For Li Yinglin and Jiang Chaoyang, this was a very special arrest operation.

They had suffered a lot, but they had never had such an easy time eating.

Not to mention being in the forest on a snowy day, what could they eat at home?

There were roasted deer legs and egg soup in the evening, and the barbecue was sizzling after waking up in the morning.

What else do you want?

Although the thirteen people who were arrested were injured, it did not affect the speed of the large group.

Their original tents were dismantled, and those with injured legs lay on them, and they could be dragged on the snow.

These suspects who had recovered some vitality, as long as Chen Tiezhu's bowstring sounded, would gather all their strength.

Of course, in the end, Chen Tiezhu took on most of the load.

This group hunted a lot of game, and he didn't need to stuff it all into the space, anyway, this thing was not valuable.

The large group marched forward with such determination, and it was not until after four o'clock in the afternoon that they reached the edge of the forest.

"Tiezhu, is that you?"

He Jianguo, who was guarding here, shouted.

"Uncle Jianguo, it's us, Li Suo and the others are here too." Chen Tiezhu replied with his neck stretched.

"Okay, okay, Tiezhu is back, Tiezhu is back." He Jianguo also shouted with his neck stretched, and then ran towards them.

The villagers gathered here also shouted, they were really happy, and they almost told each other.

"Uncle Jianguo, thanks to Li Suo and Jiang Dui, otherwise it would be dangerous, and they couldn't catch them." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

This was also discussed on the way back, and the external statement was that Li Yinglin and his men had arrested people, so as not to cause more discussion among the villagers.

It seems to be a very glorious thing, but it is also easy to leave hidden dangers. After all, this time Chen Tiezhu's injury was really serious.

"Hey..., let's not talk about these things for now, go home quickly and warm up. I've heated up your kang, and I'm looking forward to your return soon." He Jianguo said hurriedly.

"The stoves in the village office are also lit. After we have a good rest, we can talk about these bastards. How come they didn't freeze to death in the mountains?"

"Uncle Jianguo, they will get the punishment they deserve. How is the second master?" Chen Tiezhu asked hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, the second master is still there." He Jianguo slapped his forehead.

"The second master woke up at noon, and Comrade Han called the village. The doctor said that he looks very energetic now, but his body is still a little weak. By the way, Professor Xu and that idle guy have been arranged in the village office."

"That's good, that's good, this life has finally been saved." Chen Tiezhu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Li, Jiang, can you go back later? I plan to make some ginseng soup for the second master to nourish his body. The old man has suffered so much, only drinking this thing can help him recover quickly."

"It's up to you. Anyway, we have to rest before returning to the county. There are so many people, and we have to dispatch a truck." Jiang Chaoyang smiled and nodded.

"That's perfect. Uncle Jianguo, you lead everyone to the village office. The area over there is large and it is convenient to wash and rinse." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"I'll prepare the food at home. When the time comes, we will eat and drink enough, and then rush to the county. Anyway, the second master is fine, so we don't have to worry so much."

"Everyone has suffered a lot to find me. And we didn't have a proper meal. We just roasted some meat in the woods."

This is the final decision, and Jiang Chaoyang has no other opinions.

I was indeed a little hungry. In order to hurry on the road, I just skipped the lunch.

After returning home, Chen Tiezhu also got busy.

He cut off all the remaining four pounds of pork belly in the space, and happily stewed a large pot of pickled cabbage and half a pot of rice.

Then he came to his own toilet and got into the space.

He could not be prepared for someone to come to the house at any time, so it was safer in the toilet.

Now he was really happy.

In fact, he did not hide many things, two clubs wrapped in bark, a rifle, a bag of bullets, and a small cloth bag.

When hunting these people, the rifle brought him the greatest danger.

After subduing these people, he cared most about this gun.

Although there were some signs of age and use, he did not care much about these.

Which man does not love guns? I will be a man with guns in the future.

If he had this thing earlier, he would dare to fight against the wild boars alone.

However, his knowledge of firearms was basically zero. All I can tell is that this is a rifle, just like the one he used during his military training in college.Except that it looks a bit like the one used for target shooting, nothing else can be seen.

After pulling the bolt for a while with a "click, click, click" sound, he finally got rid of the urge to dry it, and then he opened the two rolls of bark again.

These two clubs are also treasures, both of which are more than 30 years old.

One ginseng should have been dug up for some time, and the ginseng whiskers are all dry. The other ginseng looks like it was dug up in Erdaoling, a real raw ginseng.

This one was dug up early, and I can sell it for money when the time comes. The one left outside is even worse, and I can use that one to make ginseng soup for the second master.

In fact, for the second master now, the effects of these three are the same. I dare not put too much, otherwise it will be too weak to be supplemented.

He sprinkled some space water on the remaining one, and wrapped it again. After opening the small cloth bag, he began to count the money happily.

As the old saying goes, a man cannot get rich without unexpected wealth, and a horse cannot get fat without night grass.

Today, Chen Tiezhu made a fortune and enjoyed a good life. The more he counted the money, the happier he was.

A total of 1,383 yuan, and this was in whole bills. He was too lazy to count the dimes.

He picked up a corner of the cloth bag and tipped it gently, and four "big yellow croakers" fell to the ground.

This is not yellow croaker for eating, but the common name for gold bars among the people.

This was searched out from the cotton pants of the boss. For people like them, it would be strange if they didn't have some hidden treasures.

In the Republic of China, gold bars were counted by liang. One liang was small yellow croaker, and ten liang was big yellow croaker. At that time, one liang was 31.25 grams.

Even if he didn't know what the current gold price was, these four big yellow croakers were placed here in a golden color, which was a huge fortune.

But he was a little hesitant, whether to sell them now for money or keep them as a thought.

Anyway, if you want to sell this thing, you should do it as soon as possible. Even if the price of gold will rise in the future, the increase is really not high compared to other commodities.

Not to mention that the purity of gold bars at this time is not as high as that in the future. If they recycle it, they may have to give a discount.

He played with it happily for a while, and then came out of the space.

Just as he walked into the house and prepared to cut ginseng and make soup, He Jianguo rushed over from outside with a hen and a casserole, leading Li Yinglin and others.

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