"Master, is it okay to mix it like this?"

Looking at Chen Tiezhu carefully mixing the steamed glutinous rice and malt, Lu Dan asked curiously.

"It's okay to mix it like this." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Earlier, I couldn't bear to use glutinous rice. I used pure wheat, which is also real maltose. But now we have the conditions, we can be a little lazy."

"Otherwise, if you use pure maltose, it will take several hours to boil the sugar. You have to get more wheat, otherwise it won't be enough."

"Wait until the weather is warmer, and I'll get some glutinous rice wine or something. It seems that steamed glutinous rice, add some wine yeast or something, I haven't tried it before."

"Master, how confident are you that you can come up with an innovation in bone plate?" Lu Dan asked.

"Why are you curious about this?" Chen Tiezhu asked in confusion.

"I'm worried about you, aren't I? If you don't have this thing, even if you take over the machinery factory, you will lose everything." Lu Dan curled his lips.

"What can I say about this thing? Where there is a will, there is a way." Chen Tiezhu shrugged his shoulders.

"I can only say that I will work hard to study it. As for how much results I can achieve in the future, it still depends on some luck. And in the future, I will hire some other talents to do this together."

"At present, Tianjin and Shanghai are still the leading medical device manufacturers in China, right? So we have to work hard to become the third medical device production base."

"In the future, we will not only produce some bone plates here, but also ECG monitors, ultrasound machines, CT machines, etc. At that time, we will also have to study them."

"Master, it's not even dark yet, why are you dreaming and talking in your sleep?" Lu Dan curled his lips.

"What's the matter? People should have dreams. If they don't have dreams, what's the difference between them and salted fish?" Chen Tiezhu said indifferently.

"When I have money, I will buy two CT machines at once, use one and dismantle the other. I don't believe I can't figure it out. Why are you leaving? I haven't finished talking about my grand ambitions."

"Uncle, why do you keep provoking her?" Qi Cuiwen said helplessly.

"I'm telling the truth. I really want to invest in this." Chen Tiezhu shrugged.

"But this is another company. It also requires a lot of talents to do this. We'll see when the time comes. I don't know if I can get it."

"Brother Chen, if you have to worry about so many things, do you still have time to play with stones?" Zhou Fengxia asked with a wry smile.

"Why not? Very much." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"How to be a boss? That is to say, you have to find the right people, assign the work to them, and then you can enjoy the fruits of victory."

"For example, if I have to plant all the land I contracted this year, when will I finish planting? Being a boss is also a technical job."

"In the future, you should also learn to focus on the big and let go of the small. Doing everything yourself is an attitude, but it will kill you because your energy is limited."

"Hey..., Brother Chen's words are always so intriguing." Zhou Fengxia sighed.

Sometimes when you listen to Chen Tiezhu's words, it seems like a perverse theory. But if you taste it carefully? It seems to be very reasonable.

"Tell me the truth, if you plan to do the business of raw stones, how much funds have you prepared?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Uh..., this, conservatively at 700,000, it can be over 1 million. This is the most money I can raise." Zhou Fengxia said after a slight hesitation.

"That's all? You can't get much from playing once." Chen Tiezhu frowned.

"Brother Chen, this is our family's greatest ability." Zhou Fengxia said with a wry smile.

"What's the key? You have to open your own store, so you have to hold a batch of stones and can't cash them in time." Chen Tiezhu scratched his scalp.

"In this case, when you play again next time, it feels like a 300,000 yuan fund is the limit. So my advice to you is to make money the first few times you play."

"If you don't have funds, you can't do anything. If you invest in the real thing, you can still make a year or two. Otherwise, how can you fight with Hong Kong businessmen?"

"It's okay to steal a chicken once, but it's really difficult to steal a chicken twice. Those people's eyelashes are empty, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Hehe, isn't it relying on you? If you can get one or two pieces of top-quality materials, we can turn things around in an instant." Zhou Fengxia said with a smile.

"If I had that ability, why would I play with you? Can't I just play by myself?" Chen Tiezhu said with a sneer.

"Aren't you too lazy to worry? I'll take care of the worries." Zhou Fengxia said.

"I'll give you 20% of the profit for any stone you pick out. If you're willing to invest, the profit will definitely increase."

"Why do you have so much confidence in me?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"You can't catch a wolf without risking your child." Zhou Fengxia said as a matter of course.

"If I don't put down some capital, can you play this with your mind? And I won't lose anything. Anyway, I think that although you don't know much about gambling on stones, you must have talent."

"My family is into Feng Shui, and I believe in it. Sometimes you have to believe in fate. I invest so little, and in exchange for your good luck, it's worth it."

"Wenwen, do you think this guy is a bit rogue?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"I don't think so, it depends on what you believe. "Qi Cuiwen said indifferently.

"Anyway, you cut out so many good stones in a row. I don't believe you don't have some luck. But I don't know when this luck can be used."

"That makes sense, Comrade Zhou. Maybe my luck will be gone next time, and you will lose everything." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Then I admit it. Gambling on stones is like this. There is no reason. I just believe in you." Zhou Fengxia shrugged and said indifferently.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to chat with you. I'm going to skewer meat." Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

What can you do? People give you such strong trust, what else can you say?

On the contrary, Qi Cuiwen was very happy. It was rare to see Chen Tiezhu suffer a setback.

"Do you believe in Uncle Chen's luck so much?" Qi Cuiwen asked.

Zhou Fengxia nodded, "I'm not kidding. Anyway, it's just a feeling that I can make a fortune relying on Brother Chen. ”

“What is risk-free? The more money you want to make, the greater the risk you have to take. Grandpa let me go and have fun this time, in fact, it is also because of Brother Chen.”

Qi Cuiwen didn’t know what to say. She made inferences based on the results, so it sounded light.

But what about Zhou Fengxia?

She was completely based on her intuition and put so much money on it. It was amazing.

Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore, just follow the skewers.

It’s fun to make sugar and grill skewers at night.

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