"Actually, I felt that there were no outsiders at the dinner table today, and everyone was dedicated to making us live a good life, so I chose to speak directly."

Chen Tiezhu said with a smile, and picked up a piece of meat for his eldest daughter.

"Actually, this issue, which was mentioned by County Magistrate Gao earlier, is an issue of evaluating the value of our companies. From different perspectives, the evaluation method is different."

"Because there are really too many aspects involved. For example, the factory buildings, equipment, and land occupied by the factory, how should these be priced? There is no unified standard."

Everyone nodded, and Chen Tiezhu's words were not bad.

After all, everyone had done their homework in advance, and the situation in this regard was indeed not so easy to grasp.

"I also said before that businessmen must make profits when doing business." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"But the profit you seek is different. It doesn't mean that you use some dirty means to make profits for yourself during the transaction, but that you can make profits by using the existing platform through a series of means to improve it."

"In the transaction process of these state-owned enterprise reforms, the human factor is very important. When I was chatting with a little brother of mine some time ago, there was something very interesting."

"He said that nowadays, almost all jadeite raw stones are hunted by Hong Kong businessmen. Because they will deliberately lower the price, and then they will divide the profits."

"In the process of our future state-owned enterprise reforms, will there be a phenomenon of bid rigging? A company worth 100,000 yuan finds a few people to act out a play, and the highest offer is only 60,000 yuan."

"This seems to be a very fair transaction, the highest bidder wins. But in fact, at least 20% to 30% of the assets have been buried in the transaction. . "

"Fairness and justice are really hard to achieve. I think this is the big problem we will face in the future, which is what I mean by how to measure it."

"Let's take the example of the company just now. It has an asset of 100,000 yuan. The highest price is only 60,000 or 70,000 yuan. Will it be sold or not?"

"If it is not sold, the county will lose money every month. If it is sold, it will be much less than the market price. But for the buyer, if he really buys it at the original price, then the cost he needs to pay will be higher, and the profit will also be reduced."

"So this matter is actually a very complicated matter, and it is also a situation that many state-owned enterprises will encounter in the future reform process."

"This is what I can see from a businessman's perspective. As for you leaders, what you need to consider is how to check for deficiencies and make up for them."

After that, he ate the food with peace of mind.

The reminders that should be given have been given, and as for what to do, that is not a problem he needs to consider.

"Grandpa, I really want to set up a steering group for state-owned enterprise reform, and then transfer this kid there and let him take charge of the work." Leader Li said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, then don't count on it. This kid's mind is not on this. And letting him do some practical things will bring greater effects." Grandpa Han said with a smile.

He was in a good mood today, at least he could drink more wine. And the performance of his grandson-in-law also won everyone's recognition.

"To put it bluntly, the human factor is more critical." Leader Li said with emotion.

"If our cadres and comrades have no selfish thoughts when doing something, then it will be much easier to do this thing."

"Hehe, this is what leaders need to consider. So, the remaining task today is to eat and drink as much as you want." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Yes, the pickled cabbage you stewed is indeed extraordinary." Leader Li said with a smile.

"The pickled cabbage heart is also delicious." Doudou introduced it.

"Haha, then you should leave some for Uncle Li when you eat." Leader Li teased the little guy.

"Well..., I forgot." Doudou thought about it and frowned.

Looking at the pitiful look of the little guy, everyone was amused.

"Eating is very important, because each of us has to fill our stomachs." Leader Li continued.

"But many problems now also need to be solved. For different situations, we also have to come up with different response measures."

"Although Comrade Xiuying has just been involved in grassroots work, she has done a very solid job. For example, the practice of helping some lonely elderly people and five-guarantee households in the town should be promoted in a down-to-earth manner."

"It will indeed add burden to the town, but this matter will be doneIt is very meaningful. Even if the province wants to do these things, it is a bit stretched now. "

"Leader, I didn't think much about it. And there are some things that Tiezhu's company can help me do." Han Xiuying said hurriedly.

"That's it. Some of our comrades don't even think about it, but just do their work step by step." Leader Li said with emotion.

"Tiezhu, your company should be run well. Because your company can play a good demonstration role, there will definitely be support. "

"Leader, I feel relieved with your words." Chen Tiezhu said.

"I heard from County Magistrate Gao that you have had preliminary contact with the bank in terms of funds. For your tripartite cooperation, this is indeed very novel." Leader Li continued.

"If there are still problems with funds, just call me and I will help you communicate with the bank. We also have poverty alleviation loans every year, but they are not very helpful to the people. ”

“Don’t worry, I have drawn a line for me to do things, that is, I have to abide by the rules.” Chen Tiezhu nodded with a smile.

“Because although not abiding by the rules can bring a lot of benefits, it also has great risks, which will make me go further and further astray.”

He knew that this was a reminder from Leader Li, who was worried that he would use his connections to take some shortcuts.

“That’s good, you have to eat your food in peace.” Leader Li greeted with a smile.

Today’s affairs have been discussed, and the remaining task is to eat.

Chen Tiezhu took the trouble to prepare such a big table, and it was so delicious, so he couldn’t let it down.

After eating and drinking, and drinking some tea, Leader Li and his team returned to the county.

Such a big leader came out for business this time, so he must be received by the county, after all, there are still some work matters to deal with.

“Tiezhu, you said that you saw a lot of knowledge from the notes and books I gave you. But when I think about it, why don’t I remember that it is in my notes? "

Just after returning to the room, Mr. He said with a smile.

Chen Tiezhu grinned, how can you fool me?

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