"What do you two mean? Are you sure?"

Han Xiuying, who was always keeping an eye on the two people, asked hurriedly.

Hearing her say this, the others were shocked.

"Whether they are human traffickers or not, they are definitely problematic." Jiang Chaoyang said.

"Because under normal circumstances, even if you want to save some money, you can buy some seasonings from the canteen, right? Some things are cheaper outside, but aren't those that can be made fresh cheaper than bottled ones?"

"They do this on purpose to avoid contact with you as much as possible. I think that their living environment is so dirty for this purpose."

"In this way, everyone will be annoyed with them, and no matter what they do, no one will care. Tiezhu, is that what you mean?"

Chen Tiezhu laughed, "I think so too. And they also have a dog, I have figured out this matter now. "

"Originally, I thought they kept dogs to protect people. After all, they have dogs to guard the house, right? But their situation is different."

"They should save every penny of the family's expenses so that they can seek medical treatment for their son. Keeping a dog really eats a lot for one meal."

"Take my family for example. I guess if I hadn't been a bit more fussy, I wouldn't have been ruined by my eldest daughter, but by that gang. They only had a small bowl of food for one meal."

"Oh..., let's talk about business." Han Xiuying slapped him in anger.

"I'm talking about business. Do you see how many dogs there are in our village? There are only four dogs at most, right?" Chen Tiezhu asked back.

Han Xiuying was stunned. It seemed to be true.

Among these four dogs, we have to count the half-grown Gou Shengzi.

"Normally, if there is no surplus food at home, who would be willing to feed the dog with leftovers?" Chen Tiezhu continued.

"Anyway, the more I think about this family, the more I feel that they are a little abnormal. Brother Jiang, let's not waste time, just kill them directly."

"What? Kill them directly? What if we can't find them? Wouldn't it alert the enemy?" Jiang Chaoyang was shocked.

"It's different now than just now. The reason we were cautious just now was because we didn't suspect them enough." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"So this time, let me, an old man, go out in person. The excuse is that their family affects the environmental sanitation of the village, and I will go to investigate first."

After saying that, Chen Tiezhu shook his neck, took off his officer's woolen coat, and put it on.

"Erlin, do you have hair oil, hair wax, etc. at home?" Chen Tiezhu asked after looking in the mirror.

"I have a little hair wax, but it was bought a long time ago." Erlin said carefully.

"Give it to me, I'll fix it. Niu Er, think about it and buy Erlin a new box later. My hair grows a little fast." Chen Tiezhu muttered.

"Yingzi, can you ask for half a day off from the town tomorrow? Let's go to that barber shop to get a haircut. People say we have to listen to the wife's opinion, so we have to listen."

Jiang Chaoyang blinked his eyes, what does it mean?

He knew about Chen Tiezhu's haircut, but when did it happen? At that time, it was the wife?

Could it be...?

Could it be...?

In an instant, Jiang Chaoyang's detective brain was overloaded.

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and do your business. Don't let the child suffer." Han Xiuying kicked him angrily.

Erlin beside him was dumbfounded.

Niu Er knew that this was his eldest brother's eldest brother's eldest brother, known as the second brother.

But when the second brother faced this brother Tiezhu, he was almost the same as he faced the second brother.

And this arrogant brother Tiezhu, after being kicked by this comrade Yingnu, had to smile and didn't even dare to fart.

What kind of world is this?

Why can't I understand it?

Chen Tiezhu took out the hair wax and casually picked some with his hands, then rubbed it on his hair with a click, and got a shiny big back hair.

"This guy, this guy, there is no one else."

Chen Tiezhu boasted happily.

"You, you are really good at it." Jiang Chaoyang said helplessly.

In fact, he was also very emotional in his heart. Chen Tiezhu looked really stylish now.

"I always feel like something is missing? By the way, you have to hold something in your mouth." Chen Tiezhu said after taking a closer look.

"Erlin, when we get to their house, just cooperate with me. Don't be nervous, we're not really going over to bully them, we're just pretending to bully them."

"Yingzi, now I look pretty good as a bully, don't I? From now on, I'll just bully boys."You are a bully, I will take you back to the house."

"Still talking to me? Hurry up and go."

Han Xiuying said unhappily, then grabbed his arm and pulled him out.


"Don't go, you don't look like a bad guy, what can you do?"

Jiang Chaoyang just opened his mouth and was retorted by Chen Tiezhu.

He didn't know what to say, not looking like a bad guy, but it didn't work.

Don't say it, Chen Tiezhu's current style is really amazing.

At least when they just walked outside, a neighbor wanted to watch the fun, and when he saw them, he went back directly and closed the door.

"This guy, I am also very arrogant now." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Brother Tiezhu, you are awesome. "Niu Er grinned and praised.

It was because he couldn't keep up with Chen Tiezhu's pace. This was a bully style.

"Woof, woof, woof..."

Just when they came to the edge of the yard of that family, the black back dog tied with an iron chain barked wildly.

He also rushed forward with all his strength, pulling the iron chain with a rattling sound.

Chen Tiezhu didn't say anything, just stood there, quietly looking at the black back dog.

Although he didn't know dogs, judging from the body shape of this one, it was definitely a good dog. And a family like theirs could raise such a precious dog?

After being glared at by him, the black back dog, which was a little fierce just now, actually slowly lay down and put its head on its front paws.

Niu Er was scared. Brother Tiezhu was really fierce.

"Comrade, who are you looking for? "

At this time, the door in the yard opened, and a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties and had a black cotton jacket came out.

"I'm looking for you." Chen Tiezhu glanced at him.

After saying that, he walked forward a few steps and came to the front door.

The hollow iron door was inserted, and he was too lazy to open the door, so he kicked it with his leg.

"Hua La... Bang..."

Under his great force, the place where the door and the door pier were fixed was directly kicked off by him, and the door also hit the ground.

Just like that, whether it was the middle-aged man, Niu Er or the little Karami Erlin, they all opened their mouths wide.

Is this guy still a human?

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