"Tiezhu? Keep your voice down, don't scare those people."

After seeing that it was really Chen Tiezhu, Li Yinglin lowered his voice.

"Oh, it's okay, they don't dare to make trouble. Why are you here? How is the second master?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Uh..., they don't dare to make trouble?"

Li Yinglin repeated a sentence in a confused manner.

"I have subdued them all. How is the second master?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"The second master was sent to the hospital, and I don't know what happened to the back. Are these people really subdued?" Li Yinglin still asked in disbelief.

"Well, it's okay. It's cold, so hurry up and warm yourself by the fire. In two or three hours, it will be light, and then we will go out." Chen Tiezhu said casually.

After that, he walked towards the fire first.

Seeing him walk so arrogantly, Li Yinglin and the others looked at each other and followed him.

"Li, this comrade is not simple. How did he know we came here?"

As they walked towards the fire, Captain Jiang whispered.

With his reminder, Li Yinglin suddenly remembered.

Yes, in such weather, how did Tiezhu find out that we came here? It has always been quite hidden.

"Tiezhu... Oh my God."

Li Yinglin was about to ask, but now he can see the actual situation of these people.

When they looked from a distance, these people were intact. Now that they are closer and can see clearly, they are so miserable.

They all look the same, and their faces are as swollen as pig heads, and now their original appearance can no longer be seen.

Many people also have injuries on their bodies, either shoulders or thighs, and now they are all wrapped with rags.

What is the most bizarre thing? These people's eyes are dull. Even after seeing them coming, they just look at them woodenly, and then continue to look at the fire.

The mountain wind swept, with a whistling sound. The friction of the branches made a crackling sound. Coupled with the current appearance of these people, Li Yinglin and his men felt cold from the bottom of their hearts.

They began to sweat, but this time it was cold sweat.

"Everyone, warm up by the fire. There is venison here. I will roast some for you to eat. Sit closer, we still have to hold on for a few hours." Chen Tiezhu greeted them enthusiastically.

"Tie, Tiezhu..., what happened to them?" Li Yinglin asked stutteringly.

Even though he was quite courageous, he couldn't speak clearly now.

"Who made them hurt the Second Master? I educated them with love. Now they have deeply realized their mistakes and are reflecting on them." Chen Tiezhu said casually.

Then he took out a deer leg from the bag beside him, cut a stick with his butcher knife, stuck it into the deer leg, and roasted it on the fire.

"Tiezhu, why are they like this? It's so scary." Wang Lifeng asked with a wry smile.

"Look at them now. They were so arrogant at first." Chen Tiezhu said, and then dragged over two big bags.

"These are detonators. They plan to use them to blow up large animals. These bastards are planning to kill all the wild animals in Erdaoling."

He said it casually, but it scared Li Yinglin and the others.

You know it's detonators, why are you still so close to the fire?

Captain Jiang hurriedly dragged the bag over, and it was indeed filled with bundles of detonators.

It's one thing to bring firearms to the mountains for hunting, which is normal. But carrying so many detonators is another matter, which is very serious.

"Old Li, please introduce these comrades. They look very unfamiliar." Chen Tiezhu said as he turned over the roasted deer leg.

"It's because you're so scary that I don't bother to ask." Li Yinglin said.

"This is Captain Jiang from our county bureau. This time, he brought comrades from the county bureau to rescue you. If we had known that you were so powerful, we wouldn't have to suffer this hardship."

"Oh, thank you Captain Jiang, thank you comrades. I'll make a pot of hot soup for you to drink and warm up." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

Jiang Chaoyang was happy, "Now it seems that we are just joining in the fun. Can you tell us how you subdued them all? I'm really curious. And how did you find out that we were here?"

Hearing his words, these people turned their heads to look at him.

Chen Tiezhu didn't care much, and took off the bow given by the second master and the arrow that he had pulled out.

"This is my weapon. Shooting the legs and shoulders is to make them lose their ability to move and fight back." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"This is my job, and I still have some hunting skills. It's notThere is no need to worry about their death, as the wounds have been treated to stop the bleeding. As for whether their lives will be affected after they leave the mountain, that has nothing to do with me. ”

“It was originally a life-and-death battle. If I had shown mercy, you would have been hard when you found me.”

“As for finding you, that’s even easier. Feel the direction of the wind, it’s blowing this way. The crunching sound of your steps on the snow can be heard from far away. "

Li Yinglin opened his mouth, wanting to tell Chen Tiezhu that you are just talking nonsense.

There are some noises when stepping on the snow, but how can you hear it so clearly from such a distance?

But he still couldn't say this rebuttal.

Because facts speak louder than words, after all, it was Chen Tiezhu who "ambushed" them first.

With Chen Tiezhu's ability, if he jumped down from the tree with a butcher knife, they would probably be knocked down by Chen Tiezhu.

"And in the forest, you can't always stare at the ground. You need to pay attention to the open places like the tree." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"This kid finally climbed up the tree. If he hadn't been scared to death, I would have had to spend more time looking for him. He was like a fool, thinking that I couldn't find him if he hid in the tree. "

After saying this, he shook his head in disdain.

Li Yinglin and the others turned their heads again to look at the group of suspects sitting around with everyone. Now looking at their dull eyes and lifeless expressions, each of them looked like an idiot.

At the same time, the creepy feeling in their hearts was magnified again.

Compared to those arrow wounds, the shock that Chen Tiezhu gave them seemed to be the most terrifying.

Chen Tiezhu said it lightly, so they would never think so.

The common thought in their hearts, what happened?

What terrible thing did Chen Tiezhu do to scare these people into idiots?

But everyone was very tactful and didn't ask, knowing that Chen Tiezhu didn't want to say.

"It's OK, sprinkle a little salt and sugar, and we can eat while roasting. "

Chen Tiezhu said, and then, in everyone's surprised eyes, he took out a small box.

After opening it, he took out some refined salt and sprinkled it on the deer leg.

Then he took out another small box, opened it, and found that it was filled with sugar, which he also sprinkled on the deer leg.

Everyone was very curious again, what exactly was in his pocket?

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