"Actually, this matter is quite simple, not as complicated as everyone imagines." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Since we are talking about this, I will talk a little more. Don't be idle with your work, I can also help move bricks and so on, we must make Lao Zhao's work complete."

Everyone laughed when they heard his words.

Indeed, everyone stopped their work just now, wanting to hear what Chen Tiezhu's secret to making money is.

"I have told people this more than once or twice these days." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"What is it actually? It is a change in thinking. For example, we used to cultivate the fields to make a living, which is an instinct."

"We are now starting to grow mushrooms, which means we have begun to change. What are we changing to? A change in business behavior."

"The grain we usually grow is either sent to the grain depot or taken to the market. Those who raise more pigs will buy this stuff, because it is more or less a restricted commodity."

"But our mushrooms are different. We can sell them at will. We can sell them however we want and wherever we want."

"But here, because a certain profit has been generated, there are certain risks. That's why I put everyone selling mushrooms. Take it over and minimize the risk as much as possible. "

"Now I am leading everyone to grow mushrooms. Who knows, next year someone will lead others to grow mushrooms. With more mushrooms, the market price will definitely be suppressed."

"But if you grow dozens or hundreds of square meters of mushrooms, you can't build a cold storage just because you are worried that the price will be low in the future and it will be difficult to sell, right?"

"For everyone, this is a nonsense idea, but it is no problem for me. I have to bear the transportation costs for the difference I earn, and I have to deal with price changes in the market, and I have to do a good job of storage."

"It is precisely because of this that everyone is willing to give mushrooms to me to sell in the future. Because they also see the potential risks during the period, this is also a transformation of our thinking."

"As for Lao Zhao, he is now making tofu and selling it in our village, which is also to make a living. He gets up early and works late at night to earn hard-earned money."

"In our village, he knows how much tofu to make in a day with his eyes closed. Most of the time, it is not enough to sell. Because he has a book in his mind and will not lose money."

"But if it is expanded, it becomes a normal business behavior. The profit is huge. The money earned from making tofu in one day can catch up with the money sold in our village for a month."

"But then, it will face the same problem as us selling mushrooms. He also said, what should we do if we can't sell it? Where to store it in summer?"

"When you ask me, I will tell you my thoughts. Lao Zhao's tofu is good, but no matter how good it is, you have to let others know. "

"Going to the farmers' market in the county to sell is a sales channel. What about the restaurants in the county? Do they need dried tofu? If they do, how can they know that our dried tofu is good?"

"If it were me, I would make some first, not expecting to make money, and send it to each restaurant one by one. If they think it tastes good and approves it, they will naturally order from you, and you can calculate the quantity. "

"But you have to control the price yourself. We have to make money, and restaurants have to make money too. You can't just lower the price to make restaurants buy more."

"Because if you lower the price, the tofu makers in the county will quit. Then you lower the price, and I lower the price, and I lower the price. "

"After lowering the price back and forth, one restaurant lost everything. It's a small business, who can withstand such a toss? This is also the purpose of my building a cold storage, we can't fall into this. "

Listening to his words, everyone nodded. This is the secret of doing business. Who can think so deeply?

"Then, since it is a business, then there must be appropriate investment." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"At least your family alone will not be able to make so much tofu in the future. If the output is increased, how many times will you have to boil it in this pot?"

"So, in the future, you will definitely have to add people and equipment. These are the necessary investments. Treat it as a serious business. No matter what the market is, you must ensure the quality. "

"No matter what kind of business you do, if the quality of the product cannot be guaranteed, a large number of customers will be lost in the future. In this case, don't expect to make money in the future, it's just a matter of how much you lose. "

"That's basically it. You have to change your thinking.Think. After careful preparation, take this step boldly. Don't just do whatever you want when you are impulsive. You must make a good plan. "

"You may make money if you act aggressively. But it will be difficult to control the future development, and you will be upset when the time comes."

"Tiezhu, you are right. I will think about it and see if I can make this business." Old Zhao nodded.

"Old Zhao, you are lucky this time. Tiezhu said it so clearly. It's just that I don't know how to make tofu, otherwise I will follow you."

"That's right. According to this method, you, Old Zhao, will be very famous in the future. Even if you sell it casually in the county, you can sell dozens of kilograms of dried tofu a day, right?"

"If this is done well, Uncle Zhao will be the second big boss in our village in the future. "


The helpers all started to joke.

In this matter, even they understood, just follow Chen Tiezhu's instructions.

It is definitely hard, but you want to make money, so why are you afraid of hard work?

Tiezhu said it very well, this is a change in thinking. If you don't change, when can you make money? Just rely on farming? That's a dream.

Old Zhao was also very happy. He never thought that one day, his seemingly worthless craft could make him rich.

"Tiezhu, uncle won't be polite to you, and uncle will take care of your tofu in the future." Old Zhao said.

"Hahaha, that won't work." Chen Tiezhu laughed.

"It's the first time I know that making tofu is so hard. It's not easy for you to make this money. How can I take advantage of it? Anyway, don't sell it in our village when your business becomes big. ”

“Sometimes I am too lazy to eat in the morning, so I pick up a piece of tofu and mix it with soybean paste. It is also very delicious. When your business is established in the future, you can also develop other soy products.”

“But it depends on you, because I don’t know much about these, I just know how to eat. It’s almost time, shouldn’t we have dinner at home?”

“Let’s have dinner, let’s have dinner, buy big fish and stew tofu. Thousands of boiled tofu and ten thousand boiled fish, it must be delicious at this time.” Old Zhao said excitedly.

Everyone also laughed and felt the happiness of Old Zhao.

It seems that my own thinking must also change, and I must work hard to make more money and live a better life.

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