"Yes, small individual businesses. Small stalls, small stores, etc., if they work hard, they are no worse than our factories." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Please explain this in more detail. I don't understand it." Gao Xiaoguang asked.

"In fact, people often ignore the small aspects. But there is a good saying that it is called accumulation of small things into a lot." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Our county should be an agricultural county, but the cultivated land area is not outstanding. You said to develop industry? We don't have such a foundation yet."

"If industry and agriculture are not working, how about minerals? There are no mines yet. Our county's foundation is still so thin, and it is obviously too late to continue to invest in industrial development."

"Agriculture can be developed, because I am working on it now. But this will benefit farmers more."

"But what about these people in our city? Which state-owned enterprises can't be saved in time? For example, canning factories, textile factories, etc., what will happen to these people in the future?"

"It is definitely too late to let them farm, and there is not enough land for them. They are all urban residents, and they can't compete with farmers for this."

"Their next way out is the key issue you should consider in the future, right? Just say how many jobs can be solved by the further development of my two factories?"

Gao Xiaoguang nodded. This is indeed a very serious situation to be faced next.

For Changlin County, the current machinery factories and breeding farms can still be saved, but other enterprises cannot be saved at all.

"So I think we can encourage the small commodity economy." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"Do some business with smaller capital, work hard, and accumulate a little. Of course, people must be able to put down their dignity and put aside the prejudice of self-employed people."

"There are some people in our county who used to be gangsters. The last time San Yatou in our village was successfully rescued, it was also because of the clues they helped provide."

"Now they want to turn over a new leaf, so I recommend them to do small business. Sell skewers, open hot pot restaurants, and make money with their own hard work."

"Other people can also do it. They can bring some small commodities from the south. When the weather is warm, the county will find a place to open a night market. In the morning, you can also find a place to open a morning market and sell some vegetables."

"If such small businesses are running, money will be collected from them. "The money will gradually flow from the hands of the low-income groups to the hands of the middle- and low-income groups."

"Because with the advancement of reform and opening up, the trend of widening the gap between the rich and the poor will become more and more obvious. Now it is a regional trend, and it will be the same in our county in the future."

"If my two enterprises are well established, and many farmers are encouraged to grow vegetables and raise chickens with me, then in the future these people's income will definitely be much higher than those employees in the county who have few jobs."

"What kind of situation will appear at that time? These people want to spend money, but they may not have a place to spend it in our county. For example, if they want to buy household appliances or high-end clothes, they can only spend this money in the city."

"Of course, this will happen only after our county's economy has developed to a certain level. For now, some small businesses are just right."

"Before, because my family was poor, I had to think about it even if I needed to buy some items. Now I have some extra money in my pocket, and I can buy some small items whenever I want."

"For example, if I sell vegetables at the morning market, and the vegetables that cannot be eaten in the garden of my rural home are sold for three or five yuan by riding a rickshaw to the county, can I do it?"

"With this money, I can bring a pound of meat and a pound of oil when I go home. Wouldn't I be happy? Even if I change into a pair of cloth shoes, I will be very happy."

"So, my business will be very successful in the future. If you want to make money, whether it is a machinery factory or growing mushrooms or greenhouse vegetables, you have to go out to make money. "

"Because the consumption level in our county is not enough at this stage, there is not such a big market. So I can only think of ways to go to big cities and sell them there in the future."

"Small has its advantages, because it is more flexible. And the threshold is low, and you can try it if you want to do it. Of course, it depends on what the charging standards set by the county are at that time."

"If the charging standards set by the county are more than the money they make from business every day, this small business can't be done."

"The situation you said is also a bit incredible, and there are a lot of articles to do." Gao Xiaoguang said after drinking a mouthful of Yuanxiao soup.

"Yes, the key is to let the money circulate. Once it circulates, people will slowlyLife will be better." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"For example, clothes of the same quality in the market are definitely cheaper than those sold in our malls. Maybe they are not big brands, but they are comfortable to wear."

"Take the cotton jacket, cotton pants and small cotton shoes I bought for Yingzi. If I sell them in the mall, how much will it cost?"

"Oh, you are talking about business, why are you talking about that?" Han Xiuying slapped him in anger.

"I have to think about this matter carefully after I go back, and the charges should be as reasonable as possible." Gao Xiaoguang said.

"After all, this kind of business place will definitely involve management and hygiene, which will incur certain expenses. It must be calculated carefully to make up for the cost."

"It seems that I came here today. I learned a trick from you. If you have any new ideas in the future, just call me directly."

"You flatter me. I just consider it from the perspective of doing business. "Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Next, the county still needs to introduce some policies to simplify some procedures. Otherwise, the entire store now needs to go through a lot of procedures to do some small business."

Gao Xiaoguang nodded, "We really need to implement this matter. We must simplify these procedures as much as possible to prevent the people from taking detours."

"So, in fact, I have long wanted to transfer Comrade Han Xiuying back to the county to be responsible for this work. However, her work in your town has just started, so she needs to slow down a bit."

"In fact, no matter who it is, as long as they can do this job well, it's fine. Yingzi, to be honest, doesn't really care about promotion. "Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Gao Xiaoguang was also happy, and what he said was not bragging.

Just relying on the Han family's family background, even if Han Xiuying is nothing, it will be easy for her to become a department-level or bureau-level cadre in the future.

Not to mention that Han Xiuying is so solid in her work, and is a serious, capable and responsible comrade.

I feel very good, Chen Tiezhu is a good comrade who can be trusted.

At least the top problem in the county is handed over to him to solve, that's no problem.

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