"But if we really want to recruit so many people at once, it will bring great pressure to the expenses of Jindoudou Company."

Liu Dayou said with some concern.

"It's nothing, according to the current salary standard in our county, it's not much." Chen Tiezhu said.

"With the advancement of reform and opening up, more and more people will definitely find their own way out. You are like these three people, their original jobs are not very conspicuous, and you can look at the foreign language item below."

Liu Dayou hurriedly took the materials handed over by Chen Tiezhu, "I do remember these three people, but they are now all clerks of the factory office, and they seem to be a little young, and the evaluation of the leaders is not particularly good."

"You have such considerations, and it is reasonable." Chen Tiezhu said.

"But when we do the investigation, we should also weigh the information we get more comprehensively. The three of them are college students, two of them can speak Russian, and one can speak English."

"After returning to our county, they were temporarily arranged to work in the factory office because their majors were not suitable. How many college students are there in our county?"

"Why are they not very well evaluated by the leaders? Is there a reason that they are a little self-righteous because of their high cultural level?"

"Well..., in fact, I have such an idea, but I didn't dare to say it." Liu Dayou said.

"Just like Uncle Jianguo's son, he also graduated from a technical secondary school. It was because Deputy Minister Ma saw it, so he suppressed it and never assigned important work."

"Yes, but we have to think about it. There are two reasons for such a consequence." Chen Tiezhu said.

"The first reason is that they are not good enough and have high expectations but low skills. The second reason is that they have real talent and are not used to the management and operation of state-owned enterprises."

"The most important point is that our future products will have the opportunity to go global. So for foreign language talents, the degree of desire is relatively high."

"They can have their own aloofness, but if we can have people who know foreign languages ​​in the future contact with foreigners, won't it be more convenient?"

"Oh..., this is my fault. I forgot to consider this aspect." Liu Dayou said hurriedly.

In a small sense, he did not have such vision and could not keep up with Chen Tiezhu's thinking. After all, there are not so many jobs to be recruited now, and there are also skill restrictions.

But in a big sense, this is also a work mistake of his. After all, he is also clear about some of Chen Tiezhu's plans, and this time he really did not consider it.

"This matter is nothing. The ones you selected earlier can fully support the development of our company at this stage." Chen Tiezhu waved his hand.

"While considering these, we must also consider the issue of future talent reserves. Recruiting people as needed is indeed very convenient and can also save the company's expenses."

"But when we encounter an urgent and urgently needed position, the people we recruit now may not be useful. Even if they are useful, their sense of belonging to the company will be worse."

"In the future, I am not really afraid of how arrogant he is in our company's employment principles. If he can meet our employment requirements and create more profits and reduce losses for our company, then we will use him."

"But in key management positions, he must have a sense of belonging and responsibility for our company. I don't need him to think about our company's affairs every day except when he sleeps, but I need him to be truly serious and responsible when he works."

"This is also a consideration for internal promotion in our company in the future. In fact, just like many of our state-owned enterprises now, the energy spent on internal consumption is used In the development of the enterprise, it is definitely not like this now. "

"You can fight for power, but you must first be responsible for the company. Being in a leadership position, maybe his work is not as good as the employees under him, but he can deploy the people under him well, which is also okay."

"In fact, this is also a new definition of talent. For example, the workshop director may have workers at level 5, level 6, or even level 7 or level 8, and he is only level 4."

"But it doesn't matter. He can complete the tasks assigned to their workshops on time and manage them in an orderly manner, then he is qualified."

"Being in a leadership position does not necessarily mean that he is a very professional person, but his management methods must be in line with the requirements. Otherwise, the department under him will definitely be in chaos."

Listening to Chen Tiezhu's words, Liu Dayou rubbed his face, "Now I realize that there are so many ways to manage. Tiezhu, now we areLet's talk behind closed doors."

"I know you're flattering me, so you gave me the position of vice president. But judging from today's recruitment, my thoughts are a bit outdated."

"Well, I'll help you get through this period. Then you can find someone suitable, someone like Director Cui and Deputy Director Hou, who are qualified to be the vice president, okay?"

"What are you thinking about? I was inspired when I saw the materials of these applicants today." Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

"But I really can't handle it." Liu Dayou said with a wry smile.

"I haven't exercised much these days, and my weight has dropped. It's the recruitment that worries me, and I always want to select the best for our company."

"Then listen to what you said today, because of some of my ideas, I almost wasted a lot of talents. At least I have to sort out the remaining people again. ”

“There will be many important jobs in the company in the future. If I make a mistake, it may cause great losses to our company.”

“Your business is actually very different from the work I have been involved in before. I…”

Chen Tiezhu waved his hand and interrupted him, “Are you a man? Are you so cowardly? Do it first, and give you a year to adapt.”

“If you still feel that you are not competent for the work assigned to you after a year, then you can choose a suitable position yourself.”

“I use you not because of our good relationship, but because I value your ability to communicate with the outside world. In the future, our company will deal with departments and institutions of all sizes. Why do you still want me to go?”

“As for the ability to manage, no one is born with it. In fact, I am not very good at it. You can slowly explore it yourself. In order to save some trouble in the subsequent work, I will go to the county again and talk to Lao Gao. "

After saying that, Chen Tiezhu walked out of the office again.

Liu Dayou opened his mouth, wanting to shout but unable to, and felt anxious.

Chen Tiezhu was really kind to him.

Chen Tiezhu rushed to the county in a hurry.

After seeing these materials, he became a little worried. Because of some of the reasons in the past, those people would not be able to resign smoothly.

This matter really needs Gao Xiaoguang's help.

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