"Uncle, in my opinion, technology plays a very important role in whether a country can become strong in the future." Chen Tiezhu said seriously without any stage fright.

"It can even be said that technology will cover all industries related to national economy and people's livelihood. Any aspect of technology that lags behind will be beaten."

"Tiezhu, I agree with what you said before. But what you said now is a bit exaggerated, right?" Old man Han took over the conversation with a smile.

"It was so difficult back then, but we survived. What do we have? Nothing, we rely on people. Only when the people unite, there will be no unwinnable battle."

Chen Tiezhu nodded with a smile, "You are right, because no matter what kind of technology, it needs people to use it. But if we don't catch up with the iteration and upgrade of technology, then even if we have more people, will it work?"

"Why doesn't it work? The positions back then were all fought out by comrades with bayonets." Old man Han said unconvinced.

"Then I'll ask you a small question." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"For example, the sedan we imported from Germany is actually a low-end model in Germany. Why is it so expensive after it is produced in our country?"

"Extend this question, why are the imported sedans we buy now very cheap and have very good performance? As an ordinary consumer, why do you think this is the case?"


The old man was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know what to say next.

This is indeed a bit unreasonable, because according to common sense, the better the things, the more expensive they should be.

"This is also equivalent to a protection for domestic technology research." Han Lishan spoke.

"Otherwise, we would buy imported cars. Our pitiful foreign exchange is not enough. And it is also because of our poor technology that our car manufacturing costs are very high."

"Even at a very high price, it is still higher than the cost of imported cars, and there is not much profit. That is why the country will introduce foreign technology to learn for its own use."

"At present, the productivity of nationalized parts of this car has increased a lot. It is no longer like before that all parts can only be assembled through imports."

"Then what about our technology? What level is it in the world?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"No matter what level, just catch up slowly." Han Xiuying spoke up and winked at Chen Tiezhu.

I feel that this guy is a little bit arrogant and aggressive today.

"Yingzi, when do you think we can catch up? Especially when our country's technology is generally backward." Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"For example, the CT machine we talked about before is expensive, costing hundreds of thousands. When can we make our own cheaper one?"

"For example, for cars, when can our technology be improved, the production cost can be reduced, and the real value for money can be achieved."

"The next development depends on technology. Of course, as the old man said, people are also important. Because only talents can develop technology, practical technology, and innovative technology, and make technology work for me."

"But we are far behind them, and many of these technologies have to be studied from scratch. I have read in the newspaper that they don't need many workers to produce cars, and they are all automated."

"Then by extension, will there be more automation in the field of mechanical production in the future? Can we master these technologies?"

"This is also what you mentioned to Governor Li. Technology cannot be achieved by buying, right?" Han Lishan asked with a smile.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "That's true. The country attaches great importance to technology, but I think the degree of attention seems to be a little lacking."

"The scope of technology is really too wide, and many technologies span different fields. Take the automation of automobile production, for example. In the future, these things will be used in military factories. Can we also automate the production of shells?"

"What is the core technology for realizing automated production technology? How much capital do we have to invest in order to master these technologies?"

"Attaching importance to technology is actually attaching importance to talents. However, even the smartest people need costs when studying technology. Let's talk about what is happening right now. I want to grow mushrooms and greenhouses."

"I also need to invest money for Professor Xu and others to study. But no one knows when this research will produce results."

"In other words, when can the funds I invest be transformed into technology and make money for me? These are allAn unknown. I think the country is also facing such a problem, because the country needs to improve more technology. "

"Which technologies need to be studied unswervingly, even if it costs a lot of money. Which technologies can be slowed down and can be studied by the private sector. "

"So I think technology will occupy a very large proportion in the competition between countries in the future. Because in future cooperation negotiations with each other, we will give up a lot of interests for a little bit of technology. "

"Many domestic companies are struggling, in fact, because they don’t have their own technology. The technology they have is the lowest-end technology shared by the country. "

"If we don’t attach importance to technology and technology research, it will be even more difficult for these technologies in our country to improve. Even if some technologies are studied by the private sector, who will study them if there is not enough return? "

This is what he wanted to say after all this time.

Because he knew the direction of the future, there was indeed a fatal flaw in the research of science and technology. That's why people are always stuck and can't breathe.

And his words also made Mr. Han and Han Lishan think seriously.

They are not the kind of people who just listen to the excitement, but they know that Chen Tiezhu's words seem to have said a lot, but in fact they still haven't said it thoroughly.

This is where this kid is smart, because some of the words he said are indeed a bit too much.

Now that this topic has been brought up and a certain degree of elaboration has been made, that's enough.

And this is what Han Lishan is particularly concerned about.

It was obviously a surprise attack, but this kid seemed to be well prepared, which is more interesting.

"You kid's deliberate calculation is just to say these?"

Han Lishan asked suddenly.

Han Xiuying was dumbfounded, and she didn't know why her father said that.

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