them curled their lips.

They would not believe his lies.

But the two girls still had a little hope in their hearts, as they had no experience in doing business.

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