"Manager Chen, congratulations. I really didn't expect the restructuring of these two companies to be approved so quickly."

When they arrived at the bank, President Peng said with a smile.

"To be honest, I didn't expect it to be so fast. I'll just get straight to the point. Can you give me financial support?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"No problem."

President Peng nodded.

"Good guy, so straightforward? I was wondering if you were just perfunctory." Chen Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"Because you have made a very detailed development plan for these two companies, after reading your report, I am also looking forward to the next three-party cooperation." President Peng said with a smile.

"My idea here is to give the machinery factory and the breeding farm a loan of 100,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan respectively in addition to the purchase price. If it's not enough, add more, how about it?"

"Oh my God, what's this for? If you calculate it this way, your bank is almost emptying its assets, right? Aren't you worried that I can't pay it back?" Chen Tiezhu was even more puzzled.

He had a hunch that he could get President Peng's support. But the upper limit in his mind, that is, this acquisition transaction, should be appropriately increased.

Who would have thought that the support would be so great all at once, and the loan amount is really not low.

After all, this is not the future, and there is not much money in the bank now.

"What is there to worry about? Because the main body of your loan is your Jindoudou Company." President Peng said with a smile.

"After investigation, I feel that your mushroom industry and greenhouse vegetable industry will have a very good development momentum in the future. Not to mention, you are supported by the province."

"Don't think you are not very prominent. Many people should regret it now. And even if we put aside the Golden Bean Company, whether it is the medical equipment you want to produce or the future cooperative breeding of the farm, it is a good project."

"If I don't seize the opportunity at this time, I will have to slap my thigh in the future. But we also have to agree that the accounts of these two companies must be kept in our bank."

"In the future, we will also need cash flow. Only in this way can we better carry out our tripartite cooperative loan. In fact, not only do I attach great importance to this matter, but the provincial bank also attaches great importance to our cooperation."

"Okay, I thought I would have to spend a lot of saliva to explain this matter today, but I didn't expect you to be so concerned." Chen Tiezhu said with emotion.

"It will probably take about ten days or half a month to complete the inventory of the assets of the two companies. As for the cooperative loan for mushrooms and greenhouse vegetables, it's up to you. You can start it whenever you want."

"Relatively speaking, the construction cost of a greenhouse is higher than that of a mushroom house. Because a greenhouse requires a large area of ​​plastic film, and you have to make straw curtains outside."

"The most important thing is that this thing can make more money in winter. Even now, I plan to build a few houses on my land to accumulate some experience."

"There is no problem on our side. When you plan to promote it vigorously, our cooperation can be launched." President Peng nodded.

"I really made up a lot of knowledge and asked a lot of friends in the provincial capital. There are indeed some vegetables for sale in the provincial capital in winter, but they are very expensive."

"Take leeks for example. Good ones sell for 1.5 or 2 yuan per pound, which is much more expensive than meat. But there are still relatively few people planting them. What I am worried about is whether it will have a big impact on profits after you plant them in large quantities."

"There will definitely be an impact, but it won't be big." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Because planting has costs, what we have to do at Golden Beans is to lower the cost as much as possible and win by volume."

"At the same time, I will also build cold storage. Even if it is radish and cabbage, if you are fresher, the price can be higher in winter."

"In fact, the future selling price of vegetables depends more on how much our income level can be improved. The more income, the more people will buy in the future."

"So even if the price is adjusted to a certain extent due to the large supply of vegetables, it will not be very large. But after two or three years, the price will be affected more."

"Because more people will see the profits of growing mushrooms and greenhouse vegetables, and want to try to make money together. But if they don't participate in this trial process, it will take at least two or three years to accumulate experience."

"If we participate, it means that we will still control the price. Although our current sales target is only in the provincial capital, in the future, we willWe can also put them in many big cities. "

"Such a small amount of vegetables, if put on the market nationwide, will definitely not be a big deal. When others react and want to do this business, we will have a certain market dominance."

"I feel relieved when you say that. You make money, and our bank also makes some interest, which improves the cash storage situation, which is very good." President Peng smiled and nodded.

"But I am very curious, you have such a good relationship, why didn't you show it earlier? In that case, I think you can talk about these things no matter which bank you go to."

This is indeed what he is curious about, and he is not a closed person. What exactly is the purpose of Leader Li coming here this time? Anyone with a discerning eye knows it.

But he really doesn't understand why Chen Tiezhu is hiding it and making this matter so complicated.

"President Peng, I said earlier that I hope to get a long-term partner. "Chen Tiezhu said.

"If your bank itself does not approve this matter, and only approves the loan because of my relationship, there will be many problems in the future."

"I hope my partners can hold umbrellas in rainy days. Instead of holding umbrellas in sunny days and removing umbrellas in rainy days. When the enterprise encounters problems, they can really help the enterprise overcome difficulties."

"Even I don't have enough confidence to be foolproof in the next production operation. Especially our enterprise may be involved in international competition in the future."

"I think the relationship between us is mutual cooperation, and successful cooperation must be recognized by both parties. I can't need a loan, and you can approve it without looking at anything."

"It can't be that when I really need money, you can also see the development prospects but don't lend me money. In this regard, you should be more active."

"Take the initiative to participate in the adjustment of the enterprise and provide appropriate financial support. This is the real win-win cooperation, because only in this way can your early loans be recovered instead of becoming a bad debt. "

President Peng nodded slowly.

Chen Tiezhu's idea was something he had never thought of before, and it was also a very novel idea.

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