"Haha, my eldest daughter is awake. Eat a bite of food, and then play with the third girl."

Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Dad, is Doudou dreaming?"

Doudou snuggled in his arms and asked in confusion.

The little girl's words amused everyone in the room.

But the little girl didn't care about it. Whether it was a dream or a dream, she ate a few bites of food randomly, and then led the little animals and the third girl to play happily.

"Uncle Jianguo, our village will also have to count the construction area of ​​the mushroom house later. At that time, we will see whether to use the existing house for renovation or build a new one directly." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Tiezhu, is this mushroom really okay?" asked a villager.

Chen Tiezhu smiled and nodded, "That's great. I pulled over the mushrooms yesterday, and in order to test the sales situation, people were rushing to buy them at 50 cents a pound."

"But I've been thinking about it for a while, and now I plan to launch two options at once. The first option is naturally to grow mushrooms, and the second option is to grow greenhouse vegetables."

"Just like mushrooms, they can be grown in spring, summer, autumn and winter. And the profit of these vegetables is not less than mushrooms, and the planting conditions are not so harsh."

"Tiezhu, you mentioned earlier that greenhouse vegetables are also very promising?" He Jianguo asked curiously.

'"Of course they are, we talked about it when we were making dumplings last night. If we can make dumplings stuffed with leeks and shrimp, how delicious they will taste." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"In winter, there are no real vegetables in our county. So, I think this is a good way. Originally, I was planning to do it."

"Since I'm happy today, we can also talk about this. The cost of building a greenhouse is similar to that of a mushroom house, but slightly higher."

"In the future, you can sell the vegetables yourself, or you can let me help you sell them. Just like selling mushrooms, I will still make a little difference in the price."

"Because I am underwriting, I have to make a little money if I take the risk. But our The degree of freedom is relatively high, and you can choose any way you want. "

"It's not that if you don't let me help you sell, I will turn my face away from you. I can earn no money and only a good reputation."

"But in business, there is no such reason. This is business. Maybe the money I earn from selling a shelf of vegetables for you is not enough for us to prepare a table for a lively dinner."

"By then, I have to find sales channels, prepare cold storage, and contact transportation vehicles. If any link here fails, it will fall into my hands."

Listening to his words, everyone nodded.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why everyone believes in him, because no matter what happens, he will tell you in advance.

He does this thing, it is so open and aboveboard.

If I were to handle such a big thing myself, wouldn't I have to make some money?

The key is that I don't have this ability yet.

"So, you don't have to worry about making money in the future." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"I don't have any hard and fast rules here. You have to grow mushrooms and he grows greenhouses. If you can handle it, you can do both."

"But I must also remind everyone that it must be very tiring to do this. Moreover, it is also quite tiring. So everyone should also think carefully and don't just do it at once."

"I am quite relaxed, but Professor Xu and the others are like growing in the mushroom house. I can definitely help you check the technical issues, but the actual work still needs to be done by everyone."

Everyone nodded again, and there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Everyone often came to see the mushroom house at Chen Tiezhu's home. The temperature, humidity, etc. must be fixed. If you don't fix it, the mushrooms will not grow.

"What I just said is our second option. There is also a third option, which is to work for me in the future." Chen Tiezhu spoke again.

If what I just said was basically expected by everyone, then the situation will be different once this sentence is spoken.

Everyone knows that Chen Tiezhu has hired people first and paid them very high wages. Is this going to continue?

"I have contracted so many fields, so there will be more work in the future." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"The people I have now can't even plant them all. Uncle Jianguo originally thought that everyone could lend a hand, help out, and plant the land."

"But what am I considering? This is not just three or five acres of land, or twenty or thirty acres of land. It's just helping out. There are so many fields, and the working time is long. I'm worried.It's unbearable inside."

"So my plan is to hire temporary workers when the time comes, and we'll pay them by the day..."

"Tiezhu, no need, what's wrong with doing some work? You can lead everyone to grow mushrooms and greenhouses, and you'll make money."

"Yes, there's a lot of land, and everyone will lend a hand, so they can plant it."

"Tiezhu, I can't help with other things, but this little help is no problem."


When they heard him say that, everyone started to speak.

I really didn't think farming was a big deal. I've been doing farming for a lifetime, how difficult can it be?

"Everyone, be quiet, everyone, be quiet..."

Chen Tiezhu called out, and everyone quieted down again.

"If I only do this for one year, I won't say anything. But this is not a matter of one or two years, but many years. If I always let everyone work for me for nothing, how can I raise my head in the village in the future?"

"So, this matter can't be handled this way. I will also pay you for delivering manure to the fields. Uncle Jianguo, please arrange the car for me, and I will pay you for the days you have worked. "

"When it is time to ask you for help, I will definitely ask you. I will say that when the weather gets warmer, I need to renovate my house. You won't get any money if you want it, you just have to work for me. "

Hearing him say this, everyone started to laugh.

Tiezhu's thoughts were so thoughtful.

That's true. It's okay to help for one or two days, but if you come to help every year, you really can't manage it like this.

Now everyone has confidence in their hearts. Each of the three roads Tiezhu gave is a golden road.

This year is really promising.

I was in a good mood and talked a lot about sex. The original custom of New Year's greetings has directly become a future outlook meeting.

Han Xiuying was very happy. Such a scene was really beautiful and she couldn't get enough of it.

Even if there were melon seeds and peanut shells all over the ground, even if there were a lot of cigarette butts, she was happy.

But just when she was happy, she saw a jeep parked at the gate.

I didn't think anything of the eldest brother who came down.

I didn't think anything of the grandfather who came down.

But after seeing the parents who followed, she was dumbfounded...

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