"Dad, how come this mushroom is still growing in the water? It's so fun, so soft."

Doudou's two little hands were grabbing in the water, and a big smile bloomed on his little face.

Chen Tiezhu didn't say anything, but squatted down and carefully pinched the "mushroom" in the water.

It feels really good.

This "mushroom" is about half the size of a washbasin, the upper part is reddish brown, and the lower part is a little whitish.

He estimated that this thing might be the legendary "meat ganoderma", also known as Tai Sui.

It is said that this thing is made up of bacteria, fungi and slime mold. It is unknown how long it has been here, anyway, it is this big now.

"Dad, it's fun." Doudou said happily.

"Doudou, you have to wash your hands well later. There are bacteria in the water here. There are a lot of small bugs. If you don't wash your hands, they will eat into your little belly." Chen Tiezhu said.

Doudou frowned and looked carefully, but he didn't see the little bug.

Chen Tiezhu shook the water off his hands and looked carefully.

It should be said that the hole here is really big, with an area of ​​about 30 square meters. But in terms of space, it is not so spacious, similar to a loft on the top floor.

That is, the location of the small pool is higher now, and it gets lower as it goes to the periphery.

And you can see that there is a small waterway next to this puddle, about one foot wide. The source of the water is a hole under the rock wall that is half a meter long and about 20 centimeters high.

What made him particularly noticeable was that he couldn't see the end of the water.

It was as if the water that flowed in, after flowing into the small pool, directly seeped into the ground.

With this discovery, he really paid attention to this small pool, which was indeed quite extraordinary.

It was also because the cave was tortuous and the light was not very good, so it could only be vaguely seen. Now, with the flashlight shining, the bottom of the water glows green.

Going further down..., the flashlight is not bright enough.

As the old saying goes, clear water is shallow, deep water is green, and black water is deep.

This Erdaoling really has many mysteries.

"Dad, dad, wash your hands and eat." At this time, Doudou handed over his little hand.

Chen Tiezhu took out the basin and soap from the space, and the father and daughter washed happily.

On the contrary, Ms. Leopard was very curious, wondering how this thing came out.

It should be said that Chen Tiezhu prepared everything in the space, and nothing was missing.

The charcoal fire was lit, and the chicken and mushroom stew was stewed directly, and a small pot of rice was also simmered.

With the light of the flashlight, he looked at the cave again.

It is indeed interesting.

I haven't paid attention to the ground just now, and this ground is also a bit unusual. There are actually water marks on the edge of the cave.

This means that when the water outflow from the cave mouth is greater than the speed of the pool seepage, the lower part of this seemingly dry cave will also be filled with water.

Chen Tiezhu has no idea what principle caused such a situation, but he only knows that nature is really amazing.

"Dad, did you find the person?" Doudou asked again.

"Dad, where can we find him? After dinner, let's continue to look for him. If we still can't find him, we will come back here to sleep at night." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Well, sleep well. Can we take the big leopard home to play? It has never slept on the kang." Doudou asked again.

"That won't work. If it goes to the village, it will scare the chickens, ducks and geese, and they will not dare to lay eggs." Chen Tiezhu said.

Doudou frowned, and his face was somewhat unhappy because he couldn't take the big leopard home.

Fortunately, the aroma of the chicken stewed in the pot also wafted out at this time, which somewhat diverted Doudou's attention.

Although the little guy thought that playing with the little animals was important, eating meat was more important.

The little animals at home were also lying down obediently. They were very stable in their hearts, knowing that they didn't have to worry about eating and drinking.

Finally, after waiting until the dishes were stewed and the rice was cooked, Doudou directly handed over his small bowl.

"Little greedy cat." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

First, he put a little rice in the little guy's small bowl, then scooped some vegetables into it, and finally put chicken thighs and a few pieces of chicken on it.

The little guy was very satisfied, and there had to be more meat.

Not to mention, it was the same meal, but now eating outside, Doudou felt that whether it was chicken, mushrooms, vermicelli, or potatoes, it was more delicious than eating at home.

The little spoon took rice and vegetables, one spoon after another, and there was no chicken bone.After a while, a small pile of meat was piled up.

"Big Leopard, play with Doudou, and you can eat meat. Isn't it delicious?" After eating almost everything, Doudou began to persuade Big Leopard again.

Ms. Leopard, who had already eaten a full meal of white-striped chicken, looked at Doudou and narrowed her eyes.

"Dad, big leopard, why doesn't it want to eat meat?" Doudou asked in some confusion, and took another bite of the chicken leg.

"Because it is used to living in the wild, it can last for a long time after eating a full meal. It's not like we eat frequently at home, so we eat in meals." Chen Tiezhu said patiently.

"So, it doesn't mean that it will be happy if we bring it to our house. It likes to live freely outside, and it can't run away from our house."

"Just look at how long its tail is. It can climb trees. There are no trees in our house. We have to plant one for the little leopard in the future so that it can practice climbing trees."

"Yes, it has to climb trees. Doudou can climb trees. Dad, what is the little squirrel doing now?"

When it comes to climbing trees, Doudou thought of the little squirrel that was confiscated by his house, and asked hurriedly.

"It should also live freely. If there is nothing to do, it will sleep in its home." Chen Tiezhu said.

He was a little helpless in his heart. Why did he mention climbing a tree?

When his daughter thought about it, what should she do if she missed visiting the little squirrel?

Fortunately, the little guy just said it casually, and then held the small bowl and ate obediently.

At this time, Chen Tiezhu discovered a problem that he had overlooked.

The space in this cave is not small, but the smoke he made just now is not small.

But where did all the smoke go?

He and Doudou never felt suffocated or choked, and that's why he noticed it now.

This is really a magical cave. Not only is there a bottomless pool, but there is also the legendary Tai Sui in the pool.

Maybe there are other holes on the rock wall of this cave, otherwise the smoke would not be so clean.

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