"President Peng, actually my goal is to find a long-term partner." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Partner?" President Peng asked in confusion.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "It's a partner. Because the development of an enterprise cannot be separated from the help of the bank. With the financial support of the bank, the development of the enterprise can be accelerated a lot."

"For example, the situation I am facing now is like this. I rely on my own funds for development, and the acquisition of these two companies will be put off until next year."

"Now that I can acquire them in advance, I naturally save a year of development time. Although I have to pay the corresponding interest, it is also worth it."

"But I am a person who still has some rules. It's not that I come here to borrow money, and you give me the money, then we are good friends."

"So I said that I need a long-term partner, because in the future our company may expand three-party loan services."

"Tell me about this, what does this mean? What is the three-way method?" President Peng became interested.

"For example, the economic field planting or greenhouse vegetable planting that I want to carry out is more expensive than ordinary planting." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Even if some farmers want to try it, they don't have so much money to do it. And our company doesn't have so much money to advance and help them develop."

"So at this time, the bank can appear. Our Jindoudou company will come up with a feasibility project and invite farmers to participate. The bank will issue loans after review."

"This is somewhat different from the previous poverty alleviation loans. Many poverty alleviation loans from credit unions have not been recovered. And my primary project will be greenhouse planting."

"If I can acquire the breeding farm in the future, I will still focus on breeding. With the participation of our company, there will be a certain degree of guarantee for the recovery of the loan."

"Can you tell me more about it? Although I have planted land before, it has been abandoned for a long time, not to mention this greenhouse, I have never touched it." President Peng asked.

"In fact, whether it is greenhouse planting or breeding projects, technical support is needed here." Chen Tiezhu said after thinking for a while.

"In terms of planting, our company has cooperation with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Currently, there is a professor stationed in our company for a long time. He is one of our external employees."

"In the future, if farmers want to do greenhouse planting projects, we will provide free technical support. But their agricultural products need to be handed over to our company for unified sales."

"The advantage of this is that it will stabilize the market price in the future. Otherwise, if you sell it casually, it will definitely mess up the market price and there will be no profit."

"In terms of breeding, whether it is raising chickens or pigs, I also want to promote this project, but the breeding cost is higher than the planting cost. ”

“We will also provide free technical guidance. In the future, their broilers and fattened pigs will also be recycled by us. Including eggs, etc., will be recycled and sold by us. ”

“Whether it is a breeder or a grower, they only need to control the production process. There is no need to worry about technology and sales, and our company can also make some profits in the middle. ”

“And the loan provided by the bank is also an interest-bearing loan. The loan period is short, and even if the interest rate is lower, it is also good for the bank's profitability. ”

“According to what you said, I think if it is changed to another bank, it will agree at that time, right?” President Peng frowned and asked.

It should be said that the cooperation project that Chen Tiezhu is throwing out now really touched his heart.

Because such a loan has a certain degree of guarantee in recycling, and with the participation of Jindoudou Company, even if there are some minor problems in the middle, they can be solved.

Nowadays, the funds of the bank are also limited. How many people come to the bank to deposit money?

If this project can really be carried out smoothly, then the funds in the bank will be able to achieve a certain degree of growth in a very short time, that is, profit.

Although the interest for a planter or breeder is not much, what if there are more people involved?

"This involves the issue I mentioned earlier, the relationship of long-term partners." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"I need to establish this kind of relationship with a responsible bank. They cannot lend blindly and cause a lot of dead debts and bad debts."

"And the development of my company will also require corresponding levels of financial support at different stages. If I meet an incompetent partner, when I need funds, it is very likely that he will not be able to take them out at all."

"At that timeWhat should I do? It will not only affect the speed of my business development, but also the survival of my business. "

"Of course, with my ability, the latter point is basically impossible. But affecting the speed of business development is equivalent to affecting the speed of my making money. "

"As the old saying goes, one step slow, all steps slow. The next business development will be carried out at a rapid speed. Because the country has given policies, whoever runs ahead can always enjoy the dividends of the policies. "

"And at present, our company's agricultural production projects look very low-end, but they are actually very good projects. Because people's lives are inseparable from food, clothing, housing and transportation. "

"When people's income levels have increased to a certain extent, these four aspects will increase appropriately. My vision is not limited to our county. If I want to do bigger business, I will naturally need more funds. "

"To be honest, if we have a preliminary cooperation foundation and have obtained the recognition of both parties. When you are promoted or retired, whether this relationship can continue to be maintained depends on the situation of your successor. ”

“Because if you encounter an irresponsible bank that issues loans at will, more people will be cheated in the future. A cooperative relationship is actually an equal relationship.”

“It is a process of mutual dependence. Any unequal relationship will bring hidden dangers to future cooperation. Sometimes it is not the case that the more money you can borrow, the better. You may be stuck in the mud and unable to extricate yourself.”

Think about those real estate companies that went bankrupt and ran away in the future. Who is responsible for that?

“Manager Chen, your views today are very novel.” President Peng said.

“If possible, can you come up with a detailed plan? Your two companies still have the procedures on the documents to go through, so the funds are not urgent.”

“Thank you President Peng for giving our company this opportunity. I will perfect this plan in a week.” Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

I feel really good. The funds are almost settled, and I can also give my company a pair of wings for development.

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