"What's going on? My goodness, why is he so feverish?"

When Chen Tiezhu ran to the bed, he was frightened by the patient in front of him.

"Doctor, doctor, save our boss, if he dies, the sky will fall."

A female comrade who came with him grabbed Chen Tiezhu's arm.

"He probably drank too much and slept in the firewood pile. I don't know who set off firecrackers or something, and the firewood pile was messed up. Is there any hope?" asked the firefighter who sent the patient over.

"Let me check it out first, get me a flashlight." Chen Tiezhu said as he carefully opened the patient's mouth.

"For burn patients, the first thing to check is whether the respiratory tract is damaged. In fire accidents, more people are choked to death by smoke."

"Although there are traces of smoke in his nostrils, the condition of his mouth is very good and clean. But family members must also be mentally prepared. Prepare the scalpel to make an eschar incision, otherwise there will be no chance of rescue."

Hearing this, not to mention the firefighters and family members who followed, even Fang Zhiyong who rushed over was stunned.

"Look at the burn marks on this cotton jacket and you know that it has been burned through." Chen Tiezhu explained patiently.

"In this case, his chest wall must have been burned. And when we breathe, we need to expand the chest cavity. If it can't expand, how can we breathe."

"Notify the operating room and do debridement later. At the same time, you must be mentally prepared. With such a large burn area, I don't know if the subsequent infection can survive. The treatment time will be very long and it will be very painful."

Listening to his words, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

His tone was very calm, as if he was talking about something irrelevant. But these calm words were no longer something the woman could bear, and she sat down on the ground.

"Teacher Chen, surgical instruments."

At this time, a nurse came over with a tray.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, put on his gloves, and took the scalpel to cut the patient's chest from top to bottom.

Just as he predicted, the patient's clothes on his chest had been stuck to his skin.

The scene was quite terrifying when the knife was cut. However, after the incision was cut, the patient's breathing slowly slowed down.

"Teacher Chen, the next debridement..." Fang Zhiyong asked hesitantly.

"You take charge. I will go home after you finish this operation. How is the other patient?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"It also needs debridement and suture. Some tissues have collapsed." Fang Zhiyong said.

"Then leave it to Zhenwen. You go up." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"Okay, take blood for testing and send the patient to the operating room." Fang Zhiyong said.

"Luckily you are here, otherwise no one would dare to do such an incision." Ma Guoming said with a wry smile.

"Actually, there is nothing to be afraid of. For such patients, the current emergency measures can only be like this. Otherwise, it may be too late during the intubation process." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Since we have caught up, let me tell you about my personal understanding of the first aid knowledge. When we receive patients in the hospital, we need to do as I just said."

"But some unexpected accidents will always happen. If we happen to encounter them, we can also have some ideas in our hearts. When we encounter such a situation, the first thing we need to do is to ensure safety."

"This safety is for you, because all medical operations must be carried out when you can ensure your own safety. Otherwise, as soon as you move, the accident may take you away."

"After ensuring our own safety, what we need to do is to try our best to let people find ways to contact the hospital. Because our conditions outside are limited, there is not much we can do."

"Notify the doctor one minute earlier Hospital, it can save one minute of transfer time and gain one more minute of treatment time. When notifying, try to describe the clear landmarks around you. "

"Then, what we need to do is to ensure that the patient's airway is unobstructed. Take the case of this patient just now as an example. He may have other injuries, but the airway is the first first aid we must ensure. "

"If it is confirmed that the airway is unobstructed and the patient is still in respiratory distress, then the next step is artificial respiration and chest compression to gain more rescue time for the patient. "

"This is my understanding of the five elements of first aid. If I were to say my personal opinion, it is that we must stay focused and calm during the consultation process no matter what situation we encounter. "

"Especially when there are patientsWhen family members are accompanying, they must state the patient's condition concisely and truthfully. Because we don't know whether the operation can be successfully completed after the patient is pushed into the operating room. "

"Another situation is that some of our medical measures should respect the patient and the family, and can only be carried out after obtaining their authorization. "

"To put it bluntly, we doctors are just a tool to help patients relieve the troubles of symptoms. No one can pat his chest and say that every operation can be done perfectly and the patient can get off the stage smoothly. "

"And what is very interesting is that the success rate of the operation we are concerned about is often only focused on the part on the operating table, not the entire perioperative period. "

"I think what we need to refer to is the entire perioperative period. For example, a patient's brain is deprived of oxygen for more than five minutes due to an accident. "

"But when he was sent to us, he still had certain vital signs, so how should we rescue this patient? Or should we rescue him? "

"It sounds cold-blooded, but sometimes it is like this. But when the time comes, how to choose depends on what the person thinks. "

"Doctor is actually a very cruel profession, because we are with the King of Hell every day, and we are snatching people from his hands. You will all become the backbone of the county hospital in the future, and I hope everyone can have their own understanding. "

After saying that, he walked back to Fang Zhiyong's office.

"It makes me feel cold." Han Xiuying grinned.

"There is no way, doctors, especially emergency doctors, are so cruel." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

"With the increase in population, there will be more and more unexpected situations, and the county hospital will also face great challenges. Today is also a lesson for them, just a preview of the future. ”

In the future, he has seen too many cases where doctors were involved in medical disputes because they brought too much personal feelings into the process.

He also knew that such a situation would happen sooner or later, but he just hoped that it would come later.

When he said that he needed to pay attention to "safety", he was not only referring to the safety of the on-site environment, but also the safety of the corresponding medical measures.

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