After a delicious meal of fried cabbage and green onions with soybean paste, Chen Tiezhu carried his daughter on his back, put the trap into his bag, and walked out of the house with confidence.

Erdaoling is divided into front and back ridges, and Erdaoling Village got its name from this.

In Chen Tiezhu's original memory, the front ridge was a good place for hunting, and the back ridge was not to be dared to go.

Because there were more wild animals on the back ridge, such as wolves, bears, wild boars, etc., even senior hunters did not dare to go there easily.

In fact, the front ridge originally existed, but because of the invasion of people's lives over the years, these wild animals retreated to the larger and deeper back ridge.

"Tofu, big tofu..."

Just as he walked out of the house, the shouting of tofu sellers came faintly, which made Chen Tiezhu smack his lips. It was the tofu from the brine shop.

The tofu sold by Lao Zhaotou was still very good. He used to make tofu in the production team. After the implementation of the contract responsibility system, I contracted a tofu shop.

A piece of tofu weighing about half a pound has also increased from five cents to the current two cents.

Just as I was sighing, Old Zhao came towards me pushing a bicycle.

At that time, selling tofu in the countryside was very simple. Tie a crossbeam on the rear rack of the bicycle and hang two iron buckets. That's it.

This is how it is sold regardless of spring, summer, autumn or winter.

It doesn't matter in summer. In winter, tie two big cotton gloves on the handlebars to keep warm.

In fact, it is also hard-earned money. Don't look at the increase in tofu prices, soybeans have increased in price first.

"Hey, Tiezhu, what are you going to do so early in the morning?" Old Zhao asked curiously.

"Take Doudou to the mountains to hunt." Chen Tiezhu said casually.

His words made Old Zhao not know how to respond.

Chen Tiezhu went hunting in the mountains?

The sun didn't rise from the west today.

"Let's go. The tofu you made is really delicious. I will definitely buy it when I have money." Chen Tiezhu waved his hand.

"Zhuzi, if you want to eat it, I will get you a piece now. Don't take Doudou up the mountain. It's dangerous on the mountain." Old Zhao said hurriedly.

Chen Tiezhu clasped his fists gratefully, "Thank you, I'll just wander around the foot of the mountain."

Then he strode towards the mountain. There were still more simple-minded people in the village.

Old Zhao was worried. Was it because of something that happened last night that made Erluzi angry again? When he met the village chief, he had to say something.

Chen Tiezhu didn't know that Old Zhao was worried about him. Now his mind had drifted into the mountains.

"Chirp chirp... chirp chirp..."

"Chirp chirp, chirp chirp..."

As they got closer to the mountains, the sound of birds in the forest came over.

In this cool morning, it added a bit of tranquility to the mountains.

"Dad, when are we going to hunt rabbits?"

Walking into the woods, Doudou asked curiously.

"Hahaha, don't be so anxious. We have to find the rabbit's footprints first, and then set the trap there. We can't see if we can hunt it tomorrow." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Doudou's happy face wrinkled. He couldn't eat it today...

After taking Doudou for a walk on the mountain for a while, Chen Tiezhu was also very emotional.

It should be said that the mountains and forests of this era have their own unique beauty.

Now standing on the hillside and looking down, Erdaoling Village is in full view.

Listening to the unknown birds, the gurgling stream, watching the rising smoke, the small river around the village..., his mind drifted away.

This is a pure land, a pure land that has not been polluted by the mundane world, just like the green onions he eats, it's fun to look at.

After appreciating the scenery, he also paid close attention.

Next to the bushes on the right, there was a row of small footprints going back and forth. After taking a closer look, he frowned.

Because no matter the original Chen Tiezhu or the current him, they were both very bad at distinguishing footprints. Needless to say, his little hunting experience also came from his predecessor.

But now looking at the reciprocating rabbit footprints, he had a feeling that although these footprints were shallow and few, they were fresh.

He didn't know why he had such a feeling, and he didn't think about it. He took out a small iron shovel from the space, and dug it up with a grunt, grunt, ready to put down the trap.

The serrated trap was used to hunt large animals, and his small trap was used to hunt small animals.

The structure was also very simple, a small square frame with an axis in the middle and separate steel bars on both sides. There was a thin iron plate in the middle with a latch on one side.

The method of use was even simpler.

Dig the pit well and put the trap in. Split the steel bars, press one of them with the pin, and put the top on the thin iron sheet, and that's it.

