A marriage with parents' blessing may not be perfect, but a marriage without parents' blessing will definitely have regrets.

Chen Tiezhu and Han Xiuying are in a free love relationship, and now they have been recognized by their parents, which is a good start.

As for whether they will live happily in the future, it depends on how they manage it.

The next morning, after dinner, Chen Tiezhu also drove his future father-in-law to the land he contracted, and talked about his future plans.

This also made Han Lishan very interested, because he knew that his future son-in-law was not just talking big, but taking action.

To be precise, this is also a reform of rural farming methods.

"Tiezhu, have you ever thought that your way of management will give people an illusion? Is it a setback in our land reform?"

After returning home, Han Lishan asked with a smile.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "I did have such concerns, and the approval of my small project has been delayed for a long time. Many comrades do have such concerns."

"It mainly involves two aspects. One is the cultivation of grain crops, and the other is the use of land."

"It is very important to ensure the stable supply of grain production. But here, I have to set aside a large part of the land for the cultivation of cash crops."

"In this regard, I think there is no problem at present. After the reform of the country in recent years, the production materials have been greatly improved, and the grain output has also been growing steadily."

"For the plains, it is very suitable for large-scale cultivation of grain crops. But for mountainous areas like us, land resources are still relatively tight."

"To live on the land, we have to find ways to dig out more profits from these limited resources. So in the cultivation project, we have to make appropriate adjustments."

"This can be regarded as adapting to local conditions. Of course, this idea will only come about under the premise that the country has undergone great changes."

"Otherwise, the food supply will be a problem, so let me grow I won't plant any economic fields. I have to fill my stomach first. If I don't have enough food, I can't do anything. "

"And I have contracted so much land. At first glance, it's almost the same as the landlords in the past. In fact, there is a difference in essence. "

"The landlord's management method is mainly exploitation, while I am doing normal farming under the premise of ensuring national income and employees' labor income. "

"In fact, the root cause is that our country is getting better and better. It can be regarded as a measure to adapt to local conditions, and we must make use of advantageous resources. "

"And what I think The advantageous resources for the country are not only land resources, but also capital. I can say with confidence that if I manage these lands in a centralized manner, I will definitely get more income than if they are dispersed among farmers, and my contribution to the country will be greater. "

"Agricultural production is actually a business project. Purchasing means of production requires capital, just like business operations."

"I even think that in the future, farmers' land management can also be rented out. Of course, this method conflicts with current policies."

"You are really brave." Han Lishan was happy.

"What he thinks is always scary." Han Xiuying added.

"Now the country encourages reform and opening up, so you need to think more." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Let's think along my lines first, and take Erye's land as an example. If he cultivates it himself, it must be the same, similar to previous years."

"But let's change it. If I rent Erye's land and give him a certain rent, is this rent Erye's income?"

"And Erye's income from operating one acre of land, compared to the rent I give, how much more can it be?"

"How much income can this acre of land earn under my management? And he doesn't have to worry about his own land. Can his labor force be converted into another part of the income?"

"Is the money from renting the land, plus the income from the converted labor force, higher than the income from cultivating the land by himself?"

"Erye's income is higher than before, I also make money, and the tax revenue contributed to the country is also more. This is almost a win-win situation based on the original cultivation, right?"

"What you said seems to be the case, but it always feels weird." Han Xiuying muttered.

"In fact, what I didn't say here is a kind of capital power. Because I cultivateThe investment is definitely more. Of course, there are risks no matter what you do. "

"It may be that this year is not good, and the crop yield has decreased, which has seriously reduced my income, or even lost money. But there is a new problem here, what exactly do farmers earn money from? "

"Let me see, in fact, it is hard-earned money. The money earned by managing one acre of land is actually converted from your own labor. "

"There is an old saying in the countryside, called labor does not pay for capital. In fact, this is a very helpless saying, because as a farmer, there is nothing else except your hard work. "

"And how much this effort can gain, in the end it depends on God. After I contracted the land, I also took on the risks they originally took. "

"At the same time, it also liberated their hands. It can turn their hard work into income, visible and tangible income. "

"In addition, with the development of the country, more and more people will change their thinking, and the income from farming will no longer meet the family expenses. ”

“What I am doing now may seem a little out of line, but I think this is an inevitable trend in the future development of agricultural production.”

“That’s a little wrong. If everyone thinks this way, then they are all thinking about renting other people’s land?” Han Xiuying asked.

“Xiuying, have you forgotten what he just said? Agricultural production is also a kind of business operation, which requires costs.” Han Lishan said.

“If you think about it this way, it’s easy to understand. The risks of agricultural production are also very high, and the investment is also very large. Such business risks are not something that ordinary people can bear.”

“So even with such development, the gap between the rich and the poor will gradually widen in the future. This kid has been talking around, but he didn’t say this.”

“Hehe, this is inevitable.” Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

“But I think it is worth encouraging to rely on one’s own business, rather than using the power in one’s hands to obtain legitimate income. ”

“This is also the inevitable trend of economic development. There will always be companies that make a lot of money, and there will also be companies that can’t operate. Just like some state-owned units now, although they are not farming, they are almost the same as farming.”

“You are really brave.”

Han Lishan added.

Han Xiuying was a little puzzled. This was the second time her father had said this today.

Is there something she didn’t understand?

It’s too brain-consuming.

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