"I'm Fang Zhiyong from the County Hospital's Department of Surgery. How is the patient?"

Rushing into the room, Fang Zhiyong, the director of the County Hospital's Department of Surgery, hurriedly asked.

Under normal circumstances, he would not see patients. But today someone called the dean, and the task was assigned to him.

"Doctor Fang, please take a look at Second Uncle. Tiezhu said that he is lacking blood, so he needs to have his blood fixed. Shouldn't the arm be fixed? It's all stretched." He Jianguo hurriedly said.

"You stretched it yourself? Ridiculous. The patient has lost too much blood, so give him blood first." Fang Zhiyong glared at He Jianguo, and then said to the accompanying nurse.

This is not taking human life seriously. Under such conditions, people are operated on casually? Isn't that killing people?

He Jianguo opened his mouth, but didn't dare to say a word.

Fang Zhiyong didn't have time to care about him, and carefully cut the bandage wrapped around Second Uncle's arm with scissors. When the wound was exposed, he was stunned.

What's going on?

Why would he use such a treatment method?

This incision..., how come it looks so beautiful?

"Director Fang, the blood transfusion has already started. Do you still want to measure the blood pressure?" the nurse asked at this time.

"Wait a minute." Fang Zhiyong said, holding the wrist of the other arm of the second master with his hand, frowning slightly.

The villagers' hearts also lifted.

Just now, there was no other way, so Chen Tiezhu did it randomly. Now he is a genuine doctor, and he has to listen to him to know how the second master is.

"There is also a wound on the left arm. Although the pulse is slow, it is very strong. Don't measure it for now." Fang Zhiyong said after releasing his hand.

"Prepare a stretcher first. After I re-bandage the wound, I will transfer it to the ambulance and send it to our hospital quickly. The old man is lucky. Let's deal with it quickly. There should be no problem. By the way, who did the operation, you?"

"It's not me, it's not me. I dare not do it."

Seeing Fang Zhiyong looking over, Doctor Wang shook his head hurriedly.

"Doctor Fang, this is Tiezhu from our village. He said that if he didn't pull it apart, Second Uncle's arm would be broken and he would have to lose his life." He Jianguo said hurriedly.

"Who is Tiezhu? Fortunately, the fracture is not serious, otherwise this cut might have broken his arm." Fang Zhiyong asked while bandaging the wound.

"Tiezhu went home to change clothes." He Jianguo said.

"Second Uncle's bones were broken very badly just now, and there was a bulge on his arm. It was Tiezhu who straightened the bones and then pulled the arm apart. Doctor, is Second Uncle okay? Doesn't it look scary?"

Hearing his words, Fang Zhiyong stopped moving his hands. The bandage that had just been wrapped was opened again.

The villagers were dumbfounded. What kind of doctor is this? Are you kidding?

Why did you tie it up and cut it open, and then tie it up and untie it again?

At this time, Fang Zhiyong was filled with horror. He was in a hurry just now and didn't have time to check it carefully.

Now it is clear that there are contusions in two muscle tissues.

He initially thought that the injury was caused by straining during the operation, but now it seems that the muscle was scratched by the fractured bone.

It is really beautiful, this is a master.

With such a discovery, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he looked at the incision again.

He has encountered many patients of this kind in his years of medical practice.

Even on the operating table in the hospital, he couldn't handle it so well. Every time he handled it, there would be complications of scratching blood vessels and nerves.

Even if it is handled in time, it will affect the patient's future life.

But from the current incision, although the conditions are simple, it can be described as perfect.

I have to study it carefully after returning. Maybe it can provide help for such patients in the future. It is a great merit.

"Director Fang..."

Seeing him like this, the nurse next to him called softly.

"Oh, I'll continue bandaging it. The treatment was timely and good. The arm can be saved. How did you know that a blood transfusion was needed? This bottle of saline is hung very well." Fang Zhiyong said with a smile.

"Uh..., Tiezhu said it. Is it correct?" He Jianguo said hesitantly.

"It's this Tiezhu again? Tell me, are there any other treatment methods?" Fang Zhiyong's interest became stronger.

"Other methods...? By the way, he also gave me a tetanus shot and penicillin." Doctor Wang thought for a while and said.

"Yes, penicillin can prevent infection to some extent. This arm was pierced by an arrow? It was also obtained very well, and the wound was not large. The gun sand on the back was handled even better, and the wound was not expanded at will." Fang Zhiyong commented while checking.

"But if we go to the county hospital, we still have to arrange an X-ray to see if there is anything left in the body. By the way, which big hospital does Comrade Tiezhu work in? Thanks to him, if you wantOtherwise, the old man's life would really be in danger."

Listening to his words, the villagers looked at each other in bewilderment.

Comrade Tiezhu works in a big hospital?

Is Director Fang also a little confused?

"Well, Director Fang, Tiezhu is a member of our village and has never worked in a hospital." He Jianguo said carefully.

Fang Zhiyong paused and was really confused now.

He could never have imagined that the person he worshipped as a god in his heart was actually an ordinary farmer?

"Director Fang, the operation was performed with this fruit knife. First it was burned with fire, and then it was disinfected with alcohol." Han Xiuying said at this time.

Fang Zhiyong didn't say anything, but just nodded.

It was really because his mind was really a little confused now.

"Okay, let's go to the county hospital, and we have to do follow-up treatment. Where is Comrade Tiezhu? Call him too." Fang Zhiyong said after the treatment.

"I'll go find him now. "

He Jianguo responded and ran out.

However, when the second master was sent to the ambulance, he ran back in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Han Xiuying asked hurriedly.

"Tiezhu, Tiezhu went up the mountain, and the bows and arrows at home are gone." He Jianguo said in panic.

"Oh, Tiezhu wants to avenge the second master, right?"

"Oh my God, what can we do? Uncle Jianguo, let's go up the mountain too?"

"Uncle Jianguo, they have hurt the second master, but we dare not let them hurt Tiezhu again."


The villagers around were also anxious.

"Be quiet, no one can go up the mountain. Even the second uncle dared to do it, so other people would not want to die if they went up the mountain?" He Jianguo shouted.

"Then Tiezhu..."

"Tiezhu is capable, and the second master wants to choose him as the next leader. "

He Jianguo interrupted Wang Chunsheng just as he started talking.

"Send Uncle Er to the hospital first. Accountant Feng, you follow with the money. I'll think of another way for Tiezhu. Comrade Han, you have to take good care of Doudou. Professor Xu, you guys..., wait a while."


Han Xiuying nodded seriously, then got into the ambulance with Doudou in her arms.

Although the other villagers were also worried about Chen Tiezhu's safety, they also knew that what He Jianguo said made sense.

There must be a very powerful person in the mountains, otherwise how could the Second Master be injured like this?

At this time, snowflakes fell from the sky, and the snow that had been suppressed for a day finally began to fall.

And the hearts of the villagers were as heavy as the weather today.

They were concerned about the Second Master's injury and the safety of Chen Tiezhu.

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