The rest is to make a fakeCover it with dead leaves and hay... Anyway, it's fine as long as it can fool small animals.

There is no need to worry about being dragged away after hunting animals in the future. There will be a small iron chain at the end of the trap with iron blocks hanging on it.

After the camouflage was done, Chen Tiezhu was also very satisfied.


While admiring it, the sound of flapping wings came from the bushes not far away.

"Dad, Dad, it flew away..."

Doudou shouted nervously with a trace of regret.

Chen Tiezhu looked over and was very upset.

As a novice hunter, he was busy setting the trap, and the pheasant was not far away, but he didn't even notice it.

The pheasant didn't fly too far, and then landed on the ground and continued to look for food.

Chen Tiezhu was so angry. Isn't this too unworthy of himself? He picked up a small stone on the ground and threw it at the pheasant.

This small stone hit the pheasant's head accurately, and Chen Tiezhu was also dumbfounded.

He looked at the pheasant in the distance, and then looked at his hands.

How could he be so good?

Although he often played darts, this distance was obviously much farther than throwing darts...

"Dad, you are so good." Doudou praised happily.

With just this one compliment, Chen Tiezhu had no other thoughts in his mind, and began to pick up stones on the ground.

The success of hunting this pheasant also gave him infinite confidence.

Having learned from the lesson just now, Chen Tiezhu tried hard to search when he left this time.

He listened carefully, and there seemed to be some faint "bang" sounds at the two o'clock direction, which he clearly distinguished from the chaotic bird calls in the forest.

He stopped and looked over. A hare with gray-brown fur was standing up and observing vigilantly.

The sound just now was the sound of it stomping its feet. This must be a male rabbit, because male rabbits have messy feet.

The man and the rabbit made eye contact, and when it wanted to run again, it was too late, and was hit on the head by the stone that Chen Tiezhu threw out.

"Hehe, it's a piece of cake. Doudou, go pick up the rabbit." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

Doudou climbed down from him and ran over happily.

"Dad, dad, the rabbit is so cute. Is it delicious after stewing?" Doudou asked curiously while holding the rabbit's ears.

"Hahaha, don't worry, it's very delicious." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Even though his daughter's words were a little cruel, he still thought his daughter was very cute.

He picked up the rabbit and threw it directly into the space, carried his daughter on his shoulders, and continued to search.

As for the matter of stepping on the trap, he had already thrown it aside.

Is it still necessary?




The sound of flapping wings came from the bushes on the left, and Chen Tiezhu threw the stone in his hand.

The stone hit the pheasant's head accurately, and it only had time to let out a scream.

He had accumulated experience, and his accuracy was also rising sharply.

"Dad, Dad, go pick it up quickly, it's amazing."

Doudou waved his little arms and urged.

The word "amazing" made Chen Tiezhu heroic and full of energy.

Then, Comrade Chen Tiezhu lost himself again in the praise of his daughter...

These days, there are really many wild rabbits and pheasants in the mountains.

Although the villagers of Erdaoling Village occasionally go up the mountain to hunt some, it is still far behind their reproduction rate.

He didn't have any burden in his heart, and he didn't hunt small ones, but only big ones.

In less than an hour, he hunted five hares and four pheasants.

It doesn't seem like a lot. In fact, even some old hunters can't compare to him.

Under normal circumstances, it is good enough to hunt three or two.

If you want to hunt more, you have to use firearms.

This is because his body has become stronger now, otherwise how can there be such a result?

However, hunting with all his attention made him feel a little tired.

It is estimated that this is like hiding from the motorcycle last time, the ability of space is used too much, and the body is a little damaged.

"Dad, why are the tails of pheasants different?"

Doudou, who was carried on his shoulder and played with a pheasant tail feather, asked.

"The one with a long tail is a male pheasant. Those with short tails are female pheasants." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Dad, when will our family raise chickens? The eggs are fragrant." Doudou said, and smacked his lips.

Chen Tiezhu was slightly stunned, "Doudou, do you remember when you last ate eggs?"

Doudou shook his head, "I don't remember."

Chen Tiezhu was silentThe ex-boyfriend really owed his daughter too much.

"Hmph..., hmph..."

After walking forward for a while, a faint sound came from the back of the mountain.

Chen Tiezhu's mind moved slightly. Is this a wild boar? Should he hunt one too?

He put Doudou down and slowly moved over.

When he saw the situation clearly, his mouth opened wide.

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