March 14, 1987, Saturday. For many people, this is a very ordinary day.

Those who have jobs have their own expectations in their hearts. Tomorrow is Sunday and they can have a good rest at home.

Those who don’t have jobs don’t have any other thoughts. They just have to live their lives as they should.

But for the workers of Changlin County Machinery Factory and Breeding Farm, today has a different meaning.

It’s not just the workers of the machinery factory who are looking forward to Chen Tiezhu’s acquisition, the same is true for the breeding farm.

Those who are capable have taken this opportunity to adjust their jobs. Those who are not capable don’t want to follow in the footsteps of the machinery factory in the future.

Today is the day for the signing. The workers of the machinery factory and the breeding farm gathered in the auditorium of the machinery factory, which is the venue for the signing ceremony.

“Leader, are you still dealing with that reporter’s question?” Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

“We have to deal with it. After all, there is a lot of discussion about your acquisition of these two companies.” Gao Xiaoguang nodded.

"In fact, we also want to send a signal to the outside world through this signing. You should be more restrained and don't say everything."

"Leader, it depends on what they ask." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

"Anyway, you are smart, you can do it yourself." Gao Xiaoguang said helplessly.

This is indeed the case, and it is indeed risky. But what can he do? The province is paying close attention to this place now.

"Leader, Manager Chen, the time is almost up."

At this time, Liu Dayou rushed over to notify.

"Then go on stage, anyway, you have to cut this knife. Have you prepared the meal after the event?" Chen Tiezhu said.

"It has been arranged in the cafeteria." Liu Dayou nodded with a smile.

"Okay, everyone, let's march in step." Chen Tiezhu greeted happily.

In fact, there are quite a few people, and Team Leader Sun from the province was also invited to attend.

When he came to the stage, Chen Tiezhu was still very satisfied.

Although the facilities in the auditorium are a bit old, they are well decorated. There are also many people sitting below, and some comrades are sitting in the aisle.

"Comrades, hello, I am Gao Xiaoguang."

What surprised Chen Tiezhu was that Gao Xiaoguang actually picked up the microphone directly.

"I am very excited today. Even if I don't introduce the situation of the machinery factory, everyone knows it very well. This time, the county's machinery factory and breeding farm signed a cooperation agreement with the Golden Bean Agricultural Development Company."

"In the following operations, the county will hold a 30% dividend right in these two companies. This is a bold attempt. The cooperation with the Golden Bean Company has also brought new opportunities for the development of these two companies."

"At the same time, on behalf of the county and the employees of these two companies, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Golden Bean Company for standing up when we are facing difficulties."

"Next, please invite Comrade Chen Tiezhu, the manager of the Golden Bean Company, to say a few words to everyone. After all, many people are still very curious about who our partners are."

After that, Gao Xiaoguang smiled and handed over the microphone.

Chen Tiezhu had no choice but to stand up, take the microphone and wave to the people below.

The reporters would not miss this opportunity, their cameras were clicking and flashes were flashing.

Indeed, many people did not know who Chen Tiezhu was. This Golden Bean Company was also unknown, and no one knew where it came from.

"Hearing the praise from the leader, I felt that the burden on my shoulders was much heavier in an instant." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Here, I would also like to express my gratitude to the county. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to make some new attempts."

"The leader just said that this is a cooperation between our Golden Bean Company and the county. Since it is a cooperation, it can only be achieved under the premise of ensuring a win-win vision."

"We have funds and projects, and the county has enterprises, so the county gave our company this opportunity. And our Golden Bean Company is actually a company mainly engaged in agricultural production."

"At present, our company's main business is the cultivation of edible fungi and the cultivation and development of cash crops. In the future, we will take into account some other agricultural production."

"Some people will say that you are an agricultural company, and you can be connected with the breeding farm. You are not in the same group with the machinery factory, right?"

"Indeed, we are not in the same group, but I saw an opportunity to make money, so I certainly can't just watch, right? These two are Director Cui of the machinery factory and Deputy Director Hou Jingfu, who I hired to be in charge of technology."

Hearing his introduction, Director Cui and Hou Jingfu also hurriedly stood up and bowed to everyone.

The flash lights flashed againThe first time it lit up, this is also the main character.

The workers of the machinery factory responded strongly, and applause broke out.

"The machinery factory will enter a transformation period. Our main production project will no longer be ordinary machinery parts processing, but will enter the field of medical device production." Chen Tiezhu continued after the applause subsided.

"Deputy Director Hou Jingfu has many years of work experience in the field of medical devices. At the same time, he has also participated in the research and development, production and management of many companies."

"Not to mention Director Cui, an old comrade with many years of management and production experience. The next machinery factory will also be handed over to the two of them to manage, which can be said to be a perfect match."

"As for the breeding farm, we will also expand the breeding scale in the future. At the same time, we will also seek new business models. Our goal is to supply the county people with sufficient and high-quality meat, eggs and poultry."

"And the breeding farm will also be in a transition period. The person in charge of the breeding farm is also a veteran. He is the former director of the breeding farm, Comrade Liu Dayou."

Liu Dayou stood up in a hurry. Although his belly was smaller, it was still a bit difficult to bow. He also tried his best.

When it came to him, although the flash lights were still enough, the applause was less.

Chen Tiezhu nodded to Liu Dayou calmly, indicating that he should not worry.

"Leader, I have also introduced this side. Is it formal to sign the contract?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Okay, let's sign the contract officially."

Gao Xiaoguang also stood up.

The next process was simple. Sign the agreement, exchange and sign again, and take a photo holding the agreement.

It should be said that after signing, Chen Tiezhu's heart was also at ease. These two companies were finally in his hands.

"Next, it's time for reporters to ask questions. Give half an hour."

Gao Xiaoguang said with a smile.

This is what they were waiting for. The reporters raised their hands.

"Everyone is very enthusiastic, the third comrade from the left."

Gao Xiaoguang, who is addicted to being a host, said.

"Manager Chen, I have a question, where does your confidence come from." The reporter said.

"Whether it is Director Cui or Director Liu, they are the original leaders of these two companies. The decline of the business operations is also gradually revealed under their management."

"At the same time, Comrade Liu Dayou resigned on his own before. This time you hired him as the main leader of the breeding farm. Is there any special meaning?"

As soon as this question was asked, the whole auditorium fell silent in an instant.

This question is very sharp. In fact, even many employees in the farm don't understand why Liu Dayou is still used.

And many people who are interested can also hear that this question is also a hook, and it is not so easy to answer.

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